See how planet has changed in 50 years since first Earth Day

Since the first Earth Day in 1970, we haven't made as much progress on protecting the environment as you might think.

#EarthDay #CNN #News


    1. Cuz it is an invitation to finish yourself the video , what you think you will see later in this video? Just look around you and you will find the end of this video .Naaahh I just tried to get an imagination .

    2. O SNOOPY SNOOP #1 u are so mean 😏
      all u care about is flashing ur position of status and privilege posing on us MOFOS THAT u have American

      🗽 Media Television 📺


      mute 🔕 📴 📵 🆗 👌

    1. True Irony lemme ask you this. If what you say is true, what will you do then. Can you change the system? And are you willing to fight? If you say yeah I’m with you then. But first let’s see how all this plays out.

    2. @lIMZEY Yes, damn right I am willing to fight, as well as vote against their orchestrated cancer that’s ALWAYS cloaked in “goodness” or manufactured “demonization”. But not just for the act of fighting like Dem-orchestrated “ANTIFA” hoodlums for example, who are in fact the actual fascists. They are fully promoted and funded BY the numerous Dem-run activist groups. I’m against the ACTUAL cancer that is crippling this country and every legal, law-abiding citizen within it. They also have a diabolical, multi-faceted plot to corruptly rig the next election, just as they have many times before over the years.
      And so the destructive cancer spreads and spreads………… 0_0

    3. @ben gadgets Yes, it’s the very DEFINITION of FAKE. Only it’s much more than that. I’s the most vile, destructive demagogue/propaganda garbage ever devised. And all done completely by corrupt political design.

  1. Yes. See how the lies of the environmental movement have continually shifted to accommodate their lack of reality

    1. @George Lux it is because of the facts that I state the things I do. It would appear to me that you sir are the one who is unaware of the facts.

    2. @Powder_ Days having actually been an extremely active environmentalist, I feel like I come from a position of much greater authority than anybody in this room talking. So….ummm… hello. McFly!!

    3. @Francisco Mendez Lacomba rather I would direct those environmentalists that have their gun sights set on the good nation of the USA to go over there and do the same thing. And actually target the real polluters of the planet instead of everyday normal people just trying to live their lives. It becomes a control obsession more than anything, and if you don’t know that or can’t see that, it’s simply your ignorance. I don’t care to teach you better.

    4. @Scott Romigh Their sole agenda and GOAL is to COMPLETELY “CHANGE” this country into an ideology of government lemming dependents, rather than a free market capitalistic prosperity for everyone. Just one example………..look who is financially invested in wind mills, solar panels for every single roof in California and the like and profiting from introducing new bills and changing laws regarding it in Congress, etc… All about them profiting while the clueless public thinks the issue is about something completely different. Masters of political deception and propaganda.

  2. Couldn’t you show the whole thing?? Just when I was really getting into it…..BOOM…..gone. Thanks.

    1. Your weak mind was sinking into sheep mode… And boom they cut you off before the program finished downloading.

  3. The US and other great country sets the standards. especially California regulations. But major problems are India and China pollution 10-20 times higher then the rest of the world.

    1. I hope you understand that Indian and Chinese citizens actually create very little pollution by themselves. In fact, Indians and Chinese people create a third of the pollution an American creates. However, due to their extremely large populations, the number is larger than the U.S’. Real change should start in the U.S who is not even in the Paris Climate Accords!

    2. @Akul Murthy probably you should educate yourself as to why China has all of their polluting factories built on the coast where they dump all of their horrific pollution directly into the ocean. It has nothing to do with per capita population, they do rotten evil things that only a criminal would do. And India should know better being the world’s largest Democracy.

    1. It would have to kill a LOT more people to do any lasting good. What this has shown is that it’s not impossible to make a positive difference, just inconvenient.

    2. That would fit right into the fascist wheelhouse of the most environmentalists. Never enough blood for the cold heartless bass turds.

    1. Shilonious Monk and this is why humanity could end. Ignorance, stupidity, and most of all, anti science.

    1. Vote democrat. They suck but they’re way better than the corporate whores running the Republican party.

  4. 40% of the Earth’s surface covered with farms? No way. False. They just say false stuff like that. What liars.

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