Sen. Kaine: I Fully Expect Trump To Challenge Results When He Loses | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., weighs in on Trump's remarks about not committing to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses and why Republicans are pointing to Hillary Clinton now despite the fact she isn't on the ballot. Aired on 9/25/2020.
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Sen. Kaine: I Fully Expect Trump To Challenge Results When He Loses | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. He really is the Trumpkin:
    —Orange on the outside
    —Empty inside
    —Has to be thrown out in November
    🎃Vote him out!!


  2. Trump tries to turn the US into a dictatorship.

    But his enablers in the Senate and Congress are just as quilty. Vote them ALL out!

    1. @Masson H
      I had a dream last night about a Trump super spreader rally. At the rally they handed out shaped charge MAGA hats. As Airforce One came in for a landing the hats started exploding in time to “Rockin’ in the Free World”. Trump was ecstatic over the fireworks as he looked out from the jet. Weird dream for sure, yet strangely satisfying.

  3. Standard for Republicans to twist words.
    Why would anyone concede until all the ballots are counted and he can still win??


    1. moretrees please it’s not 2016 it’s 2020 and the world has seen the idiocy of the trump administration. What’s sad is you trumpers have actually convinced yourselves you’re doing the right thing and are patriots haha.

    2. @marquis de queensbury when he looses they should pull his hair up to show how bald he is. N if it a hair piece then it’ll prove another one of his lies. Bcz hair pieces r also made of real hair.

    1. @Amelia Earhart can you defend your position without insults… of course not… thats really going to win people over to your side 🙂

    2. @Paul Wilson in fairness I can understand her frustration. The amount of logic and intelligent arguments I’ve tried to have and I’ve been met with well it’s fake news or they twist or try to bend the facts enough to suit their argument. We’re tired of cultists not willing to look at blatant facts and truths and words out of his own mouth and who are willing to ignore all his failures in spite of their own fellow citizens.

    3. @Mary O Toole well we disagree… leftists have drawn the battle lines… i hope you are ready for civil war 2.0.. thousands will likely die on both sides… men, women, and children… its very sad

    4. @Paul Wilson it is truly sad. I’ve just watched a beautiful speech by JFK. His peace speech. He talked about the fact that we’re all human inhabiting the same planet and where we all hope for a good life for ourselves and our children. I still hold out hope for that and would like to believe we’re all good at heart. Theres so much hurt out there and people trying for justice and change shouldn’t be silenced or oppressed or labelled wrongly. By Trump or anyone else.

    5. @Stephanie Kinsey You serious? Clinton told Biden not to concede on election night until ALL of the votes are counted. From that where did you understand that she told Biden not to accept the results? Or are you just repeating Trumps lies?

    1. @Dale Hauk Funny how it wasn’t a hoax in 2016 when he won, but it’s now a hoax if he loses. I can see that he has started believing he’s not going to win; he has no one else but himself to blame for that. So if America gets rid of the ballots is he not saying that American won’t have the right to vote, that he has the only power to say what should be the will of the people in November. Are you listening to this America? Latest information about people that are doing some of these Drump posts are KIDS that are working for Turning Point. Kids that don’t know what they are posting about, are not old enough to even vote, but are getting paid to write many of these stupid postings. Are you going to allow this to happen to our country to our democracy? Just look at what took place this week in Belarus, where Lukashenko was sworn in as president in a secrete inauguration against the people will and with the blessing of Putin. We fought wars for the right to be free from people that want to dominate us, put us into slavery, to take away our rights in a free country. Had he just did his job this wouldn’t be happening. We need better, we need someone that has the dignity to be honest with America, someone that assists to keep America going, someone with the will to do what’s right for America and not for oneself. Dump doesn’t have any of these characteristic and he never will.

    1. @don’t trip _”Democrats are nothing but trash.”_
      You are as lost as last year’s Easter egg.

      *Nine of the last 10 recessions have been under Republicans.*

      (That’s not counting the one that we are currently in.)

