Surveillance footage captures large explosion on key bridge to Russian-annexed Crimea

Surveillance footage from cameras on the Kerch bridge leading to Russian-annexed Crimea shows the moment of a large explosion on the roadway. The source of the blast is unclear, and Ukrainian officials have started responding to the fire, without directly acknowledging that Ukraine was responsible. CNN Fred Pleitgen reports. #CNN #News


  1. The Ukranians figured out how to destroy the road bridge, and that was pretty smart. But figuring out how to destroy the road bridge and the rail bridge at the same time was genius.

    1. @Mark what the f is your major malfunction? What gives you the mistaken impression I’m a bot? And if I was you would be making money for me or the person running me, genius. Can’t make this feces up. Can not make this s*** up damn. LOL I got to thank you for the laugh.

    2. The bridge is still functioning and trains and cars are crossing it right now. The driver of the truck had no idea he had a bomb on the truck. Ukraine killing their own attempting to blow up.a.bridge.

    1. That was no unfortunate accident. That was about as Deliberate as they come. The Russians started this Thing and now they are Reaping the Whirlwind.

    1. @Madmagcat are you joking? The train is already moving. You blabber without any information ℹ️ 🤦🏻‍♂️. The train track is fixed.

  2. After studying the video I have concluded that this explosion was due to a lit cigarette being carelessly thrown from a car window. 🙂 Thought i would get this out there before the russians come up with usual bullcrap of what happened . Well done Ukrainian Warriors. Slava Ukraini from Rhyl

  3. Deep condolences to all mothers, fathers, children and family who lost their lives in this war. Slava bravery Ukraine.

    1. Deep condolences to all of the American families suffering under the Biden Harris administration. 😔

  4. I still think the blast came from below the bridge – the debris and the fire came after the blow and the truck was hit. Such an unfortunate accident.

  5. Have been trying to piece together the bits and pieces of information available on this event. Two things to note from this and other videos:
    1) The suspected truck bomb is identified in the far right-hand lane and is just approaching the ramp up onto the bridge.
    2) Other videos and pictures show the damaged lanes (2 spans of vehicular traffic, dipping down into the Straight of Kerch. These show the rail line (carrying fuel) to the left-hand side of the vehicular lanes / traffic.

    Also notable from many open-source satellite map sources (MapQuest / Google Maps) that the rail line span is to the South side of the vehicular lane / span of the bridge. This places the vehicular lanes / span of the Kerch Bridge on the North side of the route. It’s also worth noting that the location of this up ramp is on the Varna-Port Kavkaz side (West).

    From this we make a few observations:
    1) The direction of travel of the suspected truck bomb was from the Russian Federation.
    2) The direction of travel of the train with the fuel tanker cars was from the Russian Federation.
    3) The suspected truck bomb had just exited Port Kavkaz-Zonguldak (East).
    4) The fuel laden train was Russian Federation supplied and had exited the Eastern zone of the Straight of Kerch and was headed West.

    The observation is then that the suspected truck bomb originated in Russian Federation internationally recognized sovereign area and had entered an internationally recognized Ukrainian area. A similar observation applies to the fuel laden railroad tank cars.

    This can be summarized as a Russian Federation truck bomb and highly flammable fuel being transported from the Russian Federation to an illegally annexed (not recognized by international law) area using an illegitimately constructed means of transport.

    Three possible scenarios are suggested by these observations:
    1) This was a Russian Federation “False Flag” operation conducted for some unknown reason.
    2) People within the Russian Federation are protesting the only way they can by targeting ammunition / munitions / explosives being transported to a war they don’t want to be conscripted.
    3) Somehow, … however unlikely, Ukrainian forces somehow managed to conduct a very long-range strike against Russian Federation war materiel that had been transported inside of the internationally recognized sovereign territory of Ukraine.

    One final observation: It appears the vehicular lane OUT of Ukrainian sovereign lands remains without significant damage. Perhaps that route of travel will be used … wisely.

    1. @D K His trolling is so blatant and ineffective I expect him to be ‘mobilized’ and on an army truck headed to Ukraine in the next few weeks.

  6. Whoever that drove the truck, I hope some day we will get to know you. It takes balls to go on a mission for your country knowing you are not coming back.

  7. I feel bad for those that did not escape the blast. I know a lot of people say that “it’s war, people are going to die” and yes, that’s true. Just, people probably wouldn’t be so glib about lost lives if they were some of the civilians that were killed in the war. In the end, a very nice strategic blow to Russia, just sucks there wasn’t a way to avoid civilian casualties. War sucks.

  8. Damn I love hearing that Ukraine has been keeping back the all powerful Russian Army. Keep it going, the world is really praying for you. I wish we could help more

  9. Looking at the explosion several times, leads me to believe the explosion wasn’t from the truck, but was a detonation from under the bridge, most likely from a support column demolition charge. Regardless of who is responsible for this, it should have been done long ago

  10. I hope they can figure out how this accident occurred. Construction needs to be better and Russia needs to raise it’s standards to prevent accidents like this reoccurring. Tragic

  11. The blast comes from the train not the truck. It is easily seen that blast effects come from the right side where the train is located, then move left across the highway bridge. The explosion therefore occurs on the railroad bridge.

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