Trump Claims He Will Release Transcript Of Call With Ukraine’s President | The Last Word | MSNBC

Larry Pfeiffer used to listen in on President Obama's phone calls in his capacity as Director of the WH situation room. He tells Lawrence how transcripts of calls were created and what to expect from the Ukraine call transcript. Aired on 09/24/19.
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Trump Claims He Will Release Transcript Of Call With Ukraine's President | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. They stopped taping phone calls after Watergate to protect elected officials from accountability at the expense of the people. Disgusting.

    1. They should tape all phone calls but from what I’ve read in the transcript, the conversation was weak and unsubstantial. Can anyone point to something illegal? I liked Obama but if we crawled through his calls we’d find dirt too.

    1. @Daniel Walton We already know that Trump does not pay taxes. His returns probably would shed light on his financial dealings. We know that he was blacklisted by American financial institutions. The self-proclaimed “king of debt” couldn’t get a loan and relied on foreigners to finance his failing businesses.

    2. @Daniel Walton Stop spreading fake news. Libertarian who died of cancer. Anything else is a STUPID conspiracy theory.

  2. what a stupid reasoning. you can’t record but you hire staff to listen to a conversation and record it as how they herd it?

    1. Yall stupid. No recordings. Trump staff in the background taking phone calls of national security importance. We cannot record and release tape of his staff in the background talking about chasing a terrorist or trade deals.

  3. NPR put out an article today stating that Ukraine is opening its own investigation into Lutsenko for communication with Trmps agents “for vedictive purposes”and they said they would be more than happy to co-operate with our FBI. Seems Trump opened a BIG can of worms!

  4. Whatever transcript is provided needs to be cross referenced with the IG approved whistle blower report. If it doesn’t match, then Trump’s administration modified it. And you know he will do that if there’s anything damning. It may even be subtle. Allegedly he asked 8 times in one call for the investigation, and maybe they’ll trim it back to 2. But the real smoking gun here is the withholding and later release of military aid to Ukraine, overlapping the series of contacts with the Ukraine. At this point, I don’t care if it’s just coincidental bad optics. It’s bad. It’s STUPID. And Trump is overdue for impeachment anyway.

    1. It is correctly spelled “smoCKing gun”, I believe. I saw it in the New Revised Dictionary of English Language released from the Trump University in 2017.

    2. @Dmitri Fukov Amazing. You think YOU know what the whistle blower has? You’ve seen the report? The ignorance from you… deafening.

    3. @Dmitri Fukov You’re nuts. A man is clearly doing something that looks seriously wrong, AGAIN, and if Democrats do nothing they look weak & incapable of enforcing laws. That will ensure defeat. 10 instances of attempted or outright obstruction of justice — that should’ve started impeachment, but GOP has created this environment of fear / retribution that is baseless. We will not be intimidated.

  5. Trump: Oh, you want a transcript of my possibly compromising phone conversation? No problem! This looks like a job for Captaaaaiiinnn Sharpieeee!
    Nadler: You– you said that out loud.
    Trump: No I didn’t. Said what?
    Nadler: “Captaaaii–”
    Trump: Fake news!!!

    And scene.
    I prefer to interpret the ongoing Trump disaster as a loony sitcom with snappy patter and catchphrases.
    It’s so much less depressing than the dark comedy pre-apocalyptic reality of President Trump season 3.

    1. Emily Moss
      nice use of language. punctuation and spelling combining with Good quality Writing,to create a fun read!

      English, writing or theatre minor? anyway, keep your gift alive and active!

    2. Carrie I’m missing something. The Brain Dead? and would a dyslexic zombie haunt the night looking for ” Brian’s”?…. or are you a STEM Studies Major?

  6. The whistleblower’s claim is needed and not some transcript that is not even a recording. Transcripts that are apparently reviewed before finalization. How crude is this system?

    1. Nope. You gonna hear from the Ukraine president himself spilling the beans on Biden and Obama corruption 😉 Keep requesting. 🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇲

  7. The trust and credibility of 45 , his White House cronies and GOP leaders has disintegrated in America and the world ,,,jail these treasonous corrupt criminals

    1. Gov Weld said, “THE PENALTY FOR TREASON IS DEATH”….HANG THEM ON THE LAWN, ON TV, Since the WANNA be celebrities are Robbing us Blind!!!

    2. So what exactly did trump do wrong here ? He just released the phone call and there’s nothing wrong with what he ask or said .
      You need help .
      It’s Biden that’s corrupt.

    3. Yeah but don’t jail Hillary,Jussie,Comey and any Democrat for breaking the law, just Republicans…now that’s disgusting!

    1. Whelp this didnt age well…the DOJ decided not to investigate him on the account they are no evidence of tampering….so…

  8. Just like his tax returns…. 🤔 well if he does release something I expect to see lots of suspicious sharpie markings 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  9. Congress will need to question the transcriptionists. It is highly likely that there will be White House shenanigans at play.

  10. Omg.
    I can just see the convoluted mess that the Trump Admin will puke out tomorrow and will try to call it, ‘The Transcripts’ !!!

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