      Going back to LBJ (~53 years), there have been 25 years of Democratic presidents, and 28 years of Republican presidents.

      *In the 25 years of Democrat presidents, there have been a total of 3 executive branch officials indicted, with 1 conviction, and 1 prison sentence.

      * In the 28 years of Republican presidents, there have been a total of 120 indictments of executive branch officials, 89 convictions, and 34 prison sentences.

    2. @Dustin F sadly yes Dustin and a lot of things have been coming out from Democrats especially cuz of the Clinton’s. Sick people very sick and I don’t want to be part of that. I love my future kids and grandchildren

    3. @don’t trip And where have you been hearing all of this information? And what can be said about Democrats that can’t also be said about Republicans?

    4. @Julie James That is absolutely untrue, Dwight Eisenhower was a man of honor whose integrity as a general and as a president was unimpeachable.

  4. Im so tired of the Republicans trying to flip everything on the Democrats. Their insults to our intelligence is beyond ridiculous.

    1. I honestly question anybody that wants to be republican or support Trumps evil agenda. I don’t trust this country anymore

    2. You on the left are devoid of intelligence ,common sense and honesty,It is why you will be defeated.The majority of Americans do not support you,you will find this out on 11/3/20.

    1. I think most of the deflector-in-chief’s supporters are noneducated majority. I really don’t expect them to be logical about the political divisiveness, and rhetoric gymnastics by this president. This election is about choosing America or Trump. I can’t agree more when people call this election “CHOICE 2020.”

    2. @mike briganti Ignorant liberals like myself have a brain big enough to process. A pathological lying 6 time bankruptcy , failed business man, con man Surely knowing all this about Donald Trump. Disqualify you from being the sharpest tool in any bodies political shed l0l. Always talking out the side of your Republic Lying a** Neck.

    1. not to mention Trump loosing won’t be pretty for his inner circle of equally useless corrupt cabinet members, and family…and more than likely, a trip to divorce court

    2. @Michael Blackwood

      The crimes that have been committed that I see kind of hiding in plain sight:

      *You’ve got conspiracy to defraud the U.S.

      *You’ve got obstructing justice.

      *You’ve got obstructing Congress. These are all separate statutory crimes. I can rattle off the numbers but it probably wouldn’t be all that interesting or helpful.

      *You’ve got tampering with a witness. We saw a tweet in real time while Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch was testifying. ~Which is tampering with a witness under 18 USC 1512. There’s no two ways about it. *He bribed President Zelensky.

      *He committed campaign finance violations with Michael Cohen.

      *He made false statements to the FBI as part of the Mueller probe.

      *He has been an accessory after the fact to, of all people, Vladimir Putin by standing up in Helsinki and giving him aid and comfort. That is the crime of accessory after the fact under 18 USC, Section Three, and I could go on but we probably don’t have enough time.

    3. @relja jelic yes, and no. He won’t go to prison for high crimes and misdemeanors however, there are other investigations that might rise to the level of imprisonment. Problem is, he’ll die of a heart attack on sentencing day.

    4. Get real the democrats don’t have the balls. Remember Obama’s “We tortured some people, folks but we’re not looking backwards” speech. Trump and his family are not seeing any jail time just like Bob Mueller let them off the hook, the Dems, the FBI, the prosecutors etc etc are not going to risk provoking Trump’s millions of personality cult members.

    5. Joe Biden has affirmed that he will _not_ seek to indict trump. He made it very clear that he will _not_ politicize or interfere with the DOJ and|or the AG.
      Of course he also said he will support the decisions they make. SO unless the AG and DOJ have substantial reasons and proof of criminal actions for indictments, it will not happen.
      It’s in his talk at Black Economic Summit in Charlotte, N.C. (the last question if interested in hearing it for yourself).

    1. Trumpublicans have zero solutions. They deny science and delay action, well except to ram through hard right judges and tax cuts for their 1% cronies at record speed. America will instantly be a better place when Moscow Mitch, Lindsey Graham, and the rest of 45’s toadies are OUT!

