Republican Defenses Break Down During Impeachment Hearings | The Last Word | MSNBC

On the third day of impeachment hearings, the Republican "hearsay" defense fell apart, as the Intelligence Committee heard from two first hand witnesses who listened to Trump's call with the president of Ukraine. And despite GOP claims that the call was "normal," two other witnesses testified that they had never heard a call like that before. Lawrence O'Donnell also discusses with Ned Price, Wendy Sherman and John Heilemann. Aired on 11/19/19.
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Republican Defenses Break Down During Impeachment Hearings | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. @SkyGemini I’m just curious, but… why would you say any of those things?

      What makes you think any of that is true?

      Is it just “a strong feeling,” or is there any actual evidence to support these claims?

  1. There’s *NOTHING* in American political history that *reeks of corruption* like *WHAT* #45’s *done* …even the infamous “Teapot Dome” scandal *DIDN’T* involve *selling out* American allies *TO* dictators. 😒

    1. @Hapax Palindrome No genius, you keep falling for it. And you should probably ‘pay attention’ as this whole Democratic hoax is going to come crashing sown.

    1. Thank you Adam Schiff you conduct thus far of the hearing pardon the pun is unimpeachable. I salute your honesty sir.

  2. Lt Col Vindman : “Because that was my duty” words that you will never hear in truth coming from the mouths of any republican!

    1. @Kriegmire <<<<<<

    2. Um, with all due respect, those that where up there testifying are Republicans. You meant “from the mouths of any tRumpians”.

    3. @Eli Dicken Lol…I’ve never heard such butt-hurt from a Trump complainer. I love the sad stories though. You guys are great ‘victims’.

    4. The Draft Dodger in Chief attacking a decorated war hero by calling him unpatriotic and disloyal? Says it all really.

      1. @Eli Dicken That’s precisely what it is. How often does some real trailer park trash show up in the Oval Office, one that’s as illiterate, racist, stupid, juvenile, criminal and worthless as they are? He speaks their language and vice versa. The elite never accepted him or his corrupt spawn.

      2. Spanky Bone spurs is immune to shame. He is not wired like normal human beings. He is a classic sociopath who, like his dad, is sinking into dementia. Why do you think there was the sudden hushed hospital visit? Brain scan. Republicans are desperate for a face-saving out.

    5. It’s actually much worse than Bribery and Extortion – it’s conspiring to force *a Foreign Power to attack the United States* through the Presidential Election – that is Treason or at least Sedition.

      1. @Sempi10 <--- Traitor Trump Troll trolling MSNBC with blinders on. Don't bother trying to sell your BS here, bc we have all seen and heard everything from before Traitor Trump & Putin stole the Electoral College. And try reading the Mueller Report Volume 2 for a list of his crimes there too - but ofc you won't bc you're either paid by Russians to troll or just a Faux News junkie. Sad.

    6. the only way trump & his gang stay out of jail is to become a dictator like putin ~ & never leave ~ like putin

      1. @Edward Dube Is that your considered prediction? I don’t put much faith in prophecy. You have about a 50% chance of being right, but I expect you’re pretty quiet when you’re wrong. Your guesses are no better than anyone else’s, 50/50 at best. We’ll have to wait and see what happens, this time. Unless of course, you’re omniscient, like nobody else.

      2. @VtownJAMES – Remember Trump’s Voting Commission that was going to prove illegal votes? They found like 3, and 2 were for Trump. The Commission was quietly disbanded without a word after that.

      1. @Eli Dicken lol Pelosi the master legislator, and biggest acquirer of the mega corporation’s donation dollars for the democrat national party. According to her own assessment that is part of her biggest value to the Democrat party- that she gets the most corporate donors for all candidates. For herself and others candidates.

