Sanjay investigates “Weed” Pt. 1

Dr. Sanjay Gupta examines the potential benefits of medical marijuana. Over 10 years, Dr. Gupta's reporting on the topic has produced six CNN documentaries and a seventh is in the works. In this episode, the very first of those CNN documentaries, Dr. Gupta travels the world and speaks to experts and patients looking for answers. What does marijuana do to you? What does it do to your kids? In the process of his reporting, Dr. Gupta made some discoveries of his own. This special report originally aired on CNN on August 11, 2013.

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  1. Let’s accept gracefully what we have already got in life and live happily with it in the rest of our life ! A little positivity in life makes it that much more worthwhile and meaningful !

  2. A true hypocrite is someone with a cup of coffee in their hand talking negative about weed .

    1. A super hypocrite is someone with a bottle of Jack in their hand at 10:00am talking negative about weed.
      I don’t drink, or smoke (anything), but I believe that it is none of my business whether they choose to use those substances or not, as long as they don’t drive under the influence of THC. People who take CBD don’t seem to have that problem. The question will be, as it currently is with alcohol, how do you prevent irresponsible people from driving under the influence? A breathalyser won’t pick up THC. We need now tech to go along with this.

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    3. Thank you for this I’m 64 with Fibromyalgia, chrons, Colitis, PTSD, Colostomy, Descendant Bladder. Im glad Children are being Helped!

  3. Probably the best medicine which has several benefits to millions of people around the world ❤

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  4. 68 years old, smoking since 14. Totally healthy, fit, just got my degree, wrote a script, mom, grandma, great grandma. All good.

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  5. At 73 with crushed vertebrates and Fibromyalgia, I thank God I went back to smoking cannabis, and using CBD creams, I am able to function like a normal human being, I travel the world and able to volunteer in any way I can, I am very healthy and take care of my businesses without missing a beat, did I mention I also dance Flamenco? Thank you Dr for all you do! Blessings 💥

    1. Fibromyalgia is a psychological / psychosomatic disorder . So, cannabis is working as a placebo. Yet, that’s fine if you improve your quality of living and you feel no pain.

    2. @Irda Etiel Thank you for your response, psychosomatic, psychological or whatever anyone wants to call it, only those that experience it, truly feel the pain. At time I felt like all my muscles were being squeezed, waking me in the middle of the night with no answers, taking meds that just aggravated my stomach. I may be crazy, or have a psychological problem due to all I have endured through my life, but, I harm no one by my consumption of cannabis and a he’ll of a lot more productive than many half my age. I live a very happy and meaningful life and in great health, I walk over 5 miles a day with temperatures of about 90 degrees, I wonder how many people are capable of even doing half that. At 73, I don’t complain

    3. ​​​​​​​@Irda Etiel Fibromyalgia is real. The only psychological aspects are depression, sleep disorders and mood changes due to the pain. Did you miss the part where Marjorie said she has crushed vertebrates? The pain from that is definitely not psychological either. Personally, I’ve been medically licensed here in Canada since 2003. I have degenerative disc disease, cervical spondylosis, and 2 herniated discs. The pain is definitely real. Some days I can’t even get out of bed. Cannabis takes that pain away long enough that I can actually fall asleep, and then function the next day. Both THC and CBD target pain sensors, similar to opiates, but is non-addictive, and non-lethal. It seriously is the best pain reliever there is. I use edibles… you get the most out of the active ingtedients, as nothing is wasted in a cloud of smoke. You also use less than when you smoke. It’s also not enough that it makes me high. Just enough to kill the pain. Heck… even Israel gives it to patients in hospitals. It’s not a placebo.

    4. @Irda Etielwrong. It can be quantified and the more research done the more they’re learning. It i neurological and possibly autoimmune not rheumatology. The psycho somatic theory is out of date and has been proven untrue

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  6. Many thanks for sharing your knowledge dr Sanjay. I watch all your programs on CNN and always take note when you are interviewed; you were the voice of reason during the pandemic. Thank you.

  7. Clears my sinuses immediately. I’d be interested to know if anybody else experiences this benefit.

  8. 99% of weed smoked is recreational.
    The high strength has created a mental health crisis in our country.
    Anyone asking why we have 300 overdoses a day in the US could start with legalization of weed.

    1. Weed has nothing to do with overdoses from opioids! I was able to get off many prescribed meds with several negative side effects because of medical marijuana! But keep on spouting your nonsense! 😂

    2. @Diana Jordan Drugs has become less stigmatized as a result of legalization and decriminalization and the overdose deaths from drugs as a whole is higher than ever. I think that’s what he means.

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  9. Mr. Phiggy (sp?) wouldn’t take the marijuana himself, but wanted it for his child. That should not be a contradiction. Medicine is usually prescribed for the child but not the parent. That’s the common practice. I hope that Mr. Phiggy came to understand that. A parent should never have to feel guilty for a medical decision they make for their child which is medically sound.

  10. I have read about the case of the five-year-old child who was given a type of marijuana to stop her having convulsions I believe they set up the 200 per day. I have not read anything since. If it helped her rare type of epilepsy or not. How would you ever get a small child to actually smoke? I don’t wanna. If a person has been smoking marijuana for a long time, there has to be some type of side effects on the brain. However, these people that say they are more creative. Wow smoking marijuana. Well eventually pay the price medically.

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  11. Wasn’t the movie Lorenzo’s Oil based on medical MJ for a child’s extreme seizures? 30 yrs ago?

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  12. I don’t understand why we only get the audio here. This was originally a tv-documentary, and as a narrator Sanjay several times references whatever it is that is supposed to be on screen at that point in time.

    Surely CNN should still be able to show us the video. So, why don’t they?

  13. This dude is a brillant doctor, but what he is getting paid to say is not typically his words or opinions, or even facts at that

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