Trump Reportedly Concerned With Fauci’s High Profile For Weeks | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Robert Costa of The Washington Post reports that the president has been growing increasingly concerned for weeks as Americans look to Dr. Anthony Fauci for information during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aired on 05/13/2020.
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Trump Reportedly Concerned With Fauci's High Profile For Weeks | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. @Penny Hopper just like you clowns won the house in 2018? right? the red wave just took everyone by surprise!

    1. @B reel boxing of course not but no one with a P.H.D. would ever ask me to jump off a bridge. I’ve never had to question a doctor’s judgement.

    2. @Patty Cakes no conflict being a doctor he knows the most important thing about the economey that if everyone dies, no economey..

    3. Only thing Fruci has bee right about was Predicting an upcoming Pandemic in 2017 …Which if you open your eyes and look at real facts coming out.That this was planned and blown out of proportion to create an agenda

    4. Do you know how many people doctor foji and Bill Gates are killed and you’re praising that little weasel do you know he’s sold the virus to China maybe you should do your research

  1. Fauci isn’t Trumps cronie, of course he feels threatened. Trump surrounds himself with yes men…

    1. ​@Evangelia Hernandez It matters since people like Trump and his supporters are cherry-picking numbers and statistics to make these deaths look good, somehow. If these people keep saying that Trump is doing a great job, they’ll believe 200k deaths / 330M is still a perfectly acceptable ratio.

      I think we both agree that it is not.

    2. @Rain Cloud Not the gold standard proof, the experts call these studies off label clinical trials

    3. @Teresita Farinas I wonder if E Garza read the article himself. It talks about how the conspiracy spread through the GOP despite many scientists and others coming out and stating it was highly unlikely and there was no evidence for it being man made. If anything the article is negative about Trump picking it up and running with it. But mostly it’s tracing the spread of the conspiracy which is quite interesting.

    1. Epiph Da 1 Right Wing Propaganda, this is the problem once you open a media story with 1,000 ads all over it, it loses its credibility instantly. Save your click bait for your REDs.

    2. @funsweed
      There’s nothing he wants more than running his nightmare, Dr. Fauci, out.

      But, unless Americans have the shortest memory, come November, Mr. Humpty-Dumpty *HIMSELF* will fall off the wall.

    1. @Harry Dingling How many times are you going to make basically the same comment on this thread?

    2. @Chickenlegs41 I think it was like 8. I’ll post it a million times if it means people will look into Fauci’s relationship with Gates

    3. Chickenlegs41 finally this fake news conspiracy bs will come back to bite Trump supporters. Let them go out and not get vaccinated, they’ll just get sick and hopefully die.

  2. If you’re sick, you’ll take advice from a doctor. Our country is sick and Dr. Fauci is the doctor for the country that’s giving advice. If Dr. Fauci ever stops giving advice. I will trust Google for medical advice before I trust #45.
    “A wise man never knows all, only fools know everything” – = A. Proverb

    1. @jacq danieles Actually it’s a perfect cure… it cures the country of the “stupid” disease that presents itself in the form of Trump worshipers.

  3. Trump wants to fire Fauci so bad but he knows he can’t cuz everyone likes and trusts Fauci–even Republicans.

    1. @Utube Watcher Yes, your right, but don’t assume it’s all white people. It’s way bigger than that sis. This evil entities are lower density beings. Non human, reptilian bloodline branches that control the deepstate. They have infiltrated every aspects of human society across the globe. Draconians or Draco reptilian Illuminati bloodline branches. Have you heard about the scandal they’re trying to push? HR 6666 agenda? Or government sold out humanity. To save their own skins. HR 6666 means Human Reptilian luciferian agendas. The covid19 is propaganda distraction to divide and conquer everybody. It’s all manipulation by design. Fauci and Bill Gates planed agenda. Both of them are puppets of the deepstate. We as human beings must stand together and fight for all mankind. Don’t divide your self. They’re talking about using our National Guards our own family against us to come into our homes that if anyone is suspected of having covid-19 will be pulled out of their own homes. And separated from their families, don’t matter who. They’re after our children these pedophile agendas. If you have any family in the military in on police force or any type of authority let them know what’s going on and to stand with the human race. Check out Dr Rashid Buttar channel. Exposing Fauci and Bill Gates planed agenda.

    2. @Cameron S Trump knows and have Intelligence on Obama. He know about pizzagate and how Obama and Joe Biden and the clintons are involved in it along with the human trafficking. The News media is owned by the elite organization none other than the deepstate. Of course they don’t like Trump, I don’t like Trump either but he’s definitely not a part of their depopulation agenda. And they will twist Trump’s word to make him look and sound bad. I’m with Trump for trying to push to open the country back up and have these small business owners not lose everything they work so hard for. Over a virus that a person can get over what a little rest. There is a manipulation by Design. Check out Dr Rashid Buttar channel. Exposing Fauci and Bill Gates planed agenda.

  4. The crook can’t handle the truth and he’s jealous of Dr. Fauci is providing the truth message.

    1. Science and reason out the door. Republicans and Donald, in particular, are adolescents in adult bodies. Try reasoning with a 7th grader. That is what Fauci and the other adults face. Vote blue in November and end this experiment in stupidity.

    2. Arnold Riendeau Trump is the most insanely jealous moron I’ve ever seen. I think the doctor really bugs him most of all cause he won’t let Trump walk all over him like door mat Pence.