      1. @VtownJAMES I just Googled and found out this mess is conspiracy theories. And Trump and Guliaini has been propagating the lie. The people that have died during Clinton. Was suicides. Lol. Hilariously funny. I have sense to research. Thanks for telling me where to look. I think you need to stop listening to that Trump and Guliaini trash. No where in the articles said that she killed anyone. Please go back and read the articles again. They are Conspiracy theories only But, who killed Epstein( pedophile) friend of Trump and Barrs father while in prison? Trump tries to say Hillary did it. In an article. Lol. Under Trump’s watch and( His )AG not America’s. That means Barr should be investigated for incompetence and derelection of duty.

    7. Vindman is a good man. It is so sad that he is being put through this offensive behaviour by the Republican Congressmen.

      1. @Putte Roslund The news media clips didn’t show everything, but Vindman’s testimony is very helpful to Trump’s case. Vindman helped exonerate Trump more than anything.

      1. @Lavern Revels – Please thank your son(s) for me (and your daughters and anyone else in your family who serves our country).

      1. @Jeannette Sikes trump’s grandpa was exiled from germany for failing to serve the nation his whole family is cowards. i signed up for 6 years in the marines what did you do?

      2. @john norris NO one could be more proud of and great full to all (except you) of OUR servicemen and women and although I have not served in the military, my daughter has served in the Navy, after they paid for her college education, because she is a highly intelligent and beautiful woman, (she is a scientist) and as far as I know she is still there so BACK OFF. There are all kinds of weirdos out there that would kiss that nasty Trump’s $#@@$ if he ask them to (seems to me you are one of them), and one of those could be military. Because someone is in the military DOESN’T mean they are perfect.

      3. @Douglas Daniel My daughter is in the military, the Navy paid for her college education, and she gave them 5 yrs. and as for as I know (today) she is still there so NO ONE has more respect for the military than I do, I just know Trump as the ability to find Evil men in all kinds of walks of life and one never knows what could happen. I have freedom of speech and I have not insulted anyone so I owe no one an apology.

    8. *Republicans call their party “the party of law and order” while thwarting the rule of law at every turn? If that’s not hypocrisy, what is?*

      1. republicans are just mafia thugs now, I feel for these witnesses. They will need protection from trumpsters and MAGA shooters. Thats the state of the Republican party, a zealous, fundamentalist terrorist trump cult of personality.

      2. YES! And looking the other way when we we’re attacked during our election! Even if you don’t believe it. What’s wrong with upgrading our CYBER Security and backing our voting system with anti- hacking protection and paper ballots. 400 bills still sitting on the Senate’s Floor! Wasting tax-payer money. YOU’RE FIRED!😡😡😡😡

      3. For Republicans, law and order never meant respect for the rule of law. It always meant arresting minorities for being in their neighborhoods.

      1. @David F I’ll bet you didn t have the balls to go and get you some “candy”!!!
        Trump passed 5x on the opportunity to get some “candy”
        And PLEASE stop trashing the people who defend YOUR RIGHT to support a piece of human garbage, like Trump!!!

      2. and an abject coward. Nobody has forgotten syria, trump’s gift of the region to putin, trump’s release of ISIS prisoners while stabbing our allies in the back.

    9. “Pause” Steve Castor it’s a HOLD of $400MM of US taxpayers money for personal gain! We have corruption in USA he has no business in other country’s corruption!

    10. Trump is a crook, a con and a fraud. Republicans are his enablers in dismantling American democracy for personal gain.

      1. That’s kind of the problem. You guys call him a crook, but not a single witness has said he’s committed a crime, and they work with him daily. Don’t you kind of think that’s important?

    11. hey there America
      If this was a Democrat president he or she would have been impeached 2 years ago have a good day America

      1. If a Democrat President had done these things Fox News would have started a “Fox Impeach for America” channel, which would run talking points 24 hrs a day about the President’s treasonous crimes.

      2. @Greg Moonen Agreed, and had the nerve to ask for dijon mustard on a burger. Or how about saluting with a coffee cup in his hand? Oh the horror!!! LOL

      1. @John Jones I’m sure that Nazi Germany’s unemployment was low, too, when Hitler started carrying off, and killing Jews and taking their assets. I’m sure that Germany liked that for a while., too. I guess that would be okay with you, too!

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