Sen. Bernie Sanders Is The Projected Winner Of The Nevada Democratic Caucus | MSNBC

NBC News is projecting that Sen. Bernie Sanders has won the Nevada Democratic caucus.» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Sen. Bernie Sanders Is The Projected Winner Of The Nevada Democratic Caucus | MSNBC


    1. @Sharon Formation”Bernie chose to use the time”
      to do what?
      “foster a sister city program between Burlington and Yaroslavl.”‘
      How has this benefited any people? He’s full of lies.

    1. @Puppy Love I feel like I’m watching an old, crusty old man about to turn to dust running for President of the US in some campy black and white movie. The Mummy’s Ghost maybe?

    1. @Rsb Delija polls can be influenced depending on how the question is asked and apparently, you think, your going to influence bernie supporters in another direction… remember “fake news” being a thing? Although real people refer to it as misinformation. Misinformation is a great influence these days.

    2. @Zee Lieb Thats true, but the unemployment is lowest ever and thats why people have it better under Trump.
      And its not because of Obama who said “some jobs are is not going to comeback, and Trump will not fix it”.

      3 years later 7 million more new jobs under Trump and lowest uneplyoment.

      Sanders have good points with healthcare and dont say Trump is perfect but Trump is better if you compare these 2 in my opinion.

    1. @Southern Hippie Hillary surrogates said the exact same thing, yet 2016 exit polling had Sanders trouncing Trump, unlike her.

      Maybe you need to re-think your studied statistical analysis, such as it is.

    2. @M Hussain After your health democracy is the most important thing in life, so for me it is much more then that. Democracy gives me a voice, it gives me freedom, it gives me a choice, and it gives me opportunities. We remember the people who fought for all that, and gave their lives on the battlefield. To me it is much more then just politics. And to see that these people from MSNBC compare democratic voters with nazi’s is really disgusting and an abomination. And those are the nicest most polite words I can think of.

  1. “I don’t see how Sanders is the front runner’. Chuck Todd. What a loser, how can anyone treat that guy seriously after that?

  2. As Russia tries to pretend it is helping Sanders, when the reality is they are trying to taint his campaign to help Trump.

    1. Don Williams bro we’re not commie’s, we’re evolving with capitalism. People need help! I hope this platform gives you the outlet you’re looking to air grievances, I feel you bro. The MSM is now treating Bernie supporters just like they treated trump supporters. I’m Sorry my dude.

    2. The most diverse Bernie brothers and sisters around town. The only way to win such a devisive President is to unite and fight. #unitedwestanddividedwefall

    3. Proud white man for Trump just came to see what the snowflakes with TDS are crying about this time.🇺🇸✝️👌🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤙👊✝️👌💒✝️👊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇸

  3. MSNBC says Bernie is at 45% but every other source says 55%. What’s up with that MSNBC? Can’t handle the numbers? Does Bernie “make your skin crawl”?


  5. I’m curious MSDNC, who’s coming in a ”strong” third? Or fourth? Because we all know that person’s the real winner here. Isn’t that right? Lol.

    1. “MSDNC” is a talking point that Trump uses himself, so I am presuming that the real winner you are referring to is Trump.

    2. @Ivan Johnson I am not paranoid, you don’t know who/what I support. I am simply making the statement because I, as a progressive liberal who voted lasted election cycle, think we should be careful about saying the same type of stuff that pours out of Trump’s mouth. I am not devaluing your message, I am challenging your language.

  6. Chris Matthews Likens Bernie’s Strong Nevada Showing to France Falling to Nazi Germany in WWII.
    MSNBC is now worse than Fox news.
    Bernie is winning with 54%. How can you spin that corporate tools?

    1. I always voted Democrat but if the leftist steal from Bernie again then I will not ever vote Democrat again! I didn’t like how he was treated in 2016!

    1. Let’s see how quickly these cocksvckers take to fall in line.

      They’re fundamentally cowards. Watching them seek to curry favor should be hilarious.

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