1. @Skayzi Yes, because they invaded Ukraine. Rubles aren’t in the contract troll. Even China is paying Russia in euros 😂. Why haven’t you been mobilized yet? Aren’t you gonna run away to Georgia? 🏃 -> 🇬🇪

    2. @Kimchicracker Why should I go to Georgia? I live on the border with China (the city of Blagoveshchensk) I have a 20-minute drive to the Chinese city (it’s across the river, you can look at Google Maps), if I want to run, I’ll run to China. But it won’t be necessary. There are 4 types of agendas that are now coming: 1. Subpoena for military service (in Russia, people are recruited for military service 2 times a year), 2. At the passage of the medical commission, 3. Retraining, 4. To be sent to Ukraine. And only those who signed the contract will be sent to Ukraine. After military service, people are offered to sign a regular contract and continue serving in the army, or a mobilization contract. And now they send those who signed a mobilization contract, I didn’t sign it, it makes no sense for me to run. And run mainly those who believed Western and Ukrainian propaganda who shouted that they took everyone away to cause panic in people.

    1. @lllll 1st.
      I’ve made no declarations that assign culpability to any nation. There is not enough objectively verifiable information yet to make an informed determination.
      “Videos” is an insufficient answer. What videos? Can you cite them? Where did you view them? Who authored them? Can authenticity be independently verified?
      If you wish to peddle in supposition and pointless rhetoric, Twitter is full of people more suited to your taste.

  1. 2:25 “what other actor is there that has both a capability and motivation to do this? still more questions”
    what a bullshit, omg!

  2. So the pipe line that makes Russian billions was sabotaged by the Russian. 😂 😂😅 this is fuxking hilarious

    1. @Mr. Wint
      In 2021, Gazprom exported 185.1 billion cubic meters of gas to non-CIS countries, of which 59.2 billion cubic meters, or 31.9%, came from Nord Stream 1.
      Only 31.9% – yes, almost 0😏

    1. On February 7, Biden said: “If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2.We will bring an end to it.” A journalist asked Biden how he could do that since Germany was in control of the project, the president replied: “I promise you: We will be able to do it. The video is up on Newsweek, published on 9-28-2022 @7:41 EDT

    1. + you made the dude laugh, but the laughter was hysterical,no time for jokes and everything is very serious, greetings from St. Petersburg !!!

      + ты рассмешил чувак,но смех был истеричным,уже не до шуток и все очень серьезно,привет из Санкт-Петербурга!!!

  3. Biden himself said he’d put an end to the pipeline. When questioned how, he simply said “we’ll get it done.”

    Well here we are.

  4. We know they are lying.
    They know they are lying.
    They know that we know they are lying.
    We know that they know we know they are lying.
    And still they continue to lie.
    — Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    1. The Russian commando frogmen, informally called “frogmen” in civilian media, are a Russian Naval Spetsnaz unit under operational subordination to the Main Intelligence Directorate. It is the special forces unit of the Russian Naval Infantry and is composed of highly trained and elite marines within the Naval Infantry.

  5. Как мне приятно читать комментарии адекватных людей и их здесь очень много 👍

  6. Instead of turning of the tab, Russia decided to sail ship near Poland water and blow up their OWN pipeline that they work so hard to complete and get operational

    1. Is it make any sense? There is no reason Russia to blow up the pipeline. If Russia does not want to supply the gas line, they just need to turn off the valve. Blowing up the pipeline would cause that a lot of money.

  7. According to FlightRadar US helicopters were there for hours, flying over that part of the sea days before that happened.

    1. @Kanye East you do know that a US Navy ship was there two days before the explosions took place. And in 2015 The Germans found a submersible drone loaded with explosives. And then that was the end of that

    2. @Collin MacInnis

      A) the easy way to do it would be an IG B) an explosion inside the pipe powerful enough to rupture it, would blow out the manifolds at the head of the pipe C) an IG generates vibration that would be clearly detectable, as it travelled the line D) then why would there need to be Russian ships there?

  8. “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent.” – Malcolm X

  9. The lies and misinformation is absolutely, criminally out of control. Everyone and their mother knows who did this. Only one player would benefit.

  10. I read from the internet that “NATO regularly deploys maritime forces in the Baltic Sea in order to maintain a credible and capable defensive capability in accordance with treaty obligations….”

    But then a Russian Navy ship can get inside NATO territory and so close to denmark and germany, and bombed that pipe and escaped completely.

    1. @Randy * Nice guess. But it’s not like in the ocean where a submarine can hide under 1000m underwater, average depth of Baltic sea is 55m. I think there is no difficulty to detect something in shallow water by warship sonar

  11. I’m getting tired of oil polluting our oceans and am calling for alternative energy, natural gas AND nuclear energy until we can build a sustainable green environment. For the sake of the ocean and environment we should either go back a 100 years, or building new futuristic green cities.

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