Rep. Adam Schiff: Why Is Bolton Willing To Come Forward Now? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Intel Committee Chair, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., discusses the defense from Trump's attorneys on the sixth day of the impeachment hearings, the need for John Bolton as a witness and why he says now is time for political courage. Aired on 01/28/20.
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Rep. Adam Schiff: Why Is Bolton Willing To Come Forward Now? | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @sota pop
      Oh sweetheart, let me help you.
      President Trump impeded the investigation by not knotting the lynch rope and jumping joyfully on the horse.

      By getting the job as President, Trump never gave up a single Constitutional right.

      A. Due process. The defendant does not have to help the state convict him.
      B. Presumption of innocence. In this country you don’t start with guilty and work back to the evidence.

      Remember when the Republican congressman asked the 3 or 4 State Dept hacks if they could tell him what impeachable act the President had committed?
      Remember how they all sat there like statues? Stone silent.

      You are being gaslit. There is a huge universe of real data out there that the fake news is hiding from you.

      Not too long from now it will come out.
      Rachael Madow and Joy Behar lie repeatedly. Why do you folks never learn?

    2. @Rodney Estes ask his sons how much has @impeached45,s portfolio increased by not draining the swamp? Crawl back under ur rock before the sky falls in on u.

    3. More likely Vindmans brother hid & held until now. Half the nation isn’t stupid and we don’t believe it is just a coincide that this “leak” just showed up,by an anonymous source to the NYT who is very biased against Trump. It was a coincide Schiff started this will a FAKE LYING fabricated story of the transcript he led the nation to believe was the real transcript.He lied that he didn’t know the whistleblower. Then when it was found out SCHIFFS STAFF had talked with the so called whistleblower before turning in paperwork to the IG suddenly the not real whistleblower (just heard gossip) was no longer important because being transparent Trump released the transcript which clearly states he was asking for US- the United States for help with possible corruption. It’s disturbing that after 3 years of hateful people doing all they can to kick him out of office,after half the nation voted him in, they twist words into something evil. INJUSTICE is denying the President due process, right to an attorney in the House and denying the GOP some questions to witness as Schiff,as judge,jury & prosecutor decided. This is wrong. This is trampling on the Constitution. It is making a sham out of our impeachment process & setting up a HORRIBLE PRECEDENT for ALL FUTIRE PRESIDENTS NO MATTER WHAT PARTY. This is the USA, not a communist nation. To continue on with this as if it has been a legit, legal process is SO very wrong. This must stop or we can be doing this with every President in the future. Impeachment is only supposed to be for extremely serious crimes, not on assumptions,presumption or an anonymous source that supposedly leaked some to to a newspaper. I don’t think it’s a coincidence Trump was impeached the day before anniversary of Clinton’s impeachment. Nor was it a coincidence Pelosi did the Mardi Gras parade with souvenirs pens the same day President Trump was signing the China Trade deal. These were planned, just as this most recent “explosive” leak was planned for during the defense part of this hearing. This is not only an attempt to overthrow the 2016 election that’s been ongoing for 3 years, it’s an attempt to disparage Trump and ruin his chances in 2020 election. This is wrong.

    1. No they won’t. This hurts the Democratic party’s standing with tons of their own supporters, or former supporters I should say.

  1. What a mess, I just hope this is the first and last time we get a Trump as president. The system is truly broken.

    1. @Helen Garrett So true. The cost we would pay of another four years of Trump would be far greater than any bitterness the country might feel if he’s impeached or defeated. But keep in mind that if Trump is defeated this year narrowly or otherwise, he is NOT going to concede graciously and leave office. You think he’s shredding the Constitution now? Just wait until the sh#* storm that we are going to have to deal with if he loses.

  2. Congrats and respect to Schiff and all others who take on, not trump, but the president of USA. pure bravery.

    1. Adherence to the oath to protect and defend the Constitution does take some courage — less for those who are law-abiding to begin with.

    2. @Dae Dotfan19 You can always tell a compassionate person. This president doesn’t even have a pet like the others presidents and when have you ever seen him taking a nature hike with his young son,or golfing,swimming,fishing with him? Has he visited his school? Do they go out for ice cream together? Does he know his sons favorite song? The Obama’s would go out to the gardens together and plant fresh vegetables, take day trips,visit the homeless shelters, the girl’s schools and meet their friends. They would have dinner together at night then make it a movie night at the whitehouse. Those days seem to be over for a president to set good examples for the people that he/she serves.

