Trump Faces Second House Impeachment Vote After Inciting Riot | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

With nine days until Biden's inauguration, Trump faces another impeachment vote by the U.S. House after inciting a deadly siege by insurgents loyal to Trump on the U.S. Capitol. Aired on 01/12/2021.
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#BidensInauguration #TrumpImpeachment #MSNBC

Trump Faces Second House Impeachment Vote After Inciting Riot | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. Shop lifters get arrested faster than ppl trying to over throw the American government now that’s what is called blind justice and privileged crime

    1. @emiri lanso – The amount of q-anal bullshirt you believe is astounding. I’ll bet you believe that the Earth is flat as well.

    2. @Henry McCoy What info do you have a problem with? Running to the Conspiracy binkie is comforting but won’t get you far.

    3. @emiri lanso – What info do *you* have a problem with? Why does the Deluded & gullible right-wing Chumpaholics keep insisting that the election was rigged, when all evidence, examination and scrutiny indicates the opposite? Why do the frothing fanboys of the deposed wanna-be dictator keep promoting violence instead of dialogue? What’s up with their martyr complex, anyway??
      Running to the Q-Anal Crazy Conspiracy binkie is comforting to some, but it won’t get you very far in life.

    4. @Henry McCoy Nice rant but go look at hard evidence on Project Veritas and read about Hammer and Scorecard. Italy affidavits coming in now too. Be prepared to REEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

    5. @Henry McCoy But…I bet you went witj Russia Conspiracy. 4 years/40 mil spent and not an email or recepit. Cmon Man!!!!

    1. @Frostbyte – Some conservasaur was up all night preparing that elementary-school-level comeback. Sounds like you’ve been snorting Lysol, Frostbit…

  2. Why there is no voice from Republicans and what actions they’ll be taken against Trump? Are the Republicans still feel that Trump didn’t do anything wrong and is still functional? Time for the Republicans esp Mitch to speak up esp where do they stand. Staying sideline and remain silent doesn’t mean Republicans is not responsible for the recent insurrection against the government. Their leader incited it and collectively they’ll have to correct the situation.

  3. The Hamelin flutist plays his flute and invades with his notes all the space, trusting that the repetition of his poisonous melody will cause it to be recorded in the retinas of his listeners. But you, devilish flutists! your hands will be cut off by the brave soldier, whose honor you will never corrupt.

    1. What about blm leftis destroy malls stealing things killing people tell me why you didn’t say something aah convinieron

  4. It seems that the China doesn’t need to go to war with the US as the US is trying to have a war with it’s citizens.

    1. Well with over 2 million proven CCP spies in the west, I’d say it’s just as likely that China has already been at war with us for the past decade or more and we just haven’t noticed.

  5. He never incited a riot. Have any of you even watched that full speech? His supporters went nuts, now you pin it on him? Absolutely insane.

  6. “I used to think that the causes of war were predominantly economic. I came to think that they were more psychological. I am now coming to think that they are decisively “personal,” arising from the defects and ambitions of those who have the power to influence the currents of nations.” ~ B. H. Liddell Hart

  7. dont worry about these capitol hill police that allowed MAGA into the capitol building, they will do an internal investigation and just transfer them to another department

    1. Don’t worry about these mayors and elected officials that joined protestors in throwing bricks and incendiary devices at cops all year. They’ll get promoted to join Biden’s cabinet.

    1. They’re also the same ones constantly shouting, “bLuE LiVeS mAtTeR!” Yet, there they were, beating the crap out of the few officers that were trying to do their job by blocking them from entering the building.

    2. You’re making a very common unintellectual mistake, in that you’re assigning a buzz phrase very few people have ever actually said, to an entire group of people. This kind of tribalism is one of the reasons we’re in this mess, and suggests a certain level of conditioning.

      In other words, if you have evidence that a specific person once said “When the looting starts, the shooting starts” and then looted something themselves, then ok. Otherwise you’re just engaging in divisive rhetoric and illustrating your own bigotry.

    3. The attacvk on the capital begsn while Trump was speaking. It was not Republicans who started it and probably most of the damage.
      Not to mention only a fraction of the crowd did anything wrong.
      Don’t fake outrage, your side has been doing the same for years for no good reason.
      We just witnessed a coup.


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