These are the benefits of space exploration

Space exploration is expensive and has been a questionable investment at times. We take a look at how space impacts our lives, including advancements in health, climate, science and tech.

#Space #CNN #News


    1. Fredo admitted on his radio show that he has to push an Orange Man Bad narrative and he hates his job.

  1. Fredo got busted breaking quarantine and admitted it yet CNN still ran the big moment Fredo was free from the basement…lmao. CNN is the epitome of fake news and a forced narrative regardless of facts. No wonder the Outdoor Channel has better ratings than CNN.

  2. Waaait CNN, You said Fredo broke quarantine today.. but deary me, I’m confused… How did he have a run-in with the “fat tire biker” last week..
    Can you give me more Fake News to make sense of this? How about that his run-in with the tire biker turned out to be a hallucination, because he was so near-death… That could work with your viewers 😂😂😂

  3. Old Coyote Knose… that Apollo astronauts never landed on the Moon. They never left Earth orbit.

    The Apollo Moon landings are a monstrous lie.

  4. Why the hell are we talking about space exploration when we can’t even fix the problems on this planet!
    What the military industrial complex got bored of killing brown people, now they gotta wipe out some aliens?!

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