  3. Hmm…I remember a time when Republicans considered themselves “strict constructionists” in regards to the Constitution…

    1. @brian gardner Tell us all what you really think—Don’t worry about being kind or having respect for anybody that disagrees with you. America wasn’t built for freedom of different opinions—We’re supposed to believe what Trump and fox say!

  4. Let this be no mistake the American people want to hear from the witnesses too much has come out Pandora Box is open you cannot hide what is done in the dark will come to light we the people want to hear Witnesses in the 61 years that I’ve been in this world a republican any trial dealing with what’s going on has to have witnesses if not it’s corrupt and the Republicans I would not be a republican anymore anymore I’m done with Republicans

    1. @J Nagarya FAKE!!!

      It’s the HOUSE who calls the witnesses to see if the Prez is going to be IMPEACHED, not the Senate, and the HOUSE CEASED the subpoena process. I just posted this FACT!!!
      If you’re going to debate this FARCE at least learn the Constitutional process.

    2. @whatsyurprob ? lol, Trump was impeached on the 18th of December 2019. Google it up, if you don’t believe me :-).

    3. @purple rain purple rain One more thing, snowflake. It doesn’t matter where a FACT comes from. If you can’t admit that, there’s no hope for you or this debate. A FACT IS A FACT, REGARDLESS!!!

    4. Larrin I feel you, am too a republican and I feel is the end of the Republican Party I wouldn’t put a republican in charge of my lawn

    1. What really matters is that Bolton is speaking up and telling the truth. It doesn’t matter his motives or that he’s trying to sell a book as long as the stuff is true

    2. Vlodec It’s hilarious to me that war-mongering Bolton is suddenly the hero of the Left. 🤣 How many “bombshells” are you going to fall for?

    3. I think the real reason Bolton is stepping up now is too push his book. It is getting/WILL GET TONS of free advertising.

  5. 💙 WH got the book on 12/30/19 and they hid it… Trump’s WH cronies are actively trying to cover up. I am grateful to whoever leaked this part of Bolton’s book and also to the whistleblower. Our real heroes 💙

  6. Trump thinks he, himself, is all powerful leader – that can’t be in a democracy and its structures. He does not have intelligence to understansd that.

    1. @Robert Coutts because they themselves have there Fingers in Derty pies as well ! And they want it to all stay hidden away, !

    2. @john carioscia didn’t you know? Every liberal is a mind reader. They can tell just what you are thinking even if you’re not thinking it.

    3. @Logical Psycho Every Liberal is a Socialist freeloader, if they have a thought they should treat it kindly, it’s in a strange place.

  7. Adam Schiff will go down in history as a legend who stood up against authoritarianism, sycophancy and general idiocy 👏

  8. Trump must be removed from office otherwise he will feel emboldened to continue the violation of the people’s trust and constitution. The world is watching

    1. @Nobody in America cares about the Impeachment farce yes he might win 2020 with the help of Putin BV and the Moronic Maga hat wearing Ignorant Low IQ Poorly Educated Swamp dwellers, If he does its. GOODBYE AMERICA


  9. “the american people know better” unfortunately a percentage of people do not know better, be better

    1. A percentage of people are dumb, ignorant, sleeping, confused, been hoodwinked, been used and too stupid to know it. They are called trump supporters.

    2. Be better? I thought it was “Be best”. Nice to know the First Gold digger uhhh i mean First Lady has had such a great impact in her anti cyberbullying campaign. 😏🤔

    1. @ChasingDogma Schiff is not a Prosecutor and he was called to testify. He was petrified and ran away. He couldn’t even back his own allegations at the House. You don’t believe me?! …then ask yourself – why the Dems threw his “whistleblower” and the original charge in the trash can!

    2. @Leonie Romanes

      Here is why you are wrong about the facts and right about being terrified:

      “The poll found that 55 percent of voters rate the economy as excellent or good—the highest it’s been in 19 years.

      According to the poll, a new high of 20 percent say the economy is in “excellent” shape, up six points since October. This is a huge shift from the Obama years. In fact, a mere 3 percent rated the economy “excellent” during Obama’s final full month in office.

