Rep. Thompson Discusses His Decision To Sue Trump And Giuliani Over Capitol Riot | Ayman Mohyeldin

Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., has filed a lawsuit with the NAACP against former President Trump and Rudy Giuliani for their role in inciting the Capitol riot. "In America we settle our differences at the ballot box," he said, stressing how he believes the former president's refusal to accept election results played a factor in the riot. Aired on 02/16/2021.
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#BennieThompson #CapitolRiot #MSNBC

Rep. Thompson Discusses His Decision To Sue Trump And Giuliani Over Capitol Riot | Ayman Mohyeldin


    1. @Lucy Ricardo Make a claim to me…..I challenge you to back it up. Lololololol.
      It YOUR claim. Now you have to support YOUR claim.

    2. @Lucy Ricardo I just saw your Antifa link. No such website. When I say get evidence I don’t mean false evidence. I was going to extend your deadline for presenting your evidence, but you have disappointed me. You gave me false evidence.

      It is now my duty to award you the Lying Loser Lucy title.

    1. @M J Another one who doesn’t like facts. I’m not the one defending a one term president who lost the popular vote twice and has been impeached twice talk about cult of stupidity.

    2. @Hardly Quinn impeached twice ?? Funny how he finished his term and leaves with all his life time benefits. That shows your ignorance.

  1. Thank you Rep. Bennie Thompson! People tend to forget that we are a country of rules and laws! Some people need to be reminded. Democrats must set the example and lead the way.

    1. @Stewart Douglas I would really like to see what happens with Harris providing bail money for the riots this summer. Yep, aiding felony federal crimes….isn’t that the same thing? Promoting violence and bailing them out for committing crimes is no different than blaming Trump for this. Really think about the double standard. Which was proven in the Senate trail. Good luck – can’t have one sided laws.

    1. It is my wish also. Human Life is cheaper and cheaper here in America. Only Money talks now. You can see it. The only thing wingnuts and cultists are really scared of is being separated from their $$$$. Let the many lawsuits begin.

    2. @Knight’s Pantry They did nothing wrong on Jan. 6th, right? Then it will all be fine after a judge hears the case. Don’t sweat it. Its OK for a president to act that way, right? So nothing to see here.

    3. @Henry Volta There is no reason to stop to get justice. Maybe you should try another run at the captiol since it’s no big deal. Hope you scrubbed your social media!

  2. “There’s no question, None, that the president is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day” Mitch Mcconnel.

  3. Can’t wait till the IRS requires ole Trump and his family to “pay their fair share of taxes”!!! Stop the Delay🤗🙌🤗

    1. @Cliff MedinaYet he made millions by over charging Secret Service Agents for lodging at HIS resorts during his 300 plus golfing outings!!!😂😂😂

    2. What taxes the greatest president in history president trump who WON by the way WORKED AS PRESIDENT FOR FREE and he donated his salary to different charities. O TAXES OWED

    3. @Mike Flanagan: LOL!!! Good point. However Ole Trump has only paid $750 for 2 years in a row and $0 for multiple years!!! 😩😩😩😩

  4. I hope Representative Bennie Thompson has appropriate security or he might become a martyr.
    No American can take past behavior for granted as the country is descending into political violence.

  5. I’m very happy to see this happening.We don’t have riots on or in the Capital Building. We are not a third world country. We are a nation of laws, not goons!

  6. Should name 2 Senators and the 5 Representatives that had been speaking to MAGA crowds about Jan 6th, and the Trump Campaign, Inc for funding it.

  7. Well played Sir, take McConnell up on his offer, I mean he did say this should play itself out in the courts.

  8. also, there was the conversation between trump and mccarthy. mccarthy basically begging trump to call the national guard. trump was going to allow the failed terrorist attack to continue

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