Trump lashes out at swing states over vote-by-mail

President Donald Trump on lashed out at officials in two swing states, Michigan and Nevada, over their moves to make it easier for more voters to cast their ballots by mail ahead of the November election, highlighting his growing anger over mail-in voting changes that he contends will hurt his chances of reelection.
The President's harsh and often baseless criticism of vote-by-mail is significantly ratcheting up as more and more states loosen their vote-by-mail restrictions proactively or on court orders.
#Trump #CNN #News


    1. …I don’t doubt this one bit …Trump wanted and still wants to bang Ivanka …what’s wrong with that dude??!!

    2. Yea I heard broke his daughter N first. Afterall she is named after her mother & Trump thought he was screwing his wife.

  1. “If they allow mail-in ballots, Republicans will never win another election” – Donald J. Trump

    1. In my region we have mail in voting and Republican candidates win every election. Trump’s argument is just plain bull.

    2. @Stop Fake news
      The CIA and other US intel. agencies say that Russia meddled. Ex-KGB leader Putin told Trump Russia didn’t.
      You sound more like a russian patriot than an American patriot for believing a KGB agent/leader, jenna abrams

    3. @__ you’re going to have to make your offer more specific so that when I say I accept, and tell you the amount of my wager, it will constitute a contract that I can petition the court to enforce. Of course, I will need your full name as well, and I will provide my full name If I accept your offer. Otherwise, STFU!

  2. “The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.” 
    ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

    “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
    ― Theodore Roosevelt

    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” 
    ― Abraham Lincoln

    1. CABLE 715 He never said inject anything other then science driven data supported cleaning agents. Educate yourself. Light therapy also a viable readily used medium in the medical world. Your fake news paradigm crumbles again. Btw..Obama invited black lives matter, a terrorist organization into the White House. Get your facts straight.

    2. @Carissa Howell you completely missed the point if that’s your take away. The parties as they are now haven’t always had the same core beliefs. Your point is irrelevant.

    3. Stop Fake news
      LMAO WTF
      You want to talk about your president caring for the American workers…..I want to share a personal experience with Trump. It all started when he decided to build trump towers in south Florida around 07-08. I worked for a small family owned and ran low voltage company, I had been there for 5 years and was a great job. I worked my way up the ladder in a short time and at the time I excepted the position of Forman, the company landed part of one of trump towers to cable, voice-data fiber optics for cameras and internet. I was put in charge of 7 employees, we did a great job as we heard from trumps personal. For one we came in under time and material, so we all were really happy because we knew for sure that this was the beginning with trump giving the company more work in the future. We even got overtime and was thankful for trump.
      So now job is complete and our company is waiting for last couple payments from trump the last of time and materials close to $500,000.00 our company has put out.

      Stopfakenews, guess what happens 3 months later as the company was still waiting for both payments from trump…… close to $500,000.00

      Trump filed bankruptcy on part of the project witch included the close to $500,000.00 and it caused the small family owned company to close its doors, 15 employees lost their jobs and I was one of those.

      Your president is a narcissistic misogynistic conman with 0 empathy for others or anything.

      You may convince yourself that your president is the president of all presidents

      You will never convince me that he is not a failure at the job he was Shanghai into . He has failed over and over, we are talking about the same person that has lost more money than any other person. He has killed countless lives with his negligence of this pandemic, he will go down in history as the president that tremendously failed the American people and that you or your president can not stop it from happening.

      Stopfakenews, take your president and jump off a cliff because I’m sure you would fallow him to your death anyways.
      Sweet dreams cupcake or is it snowflake

    1. Wes Williams Biden bought votes in Ukraine? Is that some more nonsense from trump? When’s the last time you had an original thought? 😂😂😂😂😂

    2. @3 Things Fishing Trump gave rich folks almost 2 Trillion dollars in a tax gift that our grandchildren will probably be paying for. Grow Up….

    3. @3 Things Fishing Lol…The Democrats Love giving Our Money away and selling U.S. out to China! Amazingly these new generations Don’t Care About their Country or even Believe in the Constitution. The Liberalization of America thru the Teachers, from Kindergarteners to High Schoolers working for the Extreme Leftists, Liberals and of course the CCP

  3. Electoral college, plurality voting, the Senate, gerrymandering, voter suppression, rejecting mal-in ballots, force loading judges, AND MORE…all to the advantage of the GOP.

    1. Bovine One
      What system was set up to preserve the vote of the slave states- but I guess that wouldn’t bother you.

    2. @Matt Russillo
      its trump trailer trash who wear the swastikas, so who are the nazis
      trumps sick psycho base.

    1. You guys are seriously stupid 😂 there are good republicans and bad republicans same for liberals

  4. Whether by mail, polling station or smoke signals, I would vote for a rotten cucumber instead of donald tramp.

    1. @Mike Hall
      Dude, I don’t even think his dementia is the biggest issue with Biden. Him touching and kissing little girls inappropriately is way worse. At least to me and my friends it’s worse.

  5. “Must have a reason to request mail in ballot”…not like there is a pandemic or anything

    1. @BIG BUCK You are free to go stand in line at the polling booth if you want to, but why should you be told that you can’t vote by mail like Donnie does?
      He flies to Florida at taxpayer’s expense to play golf every second weekend, but he can’t cast a vote in Florida?

    2. @Jack Boot It wouldn’t be that according to Federal data, 28 million mail in ballots have gone missing since 2012. Now would you think that is a bit of a problem.

    3. The question is how do you know your votes got counted I have never done mail in ballot and wont this time

  6. I want you to do me a favor first, then I’ll unfreeze your funds. Sounds familiar doesn’t it ?

    1. Julius Morgan who is wasting time exactly? Whining about mail in voting so people don’t have to be close together in a pandemic, sounds like a huge waste of time to me.

    2. It sounds like my phone conversation with former Ukraine President Poroshenko about a billion dollars in American aid.

  7. Mail-in ballots means there’s a paper trail. Something not available with many (hackable) electronic voting machines. Voting machines made by republican supporting CEOs.

    1. @Chip White The US Post Office is very reliable assuming the sender doesn’t mess up badly. But that’s not a problem since the state sends out mail in ballots with a pre-addressed envelope. It’s hard to mess up putting a stamp on an envelope.
      Also, the mail in application form has to contain a copy of a legal form of ID.
      I know all this because I have done this many times in South Dakota.
      Also, ask soldiers serving overseas. They mail in ballots all the time.
      I hope you don’t think mail in ballots are something new.

  8. Who cares what he says. No one should be listening or acknowledge his presence.He’s a primate at best, Melanie.

    1. Teun Westdorp 👈 Good video. The Democrats will do anything to get an office since they can’t do it on their own

    2. He’s from Florida. He’s a Florida Man. “Florida Man” voted into office & people are still surprised that he behaves like this.

  9. Either do this, or you won’t get your money, where have we heard this before? More proof that Drumpf has a habit of “Quid Pro Quo” i.e… extortion!

    1. Oh yeah that’s right Russia and all of the BS that’s been proven a lie. The problem with weenies like you is you would cheer for the left wing if Satan was the captain. And that’s not too far from being the truth.

    2. Jacob B what is obamagate? Please educate us. What law was broken? I guarantee you can’t answer.

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