Secy. Antony Blinken Speaks As He Arrives At The State Department | MSNBC

Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to State Department workers and staff as he arrived for his first day in his new role. "The world is watching us intently right now," he said, "they want to know if we can heal our nation." Aired on 01/27/2021.
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#AntonyBlinken #StateDepartment #MSNBC

Secy. Antony Blinken Speaks As He Arrives At The State Department | MSNBC


    1. @mark Evans only reason he won’t get convicted is because the Republican Party is sooo corrupt that they’re scared of trumps influence that they allowed to fester within their base that they would all lose their re-election if they ever bad mouth trump.

    2. @mark Evans the Republican Party are cowards just like trump. But he still is going to prison 😂 😂 😂 if the senate won’t convict, and show the true colors of the corrupt republicans, the New York AG will make sure to lock him up with his kids and Kushner 😂

    3. @mark Evans oh that happens when you’ve been assimilated into a cult. Your views accuse everyone of not thinking, because you turned yours off for the cult. In this case you can only think the same way the trump cultist thus.

    1. @mark Evans I got my money on Dumb Donnie going into a New York State penitentiary. Those crimes he committed before he was president!

  1. We need a strong, competent, and respected Sate Department. Like everything else, that’s a tall order after Trump’s four year rampage!

    1. GoSoy, I got hairy legs,that,that,that,that,that turn blonde in the sun and kids would rub my legs and jump on my lap and that taught me about roaches!

    2. @Hairy legs Corn Pop now now corn pop . When you have leg hair that changes color well… You’re something special. No wonder his middle name is Robinette.😱🤪🤪😁🤔😅😅😜🤡

    3. @Allan Burns that would be nice but the dumbocrats already have that monicker. Plus communism is the new progressive dumbocrat nickname. You buy a lot of booolsheet. I’m going to have to invest in that stock. Dumbocrats are raising the earnings estimate.

    1. we can have healing and harmony , we can forgive those that committed violence during a riot. We don’t have to punish. We can choose to learn from our experiences and grow. Please, harmony is more important than bringing people to justice .

    2. @Eric W Bull hold Trump, his enablers, GOP and everyone accountable then we can heal. We won’t know who we can trust if we do nothing. Then when someone smarter than Trump comes along we will know they won’t try or succeed. 5 dead Jan.6 400,000+ dead because Trump push herd immunity and lied!🙄

    1. The traitors that killed while trying to plot a coup attempt, to over throw our democracy, in an attempt to regain power and reinstall their dictator are also watching!! It will happen next election, and the next if we do not nip this behavior in the bud right now! Don’t hold your breath waiting for the senators will no morals, patriotism to our country, or spines to do it….they are all in for an autocratic system!

    2. @Mindy Sanchez True, however Secretary of State has nothing to do with that, the Attorney General and the Dept of Justice, can.

    3. Tabitha, Secretary Blinken has nothing to do with the #WhiteTalibanTerrorists. That’s the Dept. of Justice who will bring charging against those terrorists.

  2. healing should comeafter excising those that cause the wound and bleeding. otherwise what is the point of healing if the cause is still there.

  3. It’s so refreshing to have cabinet members that truly believe in the judgement of their President and are NOT on the defensive (justifiably) at every turn backtracking on what the President “intended” to say, but didn’t really intend to say.

  4. I hope the disillusioned and discouraged former State Department patriots come back. We can use their excellent expertise.

  5. Job #1 at the State Department – VOID Trump’s passport so he can’t flee the country to avoid prosecution.

  6. World is watching if trump and his supporters will be convicted and put to prison with his advisers stephen miller, duagther , son-in – law , sons and the republicans co-conspirator rioters

    1. @Viet N Regardless Trump needs to be held accountable or someone worst will try and suceed with destroying our democracy and become a dictator!🤔

  7. Articulate, concise and non divisiveness in a speech. I’ve missed you last four years so happy you’re back 😘

  8. Wait…your agenda is not to personally protect the President….or to spread lies????…oh yeah..that was the other guy…

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