Spreading Misinformation As Part Of A Strategy | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A new study found that the president has been the single biggest driver of coronavirus misinformation. The Morning Joe panel discusses misinformation as a Trump strategy. Aired on 10/01/2020.
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Spreading Misinformation As Part Of A Strategy | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. peter…but there’s really great news for economy…Trump will soon be announcing the hiring of thousands of outta work Americans!!!
      The Parks and Recreation departments will need lots of forest rakers and leaf removal specialists…😆😄😅🤣😂😅🤣😆😄

  1. Why is this a problem?
    All anyone has to do is completely disregard anything Trump says.
    Just create a daily reminder:

    1. @Kathy Humphrey
      Maybe all members of the fascist Repuglikkan party should cut off their heads to let some light in!
      Then tRumps Covid19 virus would disappear overnight just like trumps brain did

  2. Trump is a dark cloud on American democracy and civility. There is no silver lining, only poison in this cloud.

    1. @Cynthia Neighbors Thanks for sharing information that makes you think you are superior. My whole family has been in the navy, during a war, including myself all the way back to the civil war. You ain’t superior. Not only am I rude, I don’t mix. My kids won’t mix.

    2. @J Batson You’re welcome. I was defending my father as an honorable patriot, not a lefty dumpster diver as you implied, and I thank you for being a patriot yourself. We don’t see eye to eye on some issues but this a democracy and we can have lively discussions.

    3. Roman Ward That’s odd, everyone else including the international community thinks Joe Biden won. I think everyone in the west and the international community wants Biden to win. Many have said Biden was calm, a real gentleman, not so much trump. Most people think trump is dangerous, many think he’s unhinged, all think he’s a liar and uneducated.

    4. @Brenda Heeligan Oh yeah he was calm on, called Trump; stupid, a clown, a racist, told him to shut up and you are too stupid to insult also.. And you know what else too moron?? This is America.. This is not the internal citizen of the world States of America.

    5. @Cynthia Neighbors That’s what you get.. You played hardball.. What goes around comes around. And no I will not go on a date with you. I am married. Our anniversary is a soon undisclosed date.. We have a large thural bread Texan family.. Trump 2020..

  3. Trump Playbook is all too simple – “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” – Joseph Goebbels

    1. @Tweetie-Louise Dam I forgot libs can not handle Sarcasm..But lission you can pack your bags in a few weeks a move out of the country like you guys promised us in 2016..lol

    2. As long as he stands up for religious freedom and the unborn, the Second Amendment, a strong military, judges who interpret the Constitution as written and average Joes like me – he gets my vote!!! Biden/Harris scares me!!!

    3. Wasn’t Joseph Goebbels Hitler right hand man. Actually he was more dangerous to Hitler then Hitler was to himself. Who is Trump right hand man?

    1. @Ailene Tabada well then please do the world a favor and JOIN THEM YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED. 👍 The sooner the better!

  4. Last night he said what are “they” going to do without trump in 16 years. He’s thinking on overturning the constitution and change it to allow him to keep running

    1. Marty Baldwin this is not the only time he mentioned that in the past as a joke and no one took him seriously or noticed. If you got the time to waist try to listen to last night rally as he expanded on it. When he repeat an idea it means that he is very seriously thinking about how to implement it. God help all Americans.

  5. He’s the most prolific habitual pathological liar in presidential history and that will be just 1 of many terrible and horrendous things he has done to this country and that will be his legacy and 1 term president! Biden/harris2020 I’m an independent voter!

    1. Dom Farina BTW, Joe could not denounce the terrorist organization antifa nor could Joe denounce the anarchist.
      These Boy’s that were mentioned are very small splinter group that can’t even amass a bunch to confront antifa or the anarchist. To quote our past President Obama, they are the junior varsity.

    2. Tr did you read my 10 minute paragraph and that’s all you got out of it???????????????what are you brain dead or just stupid ignorant? Which is it?????????

