Sanjay investigates “Havana Syndrome” Pt. 1

Dr. Sanjay Gupta travels to Cuba to investigate one of the most complex and controversial brain mysteries in recent years known as "Havana Syndrome." First reported by two dozen U.S. officials in Havana, Cuba starting in 2016, these unexplained health incidents have since multiplied to include hundreds of reports of concussion-like injuries around the globe. Despite various government investigations, American officials have yet to make clear what is behind these injuries and whether a directed energy weapon may be to blame. Dr. Gupta sets out to explain the truth behind "Havana Syndrome," the extent of its impact on the brain, and the potential continuing threat facing government officials at home and abroad. This special report originally aired on CNN on September 25, 2022. 


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  1. Are you allowed to talk about HS was bioengineered in Ukraine? Or how the US was experimenting with it and other bio weapons on the Ukraine and Russian people in Georgia??


    1. Was Joe Biden really paid $50,000 a month by Hunter for a house that’s worth comparatively very little. Who actually owns the house? This is just the beginning of one of the greatest political and money laundering Scams of all time. However, don’t know wether or not the Rigged and Corrupt Fake News Media will want to report on it. Probably not, they’d rather report on a 75 year old Trump employee who did not pay tax on the use of a company car or apartment (few people do, never charged before).

    2. What you’re doing wrong? You’re Trading…

      The only peopleI I know who’ve truly profited from stock market are people who treat it as long term passive income. Meaning: they invest because they genuinely believe in, respect, and like the company, and are willing to grow with it, not merely wanting to reap profits from it. My grandad did that, and his stocks earned him almost a million dollars over his lifetime, and made enough in dividends that he could retire early and have a good income coming in consistently for the rest of his life, just from the dividends. When he died, he passed over 100k in stock to his children. Ignore all the trendy talk of ”wealth building” , and invest for the long long term, in company’s you truly respect, & believe in. Like planting a tree in your backyard, or raising a potted plant you love. You have to truly care, so you’ll stick with them thru the low points. The company has to mean something to you.

      Also, beware of people who talk or brag about their stock gains. They only talk about their gains while choosing to ignore, or lie about their losses, Misleading many people into thinking investing is safer, or better than it seems. You’d be surprised about how many people don’t mention, or out-right lie about losses, while only focusing their few gains. It’s human nature to do this.

    1. Had a roomie her always burned herself thinking it’s not hot so she cant. 1st 3 × I knew she shouldnt be in the kitchen.

  3. You are more save in any part of Cuba that in a random High School in the USA. Take the risk he said 🤦🏿‍♂️.

  4. FJB!! Shout out to George Floyd on 967 days of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals! Where’s Jackie? 😊

    1. Was Joe Biden really paid $50,000 a month by Hunter for a house that’s worth comparatively very little. Who actually owns the house? This is just the beginning of one of the greatest political and money laundering Scams of all time. However, don’t know wether or not the Rigged and Corrupt Fake News Media will want to report on it. Probably not, they’d rather report on a 75 year old Trump employee who did not pay tax on the use of a company car or apartment (few people do, never charged before).

    2. @Cliff Medina It’s coming… CNN and MSNBC can’t avoid it forever. $50k a month in Burisma money for The Big Guy!

  5. Despite the economic inflation😩, I’m so happy, I have been earning $10,250 returns from my $4,000 investment😊

    1. Personally as a first time investor, I started trading With $1,000 now my portfolio is worth $5,400 within the space of few weeks trading with him

    2. I still remember the first week I got in touch with Brandon Chez, His strategies was so easy to adopt but I made 2btc directly to my bitcoin wallet.

    3. Was Joe Biden really paid $50,000 a month by Hunter for a house that’s worth comparatively very little. Who actually owns the house? This is just the beginning of one of the greatest political and money laundering Scams of all time. However, don’t know wether or not the Rigged and Corrupt Fake News Media will want to report on it. Probably not, they’d rather report on a 75 year old Trump employee who did not pay tax on the use of a company car or apartment (few people do, never charged before).

  6. Rental prices are also getting pretty ridiculous right now too, might have to go and check what the going rate might be on a large cardboard box and maybe also a sleeping bag too nowadays.

  7. I see your double-layered tin foil conspiracy hat with optional Doofus Spinner on top came in early from China. Good for you👍.

  8. As an elder millennial, one of the few advantages is having lived through the Great Recession. My advice. Reduce unnecessary expenses, increase your savings by investing in financial markets and do not sell. One thing I know for sure is that diversifying your income can help insulate you from much of the craziness going on in the world.

    1. @Bondy Joseph In my opinion, the impact of the rise or fall of the U.S. dollar on investments is multi-faceted but learning how to grow your money has never been easier than now that you can explore and experience a truly diverse marketplace passively by using a well-performing portfolio-advisor.

    2. @Bruno Ramirez well the stock market is down 20% since last year. Keeping my money in bank could be no good but investing is riskier I wish to find better value deals as asset prices keep decreasing but lack the skillset mind if I look up your advisor? I admit this is the only way for amateurs like myself

    3. @Cynthia Jean Moe It would be very a innovative suggestion to look out for Financial Advisors like “SHARON MARDORSKY DAVISON, who can help shape up your portfolio. Trying times are ahead, and good personal financial management will be very important to weather the storm.

    4. @Janet Burch Sharon Mardorsky Davison really seem to know her stuff. I looked her up on the web using her full name and found her page , read through her resume, educational background, qualifications and it was really impressive. . So, booked a session with her.

    5. @Gabriella Castro I’m delighted to engage in this opportunity, I just found the professional’s web page and have already written her.

  9. Nothing this man could ever do will distract from the time he got caught telling blatant lies on Rogan 😂

  10. He should of investigated “horse paste”. WTF is he doing investigating something that have been solved 10 years ago.

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