Scott MacFarlane On Trump Blog, Insurrection Legal Cases

At least one judge has cited Trump's blog to keep some individuals arrested for the January 6th insurrection behind bars. Scott MacFarlane reports.
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  1. This proves what we have been saying for years. Without Twitter and Facebook Trump is completely flaccid and impotent.

    1. Tip: Anyone who buys that photo of him desecrating American democracy will be placed on the FBI watchlist.

    2. Coincidence? No. While talking ‘Russia and Trump,” the business conducted before the slight of hand with the Covid lab leak was not coincidental: Democrats changing the voter laws in swing state courts three years ago before any sign of Covid exposure. Democrats, using Covid as a pre-text to swam and control polling stations, print and fill out thousands of fraudulent ballots by hand and use Dominion Systems to manipulate the vote totals using fraction magic. China develops proteins for manipulating viruses at the Wuhan Lab, and that same year Biden who campaigned from his basement, magically earned 81 million votes . Blank ballots discovered in New Jersey train station are later proved to be printed in China. And this is big: The Democrats are trying to share power with the corporate news media, the military industrial complex, Big Tech and the Chinese to destroy all nations and mentally enslave all the financially dependent people and Socialists.

    3. @Regulatory Affairs I know the Q conspirators hate these words;

      Cite some sources.

  2. One more project thats a failure. Donald displays his unparalleled ability to F up anything he attempts. Ya gotta admit he’s consistent.

    1. Coincidence? No. While talking ‘Russia and Trump,” the business conducted before the slight of hand with the Covid lab leak was not coincidental: Democrats changing the voter laws in swing state courts three years ago before any sign of Covid exposure. Democrats, using Covid as a pre-text to swam and control polling stations, print and fill out thousands of fraudulent ballots by hand and use Dominion Systems to manipulate the vote totals using fraction magic. China develops proteins for manipulating viruses at the Wuhan Lab, and that same year Biden who campaigned from his basement, magically earned 81 million votes . Blank ballots discovered in New Jersey train station are later proved to be printed in China. And this is big: The Democrats are trying to share power with the corporate news media, the military industrial complex, Big Tech and the Chinese to destroy all nations and mentally enslave all the financially dependent people and Socialists.

    2. @Wisconsin Man Had he just put the money he inherited plus all the money he swindled from banks and stiffing contractors in a Mutual fund and not touched it, he would have made much more than what he has made with all his shenanigans. The man is an utter failure. It’s near impossible to have as much money as he started and stealed and not make more.

    3. @Wisconsin Man Quite simple. He made that comment because he managed to fool the easily fooled, ie. “the poorly educated” , into electing him.

  3. “After only 4 weeks, the much-anticipated blog from the Desk of the Stable Genius has been shut down.”
    Everyone: 😅😂🤣😅😂🤣

    1. expecting his MAGA cult to read…if they knew how to read they wouldn’t be part of the cult.

    2. I’m anticipating a statement from the Trump camp along the lines of, “I don’t know this blog. I take pictures with lots of blogs. You’ll have to ask my attorney about that.” Same old tired shtick that only fools and suckers lap up like sheep on a hot summers day.

    1. Tip: Anyone who buys that photo of him desecrating American democracy will be placed on the FBI watchlist.

  4. Atgolf Twitler has raised money for legal action they should get their leader to share some of the millions raised for their cases. That’s right they got played Bigly and Trump prefers insurrectionists who don’t get arrested.

    1. Atgolf Twitler? That’s a great nickname. Almost as good as The Lying King /Lone Whiner.😅😄🤣

    1. And he thinks he’s going to be reinstated in August. If you can’t manage a blog you can’t mange your presidency.


    1. @Matthew M what are you talking about. The nails are on Republican coffins, not this Native American’s.

    2. If someone asks Trump if he’s had his morning Joe or big cup of Joe
      Everything seems to just set him off… Even golden decalf for some reason.

    3. If MSNBC put in the title…

      Trump kills Baby…..



      You know most people now would look for what did Trump do today and that first line would be like….
      Wow sounds like something he would do ….maybe Ill read that sometime later.

  5. His next social media project should be called “From the Cell of DJT”
    His early posts will include talking about how Ramen is such an amazing currency.

    1. Very nice view of the San Francisco Bay , from ALCATRAZ , lock him up ; reopen ALCATRAZ just for him & Giuliani , 3 square meals daily , plus a cell phone . LA VIDA LINDA Y BONITA por los dos .

    2. @MLCS Guirand Personally I’d like to see him at Gitmo… a lot of poetic justice going there, plus it’s the only place secure from his army of nut jobs.

    1. @Sandy Allen Or make his court appearances pay per view, I’d definitely pay for that and I ‘ve cut the cord years ago.

    2. @p l 45 and how costly it is going to be to prosecute him. The prosecution should start a go fund me account so they don’t have to worry about the cost

    3. Tip: Anyone who buys that photo of him desecrating American democracy will be placed on the FBI watchlist.

    1. Apparently branding and blogging are on par with his presidential skills, has he asked for a mulligan yet? 😁

    2. @Brihaspati Dattatreya you mean like in the Bible… with the Anti-Christ and his followers will were sign on the for heads “MAGA “… lol

  6. Just one more inept effort by the Comb Over Con-man to scramble to stay relevant. A nineties blog shows how out of it this historical loser is.

  7. Well they’re planning an Insurrection again in 2 months someone might want to make sure this one doesn’t happen

  8. Heard that even though they spotted him 3 consonants and a vowel, Der Dicke still couldn’t spell “blog”.

  9. I guess fascist 45 figured out that full sentences are difficult for him to write and for his base to read.

  10. It infuriates me that these traitors get plea deals. They should all get an enhanced punishment to the fullest extent of the law.

    1. I agree. Treason still has the death penalty, which Donald Trump brought back, and, when found guilty, they should face that ultimate payment for their crimes. Treason is the highest crime in the land, for very good reason, and Trump and his cronies should prosecuted, tried, and convicted accordingly!

    2. Can’t work out how GoFunding for autographed photos can be allowed. Didn’t think you were allowed to profit from a crime?

    3. They are installing some as narcs for future reference it saves on the cost of witness protection plans. They want em to do another try on turning the government they have more info on these bad militias than they even have on themselves.

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