Trump Attacks World Health Organization For Coronavirus Response | Deadline | MSNBC

Trump attempts to shift blame to the World Health Organization as the coronavirus death toll rises. Aired on 4/8/2020.
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Trump Attacks World Health Organization For Coronavirus Response | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. wgooetrik he’s not there to do anything beneficial for anyone in this country other than the 1%

    2. Since when is considering NOT paying a donation you’re NOT required to pay in the first place an “attack” ?
      WTF !!??

    1. Jack Nordby I’m glad your well I’ve not been making to many comments. You know how this is everyone has one but for some reason their the only one right 😂 id like to flip a few birds in here. Hmm I can’t say I’ve heard of that perhaps I’ll see if I can find it. I’m still keeping up with other news areas going after more facts. I believe it’s clear China withheld information way to long. This might have made a difference. If you get time read a article from Web Med about Covid. I’ve been screaming this for weeks. It honestly has been my only intention that every American be told everything about Covid. And they’ve not till this article. Our administration still hasn’t repeated this info but Trump wouldn’t want any added scare to keep people in. But it’s definitely info everyone should know because there are more symptoms to Covid then just fever sneezing coughing. Some just have stomach pain diarrhea which leads to inflammation and their intestines lined with Covid, another one headache loss taste and smell if your lucky it stops if not depending on which direction it choose is ones fate. If it goes upwards severe headaches seizures unconsciousness meningitis inflammation in the brain. So much more people can even lose their limbs. They call it Covid toe. This stuff is bad. Read read. has the article doctors have been referring too it’s one I read awhile back Covid and how one dies.. nice title right… take care hope your still well

    2. @Rjar I’m still OK. Been on Quora a lot. Still “typing” with one finger on this device. I’m sorta resigned to the fact that humans have really done it this time. The US had medical advisors in China but Trump pulled them out because he hates Obama. We will get a double whammy. The virus and the economic crash. Stay safe my friend.

    3. @Renee Speece Please be nice to my friend. She knows a lot about this. We all need to be kind to each other because it’s the only way to survive what’s coming.

    4. @Jack Nordby Hey, people that know a lot about this are talking. ‘We’ is not ‘we.’ Quit putting people into box whom do not consent.

    1. @E.H. J. Not surprised by your response 😂😂😂 I wouldn’t expect anything different from your sort. Tsk Tsk… You gotta grow up one day… Even if its on your death bed bud.

    2. @c jordan “TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME” ? So it’s confirmed now? Trump does indeed have a derangement? And there’s an official disease name for it as well? Will all the people at his rallies be infected with the same Trump derangement?

    1. Trump’s Arrogant Ignorance Is Comical, but It is Also a Dangerous Combination for All of Us. Make It Simple…. Treat Everything You Hear From Donald Trump…His Stooges… And Fox News As a LIE.

    2. @Tony D’Arcy Beef is a sland, Einstein. That’s exactly why it’s called a slang because it has several meanings other than meat from a cow depending on how it’s used in a sentence. If you go look in the U.S. Dictionary of “slangs” you will discover that the word “beef” is in there with all of it’s glorious history of usage. You’re welcome!

  1. 🔥 What a way to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN lol 😂 😂 😅
    They should put Trumps name next to Stupid in the dictionary….

    1. Empathy us usually felt during times of hardship…. One wouldn’t have much empathy for a joyful moment or a great economy for example. I also believe during this time of hardship it’s empathy that makes us help others. Some shop for their elderly neighbor because they are empathetic to his needs…

    1. They don’t want to figure it out. They mean to keep the truth from people. Whether they’re republican or democrat. They’re all parasites.

    2. @Ryan Greenwood Trump already disagrees with the W.H.O. and has made it clear we need our own organization.

    3. @Henry Fidel WHO directors and officers were all American .None chinese. logicly its American company

    1. @Jim C I never voted for him in the first place why would I vote for him again that’s the stupid president

    2. @KITTY You seem to have a bit of trouble understanding what I wrote. TDS can cause this. Enjoy another crushing defeat in Nov. Y’all

    3. @DMalenfant1 Yeah, that never happened, but several people were found to have voted for Trump multiple times, including a woman who voted on behalf of her deceased mother. Always projection with you lot.

  2. Everybody jumping on the self quarantine band wagon. I’ve been staying home before it became trendy. Y’all are losers.

    1. @Shaun I go outside a good amount but I’m saying I generally stay inside cuz I’m hella introverted and have been since while before people started quarantining.

    2. @Bubbles
      You will be fine, stay a couple meters away from others, wash your hands. Go for walks.

