States Wait For Federal Help At Their Own Peril As Coronavirus Crisis Builds | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reports on the raises the alarm to public servants in state government that they need to act quickly and independently because federal help is too slow in coming as coronavirus infections are already filling hospitals in some parts of the country. Aired on 03/20/2020.
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States Wait For Federal Help At Their Own Peril As Coronavirus Crisis Builds | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. I am a healthcare worker in Washington state and I am thinking of stopping working. There are no masks. It is not safe for us to work. Better to stay home and live.

    1. @Rand Kocher Really? Trump said there was only one case and they had it under control. Then he said there were five cases and everyone was recovering nicely. Then he said it would end in the spring during the warm weather. Your president is a moron and is endangering people’s lives.

    2. How long will you last when the system collapses? Unless you are off grid in the country, have storable food for a year and plenty of ammo people won’t last a year unless the supply chains start moving again.

    3. @Dawn Emile I think she is talking about N95 masks, that is the minimum for health care workers in this situation.

    4. She does now have to work in unsafe conditions but does she work directly with Covid-19 patients? Hand washing is all that is needed if she does not.

    1. And Italy has socialized medicine. I’ve already let that sink in fully. I’m one of the 78 million Americans who are uninsured or severely underinsured. I have a sick cousin with Medicare that they refused to test. Me? No hope at all I’d get testing or treatment. My best hope is to stay at home until there is a vaccine. But other uninsured people are working two part-time jobs, and they must go to work if they are to eat, so if they have it, they are out there infecting everybody, up to and including the rich and greedy who made sure we don’t have socialized medicine. I just read a book review I wrote of an epidemic book in 2012, where I said, “not having universal health care is going to destroy us if a bad one comes.” Sometimes, I hate being right.

    2. From Belgium: we are in lockdown since last week. We are about 9-7 days behind Italy. From the toll in NYC I think it is closer to Italy than we are. I do not understand how you have underestimated this epidemic to this point. And I’m afraid your healthcare system is way underequiped.

    3. @Caged Animal no they are not fine. studies show that getting infected can result in permanent lung damage and immune system damage. just because you dont die doesnt mean there isnt long term consequences even if you recover. thats what theyre not telling everyone. how is durant going to play if he has lung damage

    4. @Gilles Meura No one has underestimated anything. Be careful of your news sources, MSNBC is FAKE NEWS in the United States.

  2. Here in the UK, our Government is guaranteeing 80% of employees’ salaries. Call it socialism if you like; I call it having a government that is making efforts to protect its people. Yes, we’re not entirely on top of this, but it makes a difference when you feel that you have a leadership that is coordinated and listening to the experts.

    1. Mykel Hardin it’s free money handed out when corporations fail. The fed is doing 1T a night in daily repo now to keep this ship floating. Get with the times boomer, your economic text book was out dated decades ago

  3. Unbelievable, the US has the biggest and most modern and expensive militairy but is not able to simply supply masks and actually protect it’s people??

  4. We are all going to know people who will die from this. Some of us will die from this. Prepare yourselves.

    1. This disaster could of all been avoided..Trump didn’t want the infected Americans with the Chinese flu off the cruise ships .no that would hurt their feelings so liberals didn’t listen and now the infected Americans are spreading the virus to healthy Americans… He should of built a installion on Midway isl. or wake Isl. to separate the infected Americans so the virus does spread.

    2. @Thomas Armsworthy Jr The first infection did not come from the cruise ship. It came in jan to chicago long before trumpee stopped the flights from china. As a matter of fact there was probably one in Nov that infected washington state. The us was was well aware of what was happening in China long ago. We should have started to prepare then.
      The cruse ship passengers were quarantined at travis. It is the covid19 flu not the chinese flu

    3. The computer they are letting you use at the homeless shelter is broken.
      The CAP lock is stuck on. Try the computer at the drug rehab center.

    4. Didn’t the Governor of New York order a lockdown in his state to non essential workers to closed..
      Isn’t Rachel Madcow show a optionated non essential work?

  5. Locking down seems obvious. I’m surprised barely anyone is doing it. Also seemed obvious from day one that we shouldn’t expect anything from the White House.

    1. Au contraire. In my city traffic is a fraction of what it normally is. People are keeping their social distances. The state is closing down all businesses. – – – The Trump administration has been pulling out all the stops since no later than mid January, when after months of delay, the CCP announced to the world that the CCP corona virus was being transmitted from person to person.
      Day one for the Dems was after Feb. 05 when the shampeachment was finally ended. By that time Pres. Trump had already mobilized a task force, stopped all flights from communist China, and initiated quarantines for the first time in fifty years. Joe Biden on MSNBC called Pres. Trump a xenophobe and a racist for those timely and bold actions which slowed the CCP virus.

