Tapper to Schiff: Are you considering impeaching Trump again?

CNN's Jake Tapper asks House intelligence committee chairman Adam Schiff to explain why a top House attorney for Democrats discussed the possibility of bringing a third article impeachment against President Donald Trump for obstruction of justice relating to the Mueller investigation.


    1. @Kevin K McKenzie so says a Trump follower. Instead of telling us tell it to the families and friends of members who are lost and departed. Remind the world when every person in the Military is home and safe. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    2. @Kevin K McKenzie Didn’t he just send 5,000 more over? Wait a bit on bringing them home safe? Little quick on the statement professor. Cherry picking can get you in trouble.

  1. Does anyone really expect any democrats to agree with anything the president does………..The government is supposed to work for the people..NOT for their party…

    1. #2 Iranian Salami general WAS dangerous until getting off plane in Iraq🚀💥KaBOOM! Hellfire up butt. Good riddance.

    2. @mike oren #2 Iranian Salami general WAS dangerous until getting off plane in Iraq🚀💥KaBOOM! Hellfire up butt hole. Good riddance

    1. WTF Again?
      Sounds like you’re referring to “re-education camps”.

      Who’s the existential threat to America?

      There’s a mirror in your bathroom, I’ll wait…

    2. @Michele T smart? He thinks vaping is good, he flushes the toilet 15 times,cant speak proper english, and doesnt know how windmills work

  2. The US media has produced ZERO coverage of the Iranian takeover of Iraq’s government. Too busy with this twat’s Russia/Ukraine narratives. The rest of western media has been covering it but the American people are completely in the dark. Hundreds of protestors killed and tens of thousands wounded protesting corruption and Iranian influence since October. We were already at war folks wake up.

  3. I’m always curious why over 90% of those who view CNN vids don’t take 2 seconds to give it a like/dislike?
    It makes me question the legitimacy of the view count.

  4. Personally I feel bad for the republicans that are lefT in California. . However, I’m glad California is giving illegals free healthcare. I hope the governor there packs every illegal in America into that state. At least they will be centrally located. This will free up money in other cities around America for actual citizens of America , and not give our tax money to citizens of another country here illegally.

  5. Tonight, it has just emerged and been announced, that Turkey now will send Turkish troops to Libya, despite DonaldTrump calling Erdogan the other day and allegedly Donald Trump was begging him, not to send trops to Libya. .
    The fire in the Middle East,, following the killing of Qassem Soleimani, is now spreading at lightning speed and several of the European top politicians now openly says, that is due to Donald Trump’s impulsive and very bad decision, to kill Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

  6. Benidic Arnold.shifty likely the biggest weasel.
    This dude ,sooner or later is going down on hystory.
    For treason.

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