The Atlantic Compares Global Virus Response With U.S. Response | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Atlantic Magazine looks at how leaders overseas are handling the coronavirus pandemic and how the White House is handling virus response. Aired on 5/18/2020
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The Atlantic Compares Global Virus Response With U.S. Response | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. In most nations, the leadership was found ready for the task.
    In the US, leadership wasn’t found at all.
    Yes, just keep saying that month after and maybe by the following month… you’ll be able to say it again. REMOVE HIM NOW.
    Remove them both. Nothing will change, nothing will improve until anti-science Trump and Pence are gone.

    1. @Rune – Thorne That’s because we have the most mobile population on Earth. Practically every adult has a car and goes to Quikitrip every day in between the mall. work, sporting events, motel booty calls, buying drugs on the curb, etc, AND in case you hadn’t noticed, refused to stay home even after being told to. Nobody tells Americans to restrict their movement, nobody

    2. @The Rock yeah sure if they weren’t hiding they probably were looking for warms under the white house to go fishing 🐟

  2. You’re going to know when its bad, when it get to the point that the US starts getting aid by other countries, just so they can survive.

    1. We already have been for a while! The military imported 500,000 test kits from Italy like a month ago.

    2. Trump country is already getting his health care from Doctors without Borders. At least till Trump refused to give some of the doctors Visas. Seems he wants to save the Visas for the people he hires to work at his properties. Wonder why his followers never say anything about the fact that Donnie hates to hire Americans.

    1. Foreigners live in shithole countries. You don’t even matter. Focus on your muslim problem.

    2. Congress opposes Trump CONSTANTLY, overrules MANY of his decisions… I don’t think they can keep up…

    1. Exactly. His IQ probably doesn’t reach 100. As Bill Maher once said, “He probably hasn’t taken in any new information over the years.” 🙂

    2. Keith Mcmorrow
      “IG”? You mean, IQ?
      LOL… G is no where near Q on the keyboard. How did your very-stable-genius-self manage to F that up?😆

      *VOTE THE BLUE TICKET 2020!*

    1. Less testing less covid 19 cases
      No testing, no covid 19 infection
      Go to work while I go play golf

    2. @Antonio Mendoza Donald tRump should give his briefings dressed as death with a black robe and scythe.

    3. @Indianawill1 Hahahaha! You are so ridiculous. Define “Obamagate” if you can. Trump can’t. He just liked the word and found something to wrap around it prior to the election. He’s bitterly jealous of Obama.

    1. You attribute blame to “government leadership”. My understanding is that TRUMP is in charge… so not fair to distribute blame to all.

    2. Yes, the liberal democrats want control over you and the world. Move to China if you want that! The Constitution of United States of America gives you the freedom of speak in this country. Go to another country, even next door to Canada and you will be fined and jailed for speaking free. Think before you open your mouth and type words. Better yet READ THE Constitution of the United States of America!

    1. You mean international /🌏 global Embarrassment.
      Trump is a virus .
      90.000 and counting deaths 💀
      My country 21 deaths ! With good leadership and unification of the people
      Exercising common sense & not behaving like hard done by spoilt brats this virus can be beaten .
      A few weeks in lock down and so many of you acting like you are so hard done by .
      Take a minute to consider what our elders went through invthe great wars , have a think what others go through having there countries bombed sevral times axweek a day …
      Pfft we arnt going through even half as much as others have in the past .
      We have internet video calling , gaming
      Portable phones streaming movie channels
      Wtf and still people cant do a lock down for a period of time to restore the health of there nation .

      That by comparison is adults behaving like spoilt brats .

      And america you are leading the way .
      Do something about you president !
      The whole world is going to travel ban you all. We dont wont the virus back those of us who did what was needed deserve there freedoms and freedom from this virus but to ach that you must first understand sacrifice with gains right niw you lot are just on a death spiral and for that i feel for you all.
      But hey do something about it .
      Hong kong stood up to china how about you lot stand up to your dictator trump !