      Despite the efforts of Democrats to credit Obama for the economy, voters just don’t see it that way. When voters were asked open-endedly who they credit for the economy’s current strength, 42 percent credited Trump and the Republicans, while

      only 9 percent credited Obama and the Democrats.”

      See that 9%?

    3. @J Nagarya Yes! 75% want the Fake, Recruited “whistleblower”, his Recruiter and Handler, CRIMINAL FRAUD Adam Schiff, and the Dirty Bidens to the witness stand!

    4. @Mind Freshener The Bidens smears have been investigated — and there is nothing there.

      All the rest of your fact-free rant is bunk.

      75 per cent want RELEVANT witnesses, moron. The Articles of Impeachment allege crimes by Trump. None of those you name are relevant to those charges.

      And NONE of your smears against those you name have any EVIDENTIARY BASIS. They are BASELESS.

      You want DUE PROCESS, crybaby? Then learn how it works, instead of trashing the Constitution and rule of law.

      “Justice and the rule of law are to be ABOVE politics.” — John Adams.

  10. Trump ruins careers,reputations why would anyone be affiliated with him. Come on John Bolton do the right thing for your country. Your neighbour 🇨🇦

    1. Bolton was fired. Show me one person that was fired and said I respect my boss for firing me?? The answer is nobody!!!

    2. Careful Carole. Lots of butt hurt Trumpanzees trolling this fine establishment, flinging their poop and screeching in frustration at their neighbours.

  11. For quite some time the GOP has been in large part a group of immoral cowards: supporting BIG tobacco, BIG pharma, health insurance companies and not health coverage for all of us, guns, and now Russia helping the GOP to cheat their way into office. The GOP is the evil side of good versus evil.

    1. He is also thinking about messing with entitlements, food stamps, Social Security, medicare- enough is enough of trump!

    2. @Thomas Fletcher The pallet of money that was sent to Iran during the Obama admin. was Iranian money that we held back when they were acting like a-holes, when they stopped acting like that, we just gave them their money back. It never cost us anything, Now they are a-holes again because we killed the 2nd man in government, the equivalent to then harming the Vice President. I am grateful that a war didn`t start and we need to let the middle east figure out their own way. They have been fighting for decades among themselves.

    1. @aussie jim I’m starting to see a pattern in these comments. It’s the same idiots who go on every thread with misleading info. Most likely to try to trick people into thinking their information is correct, remind you guys of any administration we know? Ignore them, they have no facts, they spout rubbish. All of the evidence has made this clear as night and day, do not let them try to steer you from the truth just like the president, vote blue all the way my fellow Americans!

    1. @Andrew Brent Sanders would be destroyed in a week. And Republicans who don’t want Trump would vote for him before they’d vote for a Socialist.

    2. @Rod Allen There was plenty of Russian collusion. How about Don Jr. meeting with Russians at Trump tower for dirt on Hillary Clinton? How about Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager giving internal polling data to Russian officials. Mueller basically said he was guilty but that he couldn’t indict a sitting president.

    3. @Vincent Graham more insults, no substance, move on people, just another ignorant Trump supporter, nothing to see here

    1. @Nobody in America cares about the Impeachment farce is your implication : he lied in the book – to sell the book ?

    2. ​@one flower ninja magic
      Uh yeah…………
      Here’s a thought experiment:
      Hillary was issued a Federal subpoena. It was for her emails. In this subpoena, she was told not to destroy any of them but to put them on a drive and give them to the AG…….James Comey.

      Hillary Clinton destroyed 33,000 of them. Totally destroyed.
      That is destroying evidence in an investigation. It is a felony.

      Nothing happened. What was her excuse? ‘They were personal, yoga classes and my daughter’s wedding plans.’ 33,000 pics of yoga poses and wedding cakes?

      Nothing to see here folks. Move along. Nothing about selling my sec of State office for billions. Move along.

      Nothing happened. Comey just went to lunch and forgot about the 33,000 subpoenaed pieces of Federal evidence.

      Get back with me when you figure that out.
      The DC bandits own the legal system. If you are a democrat, you are safe.

    3. @Nobody in America cares about the Impeachment farce You answered my question w yes. Then you go to all this Hilliary stuff?! We talking about Hilliary ?

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