Secret Service officials: Agents willing to dispute Trump SUV incident under oath

Officials from the US Secret Service have announced that Tony Ornato and Bobby Engel, the agents named in Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony, are willing to testify before the Jan. 6 committee and dispute Hutchinson's account of an alleged incident involving then-President Trump. CNN's Josh Campbell has more. #CNN #News


  1. I thought Ginny said she couldn’t wait to testify and clear up any misconceptions? She chickens out now ? 😂

  2. Absolutely, get the Deputy Chief of Staff to talk to the Jan 6th Committee under oath! But don’t limit his testimony to the single incident, he’s got to answer questions on the entire time frame.

    1. @Joga Bonito all of your “evidence ” adds up to…nothing. these are the same people who’ve been lying to you for 6 years😆😅😅😂

  3. “I fear that in every elected office, members will obtain an influence by noise, not sense. By meanness, not greatness. By ignorance, not learning. By contracted hearts, not large souls… There must be decency and respect.” ~John Adams to James Warren, 22 April 1776

    1. @Common Sense I am not being duped about certain shortcomings of ANY party. Nothing of the sort has been expressed by me, but only by you. That you think Trump is being picked on just because people don’t like him or that it is just a political stunt with zero validity is all about denial. Are those part of it? Absolutely. But there is MUCH more to it AND at stake than your trainers would have you believe. All I have to do is imagine Obama doing or saying 1/10th of the things Trump has said, and the whole far-right universe would be screaming and freaking out so badly, as if the world were ending. For example, just imagine a couple private meetings with Russian president and ministers with zero oversight, while taking their side over one’s own intelligence agencies. All the while, trashing our allainces (I already know your rebuttals to this…. I’ve been collecting data from the far-right websites for over a year… so save it for someone who doesn’t see your nonsense coming). You do understand that almost every single talking point on those sites and that then fills the airwaves has been choreographed, as well, and/or seeded by Putin trolls? Listen man, I understand your conundrum. You think you’re acting objectively, given all the “facts” you’ve read by so many people who share the same grievances, when in fact you are so emotionally involved with the ideas that have been fed to you by a consummate liar-whiner-con artist-thief… and now, potential traitor, that you have to really work hard to rationalize it all. I am not sold on any one party, I vote as an INDEPENDENT, and I KNOW the value of the democracy you seem willing to throw away. I’ve lived and served in those countries, and I do NOT want Trump and his ilk anywhere near the Oval office. They are toxic to any and all institutions and the rule of law… the proof of that is being given to you to look at, think about, and decipher. But no, you just dismiss it all simply because it does not fit the reality you want to experience. There’s a word for this, but I won’t go there. You have been sold a bill of goods, you have gone all in, and now you feel you have to believe it and work to make it make sense to you and anyone who will listen. You, sir, have been duped.

    2. @M.J. idk. I think he means if the president wants to go to the capital the SS can’t or shouldn’t stop him. But that’s silly the chief can’t even take a walk down Penn Ave without two weeks notice.

    1. @Sylvia Morgan Cass is a jilted lover of someone in the white house that’s why she’s doing this

  4. She did say quite clearly that the incident in the suv was told to her. She never claimed to have witnessed it.

  5. Willing to testify under oath and in contact with them to be under oath are two very different things,

    I bet someone here $20 that it won’t happen. These people are liars.

  6. Mmm hmmm. So when they come forward to refute her account of the event in the car, they’re gonna ask them all kinds of questions about whether he wanted to go to the Capital, the amount of people they saw with weapons, whether he told them to allow them in, and whether HE had concerns with them going to the Capital. The Committee might have baited their dumb arses into coming before them.

    1. @Invictus 37 *” She has everything to lose “*

      The most you can deduce from that is that she believes what she’s saying.

  7. Hutchinson also testified that Engel was in the room when Ornato relayed this story and that he did not contradict what was said. Must be easy to prove they were in the same location at the relevant time.

  8. Are these the same Secret Service agents that wanted to go down to the Capitol??
    The NEXT two questions should be:
    1) Were the Secret Service already requested to testify? Common sense would say that the Committee would’ve already requested that the SS testify…..
    2) Are the SS going to testify to OTHER questions leading up to 1/6? OR are the SS just going to dispute the car incident?

    1. @Tele Bubba You mean called again. They were already called once, and they neglected to testify about any of this.

  9. “We know they are lying.
    They know they are lying.
    They know that we know they are lying.
    We know that they know that we know that they are lying.
    And still they continue to lie.”
    – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

  10. Here is the thing: Testifying to the Jan 6th Committee owns investigation of said agent. He literally opens the doors for more questions.

  11. Yeah but she didn’t give that statement as a first person witness, she said it was what she was told in mark Meadows office from another source.

  12. The agents need to be brought forward to clarify their reply to dispute AND ALSO to answer any other questions under oath.

    1. But given they have already disputed her testimony publicly do you think we will ever get to see that actually happen? Since it kind of destroys the entire case.

    2. they used that young girl as a pawn, why even let her testify when what she said can be rebuffed so easily by people actually present during the alleged incident, why wasn’t their side of the story investigated before the hearing?

  13. About giving evidence under oath, it’s a big thing for ordinary people, but for policemen all over the world, lying in court is a routine part of the job.

    1. Some of those that work forces
      Are the same that burn crosses
      – rage against the machine

  14. Interesting that neither the hostess nor the security guest talked about the fact that Hutchinson only heard the incident from Ornado. If so, there is no way she could have made it up. Either Ornado lied to her or he lied that the incident didn’t happen. Either way, Ornado is in trouble, not Hutchinson.

    1. @888strummer so the lady under oath with no perceivable incentive is lying? But the guy who’s scared to go under oath and is just talking from a corner to cover his ex boss is credible?

      Make it make sense…

    2. Her taking a story she heard from someone and bringing that up in court is called hearsay.
      So no she will get in trouble 😆
      He didn’t lie in court or anything, he told a story that some pissed off 25 year old lil girl said she heard.
      Why did she wanna work at mar-a-lago if he’s so bad?
      She’s full of it.

  15. If Trumps THAT “obsessed” w crowd size, in those circumstances, that’s 25th Amendment territory ffs.
    Any and all testimony must be under oath.

  16. I hope they aren’t going to say it never happened. I seriously doubt the girl could put a false story like that together!

  17. It would not surprise me the incident never happened as she was merely giving testimony to what Ornato and Engle told her. I see no reason why Ms. Hutchinson would make that story up and I suspect the Secret Service may be trying to cover up a story someone may have concocted to emphasize how upset the President was that he could not be at the Capitol. These agents need to testify under oath if they told Ms. Hutchinson that story or not and if so why.

  18. I believe the young lady. There’s no doubt they have the receipts. Those agents should be willing to go under oath ASAP.

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