    2. @quasimobius By the way, I’m not in a prison and I never will be. Just look all the people protesting saying that COVID-19 is a hoax. RWNJ should be rounded up and killed. I’d call that a good star. And think about what I’ve told you

    3. @Mark Anthony Diego universal. I want to apologize to the aliens for this worst human being trump

  3. The contrast between actual world leaders and a game show host pretending to be one is incredibly frightening.

    1. The Ukrainian president is also a former television personality. Now HE is an actual President !

    2. No, I honestly think Any other game show host would do better than this one. THIS game show host – well let’s just say most knew of his lack of EVERYTHING redeeming from the start.


    2. When he says bring the light into the body, he’s talking about a tanning bed LMFAO 😂😂😂

  4. His promise was to put an end to the rest of the world laughing at us.

    I still remember the UN literally laughing at him to his face.

    1. quasimobius maybe if you cry harder Russia will be awesome again and Jerry will spoon you when you wake up tomorrow?


    1. Crystal Giddens: look out everyone, the Kremlin Gremlins have entered the chat 🤗🧟‍♂️

  5. Trump: You are just a flu
    Corona: You are my best friend ever

    Other countries: OK, you guys talk to each other and stay away from us (mask-on)

    1. Not to even mention that “just the ‘Flu” has been responsible for tens-of-millions of deaths throughout history…

    1. And his followers cheer. I know some of them. They did not use to be stupid. I cannot imagine what happened to them.

  6. PPE and masks are available look on .. .. ebay.. they are available .. hope that helps stay safe everyone

    1. I ordered masks in January and they were $6 for fifty now the same masks are $35 for fifty.

    2. I’m a COVID-19 hazmat/sanitation supervisor what you were talking about on eBay is not effective does not protect first line responders the personal protective equipment in America is so short that even down to our hazmat teams are having to reuse our sanitation equipment that is unacceptable

    3. Hilton Hosannah you’re absolutely right if everyone would wear a mask or some type of a face covering and would be told by the federal government how it actually protects other people from contracting the virus which is the virus is liquid form because your lungs are full of liquid that’s the best way I can say it so if you are wearing a mask the virus simply will stay inside your mask the liquid will stay inside will not go out but if you are wearing a mask and are exposed to someone who is not wearing a mask who has the virus the virus simply will liquefy on the outside of your mask which will penetrate the inside where you are breathing you will get the virus simple as that that is the best way I can describe it in layman‘s terms and not medical terms this is the way the federal government needs to explain it to everyone but as far as first line responders we need N 95 mask we need seven ml and nine ml Gloves

    4. katrina tenorio The masks on Amazon are not respiratory grade the are just cheap paper masks. They are the same ones I ordered in January for $6 for fifty now $35 for fifty. I am very familiar with respiratory protection equipment these are not satisfactory for dealing with infected individuals. N95 mask are not sufficient for directly dealing this infected people. The minimum any medical provider should be wearing are PAPRs (Positive Air Pressure Respirators) and preferably supplied air respirators because even with PAPR there is still a small risk of infection.

    5. Matthew Huszarik Well I can tell you this we can’t even get N 95 Much less what we’re supposed to get and I can also tell you this for a fact a lot of the N 95 and other protective mask that were given out to first responders we’re not good grade they were only averaging about 30% protection this is why a lot of Frontline workers got sick and yes this is the crap that came from the government from the top of the White House from whoever he decides he wants to put in charge for the day they have done a crappy job we are supposed to change our gloves in between sanitation jobs we cannot even do that because we don’t have enough supplies to do that we’re supposed to change your mask in between jobs as well but we can’t do that because we simply don’t have the supplies better to have something then absolutely nothing because when we dress in a full hazmat suit if we don’t get it right with the chemicals that we use that we know causes cancer it will also cause death just from breathing it in

  7. “The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus” Do you not see the irony of that statement, Mr. President?

    1. Just like Trump claimed the coronavirus was a “hoax” the Democrats created to win the election.

    2. @Interested party funny Early February Democrats and left wing media said Coronavirus is not a threat,meanwhile late January Trump puts travel ban restrictions and Democrats ignored. Funny how narrow minded ignorant people forget.

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