    2. ♡♡♡♡
      Dear Joan Collins
      Will you marry me?

      Yours Truly
      King Donald


      * US ARMY
      * US NAVY
      * US POLICE
      * US PEOPLE

    3. @Glynis Joseph
       @Jock Young 
      Trump is married his office. TILL DEATH WILL HE PART.

      To pull it of he will have to control all US Security Forces with a COVID 19 MIND CONTROL VACCINE.

      He is the America
      * CASTRO
      * LENIN
      * STARLIN
      * PUTIN
      * GADDAFF
      * POL POT

    1. plus all them turdsters who phoned in their vote. is twexting like don does all day instead of sleeping tweeting in vote, Twice. they can’t tweet twice can they??

    2. @Daniel Warner You know that is good point you made! Something to really think about! I don’t put anything past his zombified supporters. Trump is Jim Jones 2.0!

  5. Still blaming Hillary…pathetic. I didn’t know she’d won the election, and Kevin McCarthy is a disgrace to his country for defending treason.

    1. @marianne samuelsen l also think it should be abolished, but that will take a Constitutional Amendment. When the Constitution was drafted, there were no cars, electricity, or modern means of travel. The purpose was twofold. One was to ensure only the actual number of people from each state were represented and that there was a common place for those votes to be cast. In modern times, it is no longer necessary, and l believe we need to amend the Constitution to get rid of it to protect the majority of people from having their votes stolen by foreign or domestic actors. The younger Bush and Trump both became president and yet lost the popular vote. (and both of them sent the economy into a downward trend. I appreciate your question, and l hope l have explained it well. I believe the Constitution is the oldest document of a democratic republic (England doesn’t have a constitution). Please wish us luck in the upcoming election. We need to replace this man regardless of party. He is “to let in the attic” as the British would phrase it.

    2. @marianne samuelsen you are a welcome. Pray for our democracy. I need to learn a bit about the “socialism” you have in your country. Trump makes it sound like communism, and l know that is 100% wrong. However, l do not know exactly how your government works. I have heard our Medicare and Social Security described as socialist, and l think a country taking care of its people is a good thing. This America First junk Trump keep talking about sounds like Hitler before World War all in Germany. Scientific Socialism become Communism. I would appreciate gaining a greater understanding of words that are used as fear producing but the substance of which are never explained. I am glad my explanation helped.

  6. I don’t want Trump to concede. I want him to be humiliated and literally dragged out of the White House for the world to see the beginning of his demise.

    1. He has humiliated himself infront of the whole world several times allready, but you are right, it would be kind of fun to watch that !

    1. Yes, I guess she is, and Obama, and Carter, everyone is incumbent, Trump is going to fix what has happened the last 4 years. What, Who, Wait a minute?

    2. @Donald Intlekofer this is the sorriest so called President I have ever seen. We can’t wait to vote this ssd sucker out of office. 2021 if he doesn’t win, I’m willing to bet he will be locked up!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😜

  7. They are questioning Americans intelligence. Hillary Clinton is a citizen. Joe Biden never said anything. This is ridiculous 😤😠

    1. Of course!! Biden hasn’t said anything, trump’s supporters are always making stories, this is ridiculous, trump is like a cry baby hiding behind his supporters

    2. @tommi atkins I appreciate the enthusiasm(because I knew what trump was, and is, a decade ago) but there is the russian factor to consider. Americans did vote to put President Hillary Clinton in the White House but somehow enough votes were generated, less than 70k, that swung the Electoral College in trumps’ favor so the Trump family took over.
      …something to think about.

      Someone once told me, on the subject of elections, “The American people are not always right but they are never wrong.” They were not wrong in 2016. If Donald “The Duck” steals this election too We may not have the chance to be right again for a long, long time.

    3. Everything the Democrats have tried to do to overthrow trump the Last 4 years I don’t think either party is going to feel good not knowing who the president is

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