Sen. Klobuchar: Trump Is ‘Belittling The Science’ And People Are ‘Seeing Through It’ | MSNBC

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss the administration’s pandemic response, criticizing President Trump for telling the public disinformation on the virus, telling Andrea the virus is "a really serious matter", sharing how it has personally affected her own family after her 92-year-old father recently tested positive and her husband battled the virus in March. Aired on 07/02/2020.
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Sen. Klobuchar: Trump Is 'Belittling The Science' And People Are 'Seeing Through It' | MSNBC


    1. You’re thinking in one’s and zero’s. In paint there are SEVERAL different pigments of black… I think green-based (purplish) black is the darkest.

    1. I guess when you only watch MSNBC selected clips you would assume the worst but people with real brains watch both sides to get the whole story

    1. @Maria Cox Haha exactly. The question on foreign policy Mr Deranged? Well lets go over to the expert, Silver, highly qualified!!

    2. The Lone Ranger the f****** Lone Ranger Wait a minute that’s where his mind is
      in the 1950s the lone f****** Ranger 😷😷😷😂😂😂😂😂😂😳😳😳😳😳

  1. The Russian mafia is going to have trouble getting their money back from trumpler inc, he would sell his own mother, sucks to be ivanka

    1. @Glock Coley American banks refused to lend money to trumpler inc., the bank of China does (bloc holds the mortgage on his Vegas property ), Deutsche bank stopped after being exposed as money laundered for Russian mafia, Treasonous trump is your communist cozy grifter, gritters always get caught

    2. @Al I don’t know, according to Colbert, Trump is causing distractions to protect Ivanka from trouble. She might actually be fine


  2. It would be so peachy if Trump “just disappeared one day, he would magically just disappeared”! Trump & he’s administration are now talking about Masks because they’re desperate for votes! Lames! After all the division & mask shaming they created!

    1. @Teh Cy Considering all the media clamoring about Russian collusion, it indeed was a nothingburger

    2. Haven’t worn a mask, haven’t kneel. If they can get you to do these things, what else can they get YOU to do?
      Weak minded

    3. @Looney Times like rioting oops I mean peacefully gathering.
      If they can get YOU to wear a mask what else can they get you to do?

    1. @J Line of all the cinematic heros he picked that one and still got it wrong about wear the LR wears his mask… 🤦

    2. @Mile High Patriots then why are you here comrade? go to a faux news comment section. At least their lies will be more comforting to your bias.

    3. @Laura Zaboraski I laughed when he said that – but then he was never good at geography.

    1. @Fred Jones Really??? So we dont get plagues and pandemics from the past cropping up every now and again, especially in communities that are filled with anti-vaccers? GOD you guys are DUMB!

    2. @Fred Jones … Just as stupid as they come, eh, Freddy?… Say something else!… You’re funny!…

    3. Been preaching this since… February…
      He’ll still be saying it in the heat of the second wave this fall, when the 2oo ooo mark will be passed.

    4. There are countries around the world where this has happened. Nothing wrong in being optimistic. Would you prefer the President to say millions will die like how Biden 120 million figure ?

    5. @Fred Jones 👄When was the last time the US was banned from the EU?! Oh, NEVER!!! Sit Down without ignorance

    1. He thinks he’s in charge, but he’s all by him self. The lonely ranger needs to be put out to pasture, or prison , cell mates with Big Babba.

  3. The US has the best scientists and medical professionals in the world, by far. Any normal president would have used these incredible resources and prevented the Corona virus from getting any foothold in this country because, unlike China and Italy, we had plenty of lead time. A competent president would have used these resources in December, when Trump was informed of the impending pandemic and gotten us ready. We would have done better than Germany and that means far fewer than 40,000 deaths (Germany had 9,000 deaths for a country about a fourth the US population). Thus, Trump’s incompetence is directly responsible for over 85,000 innocent Americans (and increasing every day) dying in vain. He must be tried for mass murder. Now!

    1. If a REAL President were in the White House ,he/ she would have closed the borders , have everyone wear a mask, assure the public that this too shall pass but only if we work together .
      He would have asked Wall Street to slow it’s stock movements,have business give out parcels of sick days to stagger the workforce and give tax breaks and really good loans to take up the slack ,to those that comply . They would have asked Governor’s what is it they needed and got it there in World class speed . They would ask the National Guards Of every State to monitor MOVEMENT and shuttle supplies through our Enormous Logistics Command Structure !!
      That’s only part of what A REAL PRESIDENT would of done !!
      Instead we get this dreck ,this slime, this orange pussbag and otherwise useless eater of good oxygen !!

  4. Judging by what he looks like, wearing a mask would be an improvement. At least we don’t have to look at that streaky fake tan.

    1. … That’s what Orange Julius is worried about — the mask will smear his clown face….

  5. I wonder if Trump knows that the Lone Ranger was based off of a black US Marshal and former slave from the 1800s named Bass Reeves?

    1. @Richard Hunt Of course they would… but I’m 71 and have seen a lot of change. It’s not the same now, as it was, when I was young. Granted, not that much better, but times have changed. 10 years ago BLM wouldn’t have existed, or mattered, but now it does. Progress. 10 year ago the monuments wouldn’t have come down. Now they are coming down. Take the win and build on it. One battle may turn the war, but it’s a lot of battles that win it.

    2. @Mistair Arts Granted we’ve won some major victories but it’s a WAR !!
      It’s The Powerful monied interest we are engaged with and as proven they would resort to even treason to keep it that way !!
      It ant over yet my friend but we will try to end it soon

    3. @The Tweatles is that the only comment you can make? Why do you care about somebody sexual preference? Do you know nothing else?

  6. The Lone Ranger the f****** Lone Ranger Wait a minute that’s where his mind is
    in the 1950s the lone f****** Ranger 😷😷😷😂😂😂😂😂😂😳😳😳😳😳

    1. “We will destroy your artefacts and idols anywhere and Islamic State will rule your lands.” — some people

  7. But the Lone Ranger’s mask covered his eyes….not his mouth……does he get anything correct?

  8. I thought The Lone Ranger had a mask that covered his eyes? Anyway, with his makeup he looks more like Tonto.

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