    3. I am not a doctor. I am SEVEN of the BEST doctors in the World.

      MOCK the TWO YEAR old you Shot at MAN DELAYED bay Hotel and shoot yourself.
      My 2 month old baby on my ACTIVE 11-1-1994 Iraq MILITARY clearance is on VICTIMS program from LOADED GUN to his TEMPLE 2016 and BOTH my kids were threatened a 2nd time 2017 with LOADED GUN at Circle K gas station a mile away from where I WROTE Federal HIPAA privacy and accountability mental health and religious freedom. SOMEONE WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE TWO YEAR OLD. I AM A GRANDMOTHER OF THREE NOW SAME ACTIVE DESERT STORRM WAR 26 years active Navy Royal Team 6 DEVRU.
      I passed HIPAA with 7 Doctrines from PEACE of 4 very brutal wars. I am active Operation Desert Storm war 26 years.

    1. Errol 0007. expert fuchie in February was giving misinformation to the president on the virus like saying the virus is no real threat and people can go ahead and frequent restaurants and gyms ? and people were already dieing and this is adoctor? a foctor on paper and not medical. so if you trust him good for you ! somebody should 😀😊

    2. john abbot Half the questions they give fauci and trump are designed to create division between them. Fauci and trump of tired of it.

    3. @Cuz R that may be, but I think trump wants to downplay everything, and fauci wants the facts as he knows them, out to the public!

  5. Having utterly failed at containing the virus and protecting Americans, President Trump is now going to try to lie to you about the death toll. Trump is having the CDC change how they record COVID-19 deaths!

    1. @Ver CodaAll you have to do is look at number of deaths this month compared to last year same time. Not just in the US but other countries. Wonder what the difference is? If anything deaths from covid are vastly underestimated, particularly in some other countries.

    2. @Akeem Alston ya know alot of U ingrates ought to be thanking OB cause if wasn’t for da Ebola outbreak during his two terms N office Yas wouldn’t have Resdemsevir. OB let those scientists do the work, cause he was handling Bush Jr Million some $ failed bailout of da Auto industry & if U all remember it was a totally flop. So where N da F does Obama fit nto this scenario of this virus outbreak? Bush Jr wasn’t a bad pres until dat failed bailout plan which didn’t work. Oh don’t think that this trillion some $ COVID bailout ain’t going to be paid back, cause it’s already startin with higher prices at yo grocery stores. Wait, anyone own property? There goes yo property taxes up again, & vehicle registration, plates, city stickers & whatever yo wonderful state Governor or city mayor can think of taxing.

    3. @Ver Coda l.o.l. knitting deaths, what they stuck themselves with da knitting needles😁😆😅😂🤣? Dominoes hit em da head with da tiles? 😃😅😂🤣

  6. This shows how unstable he is and if he’s not the center of attention he will get rid of who is even though he knows nothing about nothing

    1. I have heard rumor among mental health professionals trump’s ma was classic alcoholic and trump suffers obviously from scarcity of support during his early development so he craves adulation and attention.. trump’s elder brother died from alcoholism, I have heard, too. Tragic.

    2. Trump, the little man-child snowflake, can’t stand to have someone seem more important than him.

    3. @Mars Champ why wld you say that?? Im gonna go out on a limb here, you are a trump supporter so when somebody says something you dont like you throw a fit instead of behaving like an adult

  7. The Baby-man worries that an Actual Adult
    Who can do His Job Proven over Decades FFS
    and happens to be trying to save the country yet Again.
    Tells you the TRUTH

  8. Soon Dr. Fauci will be on the cover page of Time Magazine…Trump’s gonna throw tantrum like a child that he is…

    1. I’m not sure he understands the concept of integrity. That would require an understanding of the word truth…

    2. Savannah, you must be such a big growed up girl thinking of rhyming names like that, but now it’s time to give the phone back to mummy😆and have yourself a lovely day.

    3. @Penny Hopper Y he offer U da job of being his “New Lip Service?” Aka press sexartery. Kaleigh looks like a young Stormy

    4. Savannah it’s called “vainess” just like Carly Simon said N her song about being so vain

    5. @Terry Williams TRUMP. 2020
      Trump. Jnr 2024/28
      Ivanka. 2032/36

  9. Remember Trump is a Genius, God help us all; Self-touted “Stable Genius “. Hey, Texas Republican Senator, (J C) guess who I am voting for in November?

  10. Trump doesn’t like competent people in general. He knows they make him look bad by comparison.

    1. that’s not it. he wants to be the star of this show. the only star that gets top billing. Fauci is taking from that

    2. Trump once threatened this former school to not release his grades. Only a liar would want his grades
      to remain private because releasing those grades would show Trump lied about those as well

  11. At least Dr. Fauci is stepping up, unlike Dr. Kelly-Anne Birxway who brings a new twist to Alternative facts.

    1. “@AMPM Ri We don’t need freedom trampled in the pursuit of “safety.” Especially when Fauci has conflict of interest.

      Him and Gates have worked closely together for decades now, look it up. Of course we can’t “get back to a new normal until everyone in the world is vaccinated” when your buddy is gonna make the vaccine…

    2. @Harry Dingling oh? And how much did you give up for “safety” after 9/11 when only a lousy 3,000 died? Apparently taking safety into consideration after 86,000+ are dead is “un-american”

  12. In fairness what on earth does a world renowned virologist know about viruses that a hotelier doesn’t?

  13. Imagine Trump’s temper tantrums and hissy fits when Time Magazine names Dr. Fauci Person of the Year.

    1. I imagine the anger you will have when Trump finally fires Fauci. The tears are going to flow

    2. Der fuhrer will insist that Fauci is a nasty man, a know-nothing, his picture on the cover is “fake”, Obama put in a fix to deprive him of being The Person of the Year, ad nauseam!

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