    1. @Your Father lmao get real, btw the dems ARE using this virus to push through racist laws to keep people of color and minorities employeed over whites even if the white person is more qualified. The colors may change but dems always have been always will be racist

    2. Yes we will remember how Rachael Maddow strait up lied and people that are incapable of free thinking ate it up.

    1. Tammy, so glad you discovered Rachel. Who’s telling the truth, her, with evidence and analysis or those who are vomiting hate and politically motivated lies in the other comments? Stick with her!

    2. @Vintage Things she lied about Hillary winning, the USNS Comfort being in New York Harbor. Should I continue?

  6. I thought Rachel looked upset through the entire program. She tried her best to boss up and say by to her friend and almost made it.

  7. I am in Seattle area with a bad cough, sneezing, headache and not one testing kit in sight, the emergency rooms are filled to the max no one wearing a masque because there aren’t any, ! I can stay home ride it out but many can’t due to underlying health conditions, it is Armageddon.

    Update…..Next available Dr.’s appt is July 16th, I called into my Clinic this morning and was informed that the elderly patients and acute illness patients have priority, I am OK with that, I will rely on my fate and faith , I am not religious but believe everything is happening for a reason, ! We must stay strong, passionate and above reproach in these days, help out where we can, 🙂 when this is over and it will be over at some point everything will be changed for the better, ! As far as masks we have bandanas right? Scarves, make your own mask, I am spraying my bandanas with Hydrogen peroxide, and washing them every night, so I have a fresh one every day, just do not go out without a mask to cover your face as much as possible, ! Be safe America, we are supposed to be the Nation of the Free and brave, Yes we can and we will,

    1. ​@Eric Oriol Because I don’t believe what she’s saying. And you’re not fighting for your life.

    2. @Jeff Gibson i was hoping with all my heart that you would turn out to be a robot and not a person. The poor woman is probably dead by now since i haven’t heard from her since you were so rude against her. You are a perfect example of how religion can negativity impact someone. I am wondering if while you were being so evil to that sick woman , was Jesus in your heart at the time? Since religion and Jesus clearly are not working for you, may i suggest that you give yoga and spirituality a chance.

    3. @Eric Oriol If you can’t find her, it’s because she was a fake, as I suspected. Everybody who watches conservative news sites has been aware of anti-malarial treatment for the past six weeks.

  8. The only thing there is tons of in the US……..lack of extreme measures, lack of direction, and lack of LEADERSHIP!

    1. Kathleen Polly Give your head a shake and listen up. If you are not part of the solution you are the problem.

    2. Sorry to disappoint but Americans dont need big government , the evil CORPORATIONS the dems try to destroy and the hard working citizens know how to take care of each other. Still not over 2016?

  9. I’ve been listening to Cuomo for the past few days and honestly, I wish he were the president.

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth feeling’s mutual I am in Florida and Governor down here is not doing too bad either

    2. @Thomas Armsworthy Jr do you know what the ironic thing is Republican governors are the ones showing the least concern for their constituents. I hope you realize that when you vote for hate that same hate will turn against you one day you truly think that those politicians that you are voting for truly love you if you do I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell to youyour president is showing his true colors by putting money first and human life a distant 2nd or 3rd or 4th. If I was as evil as you are I would wish that the virus would touch your life but i won’t. It’s not too late for you to change your evil ways my brother. The last days are upon us in you still have some time left to clean up your act


      That’s cute that you think they care and it’s not just smoke and mirrors lol

    1. @sarcasmostheGreat slayeroffools yeah they edited their video of madcow mouthing off after the ship arrived in basically a week’s time 🤣 losers!

    2. @TIKKA BRNO You can actully call and leave her a message I just did (212) 664-4444 lol I asked hows it feel that trump makes them look stupid constantly 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. @sarcasmostheGreat slayeroffools Trump is level 9000! I think any level 5 Jo Blogs could make them look stupid… Madcow is as bad as Donald Lemonhead 🙄

  10. Gee, I kept waiting for the part where she said the Navy hospital ships aren’t coming.

    Ooops. Wrongo Bongo.

    Also still waiting for those “camps” she was so sure she and “people like her” would be locked up in.
    Tick tock….🕰

    She’s an actress. Don’t believe those tears 😢

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