1. Wow!! He knew Rood! When he fires u he knows u. When you get him in trouble he doesn’t know u. That’s the Trump way!

    1. @Johnathan Miller Where do you get this crap? According to the CBO, which you love so much, Trump has raised t he deficit FIVE Billion dollars in three years, not 3. And this crap about restocking the military is just that… crap. Trump lies about that (like everything else) to make it more palatable to people who don’t know any better.

    1. Daniella.. Democrats have sucked all the sense out of your brain… they have a perfect spot on their Plantation for you

    1. We are not at war. We just have troops in a violent conflict for nearly two decades. Isil has lost its territory. The troop are still in the middle east being wounded and wounding people. Its not a war. Its just hige amonuts pf people teyong to kill each other for their countries and leadership….

    2. @3goals4bonzai That’s not a war. The US could take over that country in less than a week like they did Iraq.

  2. She is crowding Jim a lot. Do you see him shifting his position as she is talking to him and then his paperwork.

  3. Is there any concern regarding the elimination of our patriots? It’s easy to imagine a dismantling of America🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🐍🐍🐍

    1. Lol, you have been brainwashed. Trump isn’t that bad. The hyperbolic hysteria is only red-pilling more independents. Tone it down.

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