    3. Top of class. 3 degrees. Met his wife on a blind date when really she was cheating on her then husband. Joe Biden

    1. ooh, I seemed to have triggered the trolls!! Man, you guys have no idea how much people laugh at you with your ridiculous comments. LOL!! Please, continue, I enjoy the comedy!

  6. He sounded completely serious, peddling the idea of injecting bleach into your body. Trump’s ignorance is blissfully Deadly.

    1. Don’t worry We now have Clorox chewables for your TDS & for them realy hard TDS days we also have lysol epi pens..So hurry up and get yours today before Nov 3rd gets here for a President Trump landslide Victory..🤪👍

    2. It’s not what he said you gullible sheep. He asked an expert if “something like that” could be done. Your corrupt, one-sided media clipped the footage like they always do. I pity you stupid blind followers. But you are exactly who the radical left needs

    3. Noah Natall
      But during the debate he said he was being sarcastic. So which is it?? Try not twisting yourself up in knots when answering.

  7. Why is anyone so shocked? Trump just physically shoved other world leaders aside on camera at his first NATO meeting.

    1. It’s kinda a good thing if people are surprised, appaled and disgusted by this. At least it shows that his morbid and horrid “ways”, have not numbed them. Have not been able to become acceptable as some kind of new standard or norm. They still see what he does for the abhorrent deviance and disgraceful sh*t it is.

    2. @Frances Van Siclen Physically-push-other-world-leaders-and-interrupt-and-opponents,-in-debates,-more-than-seventy-times-in-90-minutes?-You’re-a-moron.

    3. @Frances Van Siclen Perfect! Exactly! Trump supporters respect some who is Authoritarian; a bully if you will. Look ahead and see what you wish for. This person you admire has no respect for you and will trample you to get what he wants. Recall his catch phrase, *_’What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening’_* and compare it to George Orwell’s 1984 *_“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”_* Don’t come crying to me with your, *_But I didn’t know”._*

    4. Tom – Everything you said I perfectly attribute to the liberal democrats! They will trample on free speech (they are already doing so), they will riot or worse when they don’t get their way, they will sell out the country we true Americans love in their quest for more governance so they retain power; open borders for everyone on the citizen’s dime; you know the whole sad scenario! It is so sad to me that people like you are so willing to embrace socialism and sell their country down the drain ! One day you will wake up and it will be too late !

    1. @Logan McLean he won’t; he’s already losing and he’s about to be arrested; time to take your brain medication, it’ll help you tell the truth better: Trump is going down as one of the worst presidents ever….

    2. @Logan McLean I heard he’s so FAT he got stuck in the TUB! Took 5 SECRET SERVICE AGENTS and a portable crane to get him free! LMFAO

    3. @Logan McLean what’s hilarious will be the site of him being escorted out of the white house in handcuffs as our new president Biden will be entering, and make no mistake, he will be arrested and Biden will be president….

    1. @Alfredo Ramirez Yeah the out of touch with common folks politician Biden said that. Trumpo is still unilaterally worse.

    2. @stephen glover Nice guy lmfao 😂 Biden is a politician. Trumpo had his chance to be a leader and failed miserably. Biden and his crew, couldn’t possibly screw America as badly as Don the Con.

  8. No Democrat can afford to stand on the sideline in this election. Every one of you MUST vote. We need this to be a massive landslide in order to prevent the coup Trump and the Far Right are going to attempt. #VoteInPerson in numbers #TooBigToRig

    1. Trump will Send His DEPLORABLES to Scream in Your Face While You Try to Your Rights!
      Be WEARY…They will put up No Parking Signs near Polling Stations, They may cause car accidents or demonstrate in intera tions so people can not Vote!! Trust Me … They’re Pure Scum!

    2. My deceased hard-working parents voted Democrat. But they wouldn’t recognize today’s FAR LEFT Democratic party!!!!! Neither do I…!!!!

  9. Didnt Hitler do the same thing Trump is doing?
    Is he America’s Enemy?
    Why isn’t people coming against this before he destroys America.
    Do America need to continue talking?

  10. “I was being sarcastic…” while hundreds of american lives were being lost every day? Seriously?

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