1. Tammy,
      I also live in Tennessee. What is the solution. There are over 400 million assault rifles in the US and no law can legally take them away.
      A ban on sells is a start but it does not ban ownership bc for better or worse the 2nd amendment. Also, let’s not forget we live in TN. My high school’s prom queen posed with her assault rifle for Pete’s sake🤦🏿‍♂️👎🏿

    2. @Dakota Flower yes, if you remain silent as violence takes root. Are you an American?

  1. I really enjoy SE Cupp’s commentaries. Clear, insightful, direct, logical, and pointing to current issues in such a way that it’s hard to find any way to say she’s not totally accurate. And – she delivered one of the best lines ever uttered on Bill Maher’s show. FFF…

  2. I am glad CNN is covering this! Not everyone is TN is a toothless hillbilly. We actually care about our children!

  3. They say when a clown moves into a palace, the clown doesn’t become king, the palace becomes a circus. Be careful who you invite into your home and who you give easy access to your home. No matter how in control you are, it only ever takes one clown to destroy everything your have built.

    1. I really like your well said and I do appreciate your opinion on the comments..Good afternoon and how are you doing today hope all is well with you… Thank you for responding and being honest.. will love to know more about you and be a good and honest friend’s only if you don’t mind… Do you mind having more conversation on WhatsApp or Google chat…..

  4. SE, you know the answer to your own question. If there were any good ones left, you wouldn’t have to ask the question !

    1. “If there were any good ones left “ is the reason we need to keep emphasizing on facts and fundamentals rather than impulsively acting on emotional distresses of a gender identity crisis or more so like it! Peace be with you transformer 😎

    1. I wonder if you were this upset when a group of college kids got together to support mother’s who chose NOT to kill their unborn children, were interrupted and attacked on a college campus this week. Oh! You didn’t hear about that? Hmmmm…. yea that seems fitting. How’s the weather in your bubble?

  5. As a Tennessean, I am horrified by our legislators (R) . This expulsion of these 3 members is not only antithetical to the first amendment, but defies the very core of our country’s hard fought freedoms as a whole. I am so ashamed to live here right now, though I have all my life. The Authoritarianism has been coming on for a long time, but you are right, they aren’t hiding it any more. We tried to ban drag shows, book burnings are everywhere, and our government is passing laws that essentially protect grooming and child brides. And those are only a few things…

    1. @Easy Raider apparently republicans don’t either if they consider the insurrection a peaceful protest 😂

  6. I was a republican but switched to independent during trump. SE Cupp needs to run for congress as she is one of the only voices i listen to and she makes valid no-nonsense points.

    1. they are funny……they are so detached from reality. I suppose that is what radical extremism is all about. No one can just ram their way into congress and reek havoc like this silly host would like you to believe.

  7. TN won’t even allow discussion on it. Kind of defeating the point of government and a democracy. ❤ GOD Bless Everyone

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