    3. Grow up, millions of people have to work, doctors and healthcare workers are working for us all, and some are dying due to this virus, maybe they should stay at home because they don’t want to be a loser. 💀

    4. @Graham Kemp you sir are very blind. I tried as hard as I could to make it obvious I was joking because I knew someone might not get it but even still…

  3. No way WHO or China did not know about it being human 2 human transmission despite having the lack of research etc

    1. @samsung a10 A medical professional is not an economist….huh? Why are you listening to a doctor tell you about the economy? Does this doctor go to an economist when he has a fever? Silly propaganda…

    2. @Mari Jata Easy, Trump said “the media coverage is a hoax” not the actual virus. Trump praises all of our enemies, he is on TV what should he say “I can’t stand you”?

    3. spaceman with raygun doesn’t make any sense, he is promoting a drug that cures people so that the vaccine is unneeded. Bill gates is the one who wants compulsory vaccine and a chip like a dog tag to keep tabs on all humans being. Globalists agenda

  4. america has 2 months before it’s anywhere near being under control looking at china and italy. New york has 151k cases that’s going to take a long time to get safe.

    1. Its hilarious how you say “under control” and not ‘overly authoritative communist government killing and silencing its citizens”

    2. @Joshua Guerra it is amazing how people keep referring to the CPC data. You can’t be surprised though if you consider they’re listening to the MSM. He could have cherry picked several other nations plight to support what he contends. I’ll look at the daily US data, make my assumptions and keep them to myself. Basically, Everyone is asking for 15 day “weather” forecasts. I doubt this is in hopes of providing information but rather for down the road gotchas. Funny to hear Dr. Dead by 75 telling us what he thinks Reagan would do.

    3. @Joshua Guerra Not sure where you going with that but, is that what Trump trying to do with his Nationalist?

    4. @Joshua Guerra Good question. So many list I could say but, am going to throw in the major part. They make people believe in untruths and half-truths without any sense of doubt or irony.

  5. I’d even like to hear from Dr. Ben Carson. It appears that he has been castrated. I don’t get it.

  6. lol Now he is blaming WHO. If he can tell everyone to wear a mask early, things might not come to this. Btw I have run out of my mask stock.. Can anyone tell me where I can buy some? I still have to go for work everyday( In a grocery store). Life is too tough.

    1. @B Dogg It’s not about America this disease is a global problem we’re in it together. How is your relationships with Iraq, Iran, Libya, Yemen and Somali considering the US wars have killed millions in this century and previous centuries. Therefore when is the US going to take responsibility for their global genocide of humanity? Who cares what you do with China without Chinas economy you’re screwed while the rest of us in the civilised world will continue to work with China. The Lord is at the helm of this virus, hence the reason the US supercedes the world with the disease, it’s karma knocking on the door of the US seeking retribution.

    2. @B Dogg
      Normally I don’t respond to morons but you are so full of dishonesty. It’s like a sickness. Please explain the rationale of China launching a viral attack on its own people? Explain that!

      Your halfwit president said a week ago, “you can call it a flu, you can call it a germ, I don’t think anyone really knows what it is”.
      Yes Trump, we *do* know what it is, it’s a viral infection.
      The man is a dangerous halfwit. America is now paying the price of it’s stupidity. Tens of thousands are dying.
      We know, “what the outcome will be”, tens of thousands more will die.

    3. @Oldest Men Trump will not listen to him anyway. No matter what WHO says, Trump will say it’s just a flu and will disappear.

    4. @Joyful Joyful Yep,,,, it’s global. Good observation there. As for wars in the middle east, there have been wars there for thousands of years (how is that civilized?) so blaming the US for recent wars isn’t gonna sway me. As for my American point of view, I believe this virus was deliberate to with strategic objective aimed at the US. We shall see how it goes. But this feels biblical and a new world may be at our door step. God help us all.

    1. Why are you dependent on someone else? Take responsibility and read, learn, and have control over your life. Don’t be a lazy basic chick.

    1. Professor Moriarity is supposed to be an evil genius but this fake one is as thick as two planks!
      As if the dotard listen to WHO. The dotard does not even listen to his own “advisors” or read their memos or reports.

      Ask Navarro !

    2. Why did trump said this wasn’t gonna be a major problem when WHO said it is? … Why? Why don’t you ask this question? Why don’t you have the intelligence of a child to tell right and wrong, to tell truth and lies? Why the inept only knows blaming others?

    3. They are the one who is covering. (see I did there) We can recall what happen in India 2012 and how bad it was for their patients who got the vaccine. Poor kids.

    4. Professor Moriarty I can tell you why! And the current United States told you as well in many occasions. NEW VIRUS. Trump said this several times when questioned why he didn’t do this or that. That is a true fact. The information the world Health Organization had was the same all other countries had at the same time. How we know because a G7 meeting was called the first week of January, during this time 17, people from the HHR and 16, more from the CDC all Americans working in Geneva, Trump then gave them 800 million. Just remember this virus has mutated many times and evolved. When it did several weeks ago this is where you might hear asymptotic meaning you have Covid but the strains where first labeled S and L even this week homeland security come out and said who had no part in delaying information. Either way we are all in this together now be well be safe

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