Rpts: Trump Talks 2020 Conspiracies With The ‘My Pillow’ Guy | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Trump supporter Mike Lindell, best known for selling 'My Pillow' on television, was seen at the White House on Friday and a Washington Post photographer caught the details of his notes which included thoughts on 'martial law.' Peter Baker of The New York Times reacts. Aired on 01/16/2021.
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#2020Conspiracies #MikeLindell #MSNBC

Rpts: Trump Talks 2020 Conspiracies With The 'My Pillow' Guy | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. Now you’ve made me imagine the my pillow guy and trump having pillow time… lord please erase these thoughts from my mind before I must commit suicide

  1. America under threat from an orange clown and a pillow salesman.
    Who makes this stuff up?
    Oh, right… It’s really happening.

    1. @Daniel Cordero have you ever stopped to ask yourself, on what stage is this “reality show” set on.

      Who are the ones that are giving you the show?

      Who is responsible for transmitting this information to me.

    2. @ert wert Trump supporters gave a show on the 6th and now it’s coming the inauguration. Pretty much D.C. is the stage right now.

    1. @sillau9 Also, my opinion has damaged the GOP beyond repair – you’re never going to see another conservative president in this nation ever again – I’m glad “my opinion” has so much influence.

    2. @sillau9 Here on planet earth it’s fact – not sure about what’s going on in your alternate reality.

  2. Mike Lindle was there to give Orange man a pillow to cry into. “It’s the most comfortable pillow you can cry into.”

    1. Maybe you’d cry, if you were unfairly impeached twice & had 2 elections interfered with… the proof is out, so no more denying it. People going to jail. Or rather Gitmo…

    1. Mike Lindell, the “My Pillow” man has Obviously Started Smoking Crack Cocaine Again (Kindly See his history) prior to starting My Pillow. His Crazy paranoia and conspiracies could ONLY come from A Desperate, Crack Addicted man.

    1. @Tjerda van Eijkel-van het Schip Please report the nearest re-education camp for Covidtology deprogramming.

    2. @Jeffrey Cheng I will. Our countries are doing the best they can to protect their citizens. I can’t say the same for your current President. You are lucky his term will end coming week.

    3. @Tjerda van Eijkel-van het Schip The Church of Covidtology. The followers of this cult belong in re-education camps. These cult followers believe EVERYTHING that the media, Gates, Fauci, and Slaoui say and worship them as Gods. Disturbing. No wonder it seems like End Times. Wow people. Wow. The head of Moderna says that this scam of the century will be endemic which means we will never go back to normal even after we get the jab. The walrus will continue to evolve and become jab resistant. The followers of Covidtology are in for a rude awakening. They’re in for a grand rude awakening. This is The Great Reset agenda being pushed by Klaus Schwab. This is Dark Winter. In other words, we don’t need a jab, we don’t need it. But people will continue to line up and beg for it…

    4. @Tjerda van Eijkel-van het Schip Actually, doctors did this with my husband, I told him to get another opinion. They said it was cancer, but hadn’t even done a biopsy. Then after all their tests, scans, and everything else it turns out he has an autoimmune disorder. So…yes, I’d be skeptical even of such a diagnosis. Medical malpractice and doctors being plain wrong or negligent is a top cause of death in the US.

  3. “MyPillow guy and The Apprentice star talk about overthrowing US democracy.”
    Imagine if you heard that sentence 5 years ago……

    1. @Biden Fraud Democracy is an Athenian Concept and its if Rule by the People, you would have like living in Athens just over 3000 years ago, No Poor People, No Women and only Rich People would be allowed to vote.

      The Present POTUSA runs a Griftocracy

    2. @Ash Roskell whatsup. So sit back fir a second and just take this in.

      A coup for what?


      And for what reasons?

      You really think our communities are going to be ruled by some dictatorship where Donald Trump is our almighty king and we are his servants?

      I mean come the frick on, you seriously think the reason would be “because donald trumps ego wont let him beleive he lost”.

      You really think that ?

      GET REAL and just soak in the big picture and just my god have some common freaking sence

    3. 95% of Democrats are criminals. And criminals do what criminals do they steal things and then lie to your face about it. There’s no sense in arguing with them. That’s why prisons are filled with them.

    1. @The One And Only!!! he went to rehab and got clean, that’s what happened. I’ve had family members overcome addiction and go on to lead normal, healthy, and productive lives. There are a lot more people struggling with addiction than you realize, it’s not uncommon at all. There are tons of functioning addicts out there that you would never know had substance abuse problems.

    2. @The One And Only!!! you people never give up…you lost because the majority know Trump is a divisive unfit clown…it’s called insight.

    3. @Todd M “you people”??? You lizard people don’t realize that the majority live on the coast. Us normal people don’t care what you idiots think. That’s why we have the college electoral, lizard person.

    4. We all know the I,WE, The PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA could ALL CARE LESS if we are BLACK or WHITE! THE STupid RACIST CRAp is Mostly MEDIA HYPE so we all Hate on EACH OTHER and THEY GET RATINGS!!! We just CARE for our our FREEDOM!!! STOP making US all STUpid!!!

    1. @Viva La Raza! I am in Canada and I am not sure if I would say it’s funny. Some parts are. mostly it is shameful. And like most everywhere most of us are shaking our heads how out of touch with reality the Trumpers are. They are so caught up with this guy that the believe thing that two year olds would find absurd!

    1. Triggered by a guy that makes pillows!! Next it will be the lady who sells wind chimes and bead bracelets!!!

    2. We all know the we could ALL CARE LESS if we are BLACK or WHITE! THE STupid RACIST CRAp is Mostly MEDIA HYPE so we all Hate on EACH OTHER and THEY GET RATINGS!!! We just CARE for our our FREEDOM!!!

  4. My pillow guy is gonna lose all his business partners soon… the whole world knows he’s a crackpot conspiracy theorist…

    1. Ur right but trump had alot to do with divideing us with all his lies and bs i just cant wait for him to go

    2. Could My pillow guy be called to the whitehouse to rack up long lines of coke with DIAPER DON? Donald Trumps already thinking of ways he can scam this pillow guy for more money and stuff…

    1. @Marc R so sorry to inform you but that is not necessarily true. You need to be objective, the media is not a trustworthy source for information. Yesterday a woman in Texas was arrested for voter fraud in the 202O election but the media tells you nothing like that happened. The media told you Trump was a Russian asset and that was almost three years of a fabricated smear. Think. I wonder what is really going on also. I almost feal like Trump was a PsyOp to completely separate the country working together with the deep state. The only ones that will lose here is us.

    2. We all know the I,WE, The PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA could ALL CARE LESS if we are BLACK or WHITE! THE STupid RACIST CRAp is Mostly MEDIA HYPE so we all Hate on EACH OTHER and THEY GET RATINGS!!! We just CARE for our our FREEDOM!!! STOP making US all STUpid!!!

  5. Given the evidence of Lindell’s written notes, is there not a charge of incitement to, or attempting to, subvert the democratic process?

  6. Wait, isn’t the My Pillow guy the one who had the cure for Covid last year? Shouldn’t he be concentrating on distribution of his miracle cure?
    The White House is now just a club house for crooks.

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