The 11th Hour With Brian Williams Highlights: June 25 | MSNBC

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The 11th Hour With Brian Williams Highlights: June 25 | MSNBC


  1. Making fun of the name of a virus that has killed over 122,000 Americans, think about that for a moment.

    1. @Linda Jackson He’s so stupid…his only big words are like you mentioned..
      beautiful, great …… incredible, huge, bigly , the best in the world, the world has ever seen, like you have never seen before, best in the history of the world..he knows only so much…and that is from a small-brained US persimmon.

  2. America is doing a horrible moronic job with Covid19; Pence and Trump should be ashamed and held accountable for the needless deaths.

    1. @Jim Battersbee trump gave you a hand up. $1200, $600 a week to not work. What did Obama and the Democrats do for you? Nothing . Just one lie after another….. Why do you need a link? You can’t find it? You deserve to be on bottom. If you need your hand held in life, stay on the welfare Democrat side. You are not wanted here in the real world

    2. @Stephen Slattery Hahahaha, I’m not an American bludger, I work for my living. Trump is very free with other peoples money, reminds me of how he robbed his own charity. Jeezus, what a lowlife!!
      How come he hasn’t been dragged out and dealt with??? Americans have no balls I guess?
      Now Stevie boy, back up your claims or feck off like the empty barrel I think you are.

    3. @BeachBum “you’re absolutely right 👍, and it’s a despicable thing when you think about him getting a pass”

  3. Mr. Mitch McConnell is the most arrogant, and divisive politician in US. History would judge him as such.

    1. @Ken Davis kentucky..thats why..worst education. No jobs..ppl don’t know any better bc their officials want it that way..

    2. @John Buick because they are uneducated..they don’t know what they don’t know which means they also don’t know what questions to ask..and prob wouldn’t realize they were being lied to anyway..also..lots of voter suppression..i believe I heard only one polling station in the state this year? I think it was Kentucky but it could have been Georgia which is just about as bad on their election issues..btw. Kentucky is a beautiful is Georgia..shame they are so rotten politically..

  4. Trump is politicking during a corona crisis is akin to Nero fiddling while Rome is burning. The guy simply cannot control his delusion.

    1. @dyan tebrinke math is to difficult for you. Your congresswoman even said “math is racist” to help not feel so dumb

    2. @Stephen Slattery Trump and his followers always resort to cheap name calling instead of presenting a rational counterargument. Either they don’t have the Intelligence or rationale to defend their actions.

  5. None of this is surprising. As a country you put a man of below than average intelligence and manifest character and personality flaws in to the White House.

    1. The real face of this racsit, ungodly and insanity will be on full display when Moscow Mitch tables the George Floyd bill

  6. Trump as battlefield commander: “If we don’t count how many tanks are attacking us, then there are no attacking tanks.”

    1. Freek speech both sides and most of the media outlets are controlled by the elite. We’re fighting each other because we think our party is right. The elite wants nothing more than to divide us. The pentagon is a pentagram. They’re as invisible as the virus they probably unleashed. I know it sounds too crazy, I know I sound like chicken little, but I fear it’s the gravity of the situation. Only time will tell….

  7. Think of how stupid trump thinks his followers are for him to think they would fall for that more test, more case bs….. but he’s right they are just that stupid .

  8. Trump: “It will go away,…just fade away.” That’s exactly how a lot of people feel about him. No, check that, just go away! November is coming!

    1. @Blue Greenbay 97 Wang USA ha a stupid electoral college system. Twice the loser was elected to the office. Junior Bush and Trump.

    2. No .. To worship Toilet Paper is to Know your going get your Azz wiped out = The Borg = One that worships a Queen and acts like a machine with flesh = Worker Bee

  9. It’s looking like the Trump administration wants this virus to be out of control so he can declare a state of emergency and stop the elections come November.

    1. He is hard at work trying to leave the incoming President a rats nest and nightmare to clean

  10. Trump is insane, doesn’t care about his citizens, thinks it’s just the sniffles 😢 hot spots, kick this man out vote blue!

  11. If this doesn’t prove that Trump is an asset for an enemy power, (killing Americans)
    I don’t know what would.

    1. So what do the soldiers think of this little gem of a betrayal ? Hope they think about it before they vote. Especially if they’ve got family there or had.

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