Tammy Duckworth: Even Trump’s Lawyers Made The Case For Witnesses | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Senator Tammy Duckworth talks with Rachel Maddow and an MSNBC panel about how both the House impeachment managers and Donald Trump's lawyers have made it clear that introducing witnesses and documents would help Senators make a more informed decision about convicting Trump. Aired on 01/29/20.
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Tammy Duckworth: Even Trump's Lawyers Made The Case For Witnesses | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. Republicans: “If you force us to have witnesses at the trial, then we want to have Bernie Madoff, the Menendez brothers, and the Unabomber brought in to testify as well.. Yeah, we know they don’t have anything to do with the articles of impeachment against Trump, but they will make for a nice distraction. And speaking of distractions, we also want to release about 55 squirrels, and 20 dogs onto the floor of the Senate during the trial.”

    1. Democrats: New revelations every day, like Bolton’s factual fact book of facts based on actual facts….all witnessed 3rd hand!

    1. DEMAND WITNESSES and DOCUMENTS!!!Call or email your Repugnant er Republican Senator and DEMAND WITNESSES and DOCUMENTS!!! you can reach the main Capitol Switchboard here #202-224-3121

    2. They should be telling it like that, but Dems don’t. They need to be comparing that to other countries, and America is NOT suppose to do that, but should be protecting our country from that.

  2. It’s a farce to say yes to witnesses and then vote yes for acquittal. He will survive because the Senate will not remove.

  3. Trump’s latest defense
    in the Senate Trial:
    You can’t be guilty
    of violating the Constitution
    if you’re not smart enough
    to understand it.

    1. That was Graham’s defense of Trump. Trump can’t be held accountable because he doesn’t realize it’s illegal….he doesn’t understand government….etc. He’s used them all. Yet for every single other American, ignorance is no defense for breaking the law.

  4. Mike Bambino have used an unprofessional language in a talk show ans Got praised for it by the President of the United States of America, I’m sure it’s the typical language used in the Whitehouse. AMERICA HAVE SUNK DEEP INTO THE MUDDY GUTTERS .

  5. This woman has more balls than 45 no bone spurs there thank you for your services sp4 Republic of Vietnam 1971 Saigon …..

    1. Eastern Woods one thing about roaches is when the light comes on they all run. They know themselves that they can’t prove he’s innocent. I wonder why they would associate themselves with this Moron. For the love of money and power it has been shown that there are those who will sell their souls. The bad thing for a liar is that the truth ALWAYS comes out. It may not immediately, but given time all things will be on the table. Witnesses will be allowed.

  6. Of course the Senators are in a hurry. They have to get back to sitting on legislation that the House passed, and not doing anything.

    1. DEMAND WITNESSES and DOCUMENTS!!!Call or email your Repugnant er Republican Senator and DEMAND WITNESSES and DOCUMENTS!!! you can reach the main Capitol Switchboard here #202-224-3121

    1. Dershowitz is very slick. He says the president can ask a question of anyone if he thinks it will help his campaign. He isn’t exactly saying what Trump actually did. He is dancing around what Trump actually did. Trump didn’t ask Ukraine’s president if he thought he could win the next election–Trump actually asked him to do something that would give him ammunition against his rival in the election. Dershowitz says it would only be illegal if Ukraine’s president actually did anything illegal in response. Well, Trump wanted the PRESIDENT of another country to announce a fake investigation in order to ruin Biden’s credibility and chances of beating him in the next election. What is legal about that? And just like the Republican argument went during the House hearings on the impeachment–just because the president of Ukraine did not do it, does not make it ok. The fact that Trump asked for it is what made it abuse of power.

    2. Kathleen Beauchemin he isn’t THAT slick. He sounds like a freaking Lunatic. And Harvard university was so outraged they want Him to take his law degree away from him. He knew Exactly what he said. These people have no shame. No love for country. It’s all about protecting their cash cow. Trump.

    3. @Toni sumblin Dershowitz deserves to have his law license suspended and degree withdrawn, but is there a source for that comment about Harvard wanting to strip his degree?

  7. they dont want to exonerate they want to give him droit de signeur King Donald the first de mar a lago master of the fairway

  8. they dont want to exonerate they want to give him droit de signeur King Donald the first de mar a lago master of the fairway

    1. DEMAND WITNESSES and DOCUMENTS!!!Call or email your Repugnant er Republican Senator and DEMAND WITNESSES and DOCUMENTS!!! you can reach the main Capitol Switchboard here #202-224-3121

  9. What the defence lawyers meant was that they’ll litigate every subpoena for either witnesses or documents in the courts for months if not years…

  10. Most of these Republicans senators have graduated from law school, yet they want to have a trial without witnesses.


  12. I would have made the argument that moscow mitch is giving the senate a lot of free time its not like the impeachment is going to change how he is handling bills.
    All of congress needs to change. They focus more on staying in power so campaigning and reelection. and they vote based on what either donors or their party says majority do not read the legislation so cannot tell you anything about it, even the ones whos name is on it because someone else like a lobby firm has written it.

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