1. @Ben Levine Lol. My 42 hours of ot this paycheck will suffice nicely.

      But when I was really fucked (hospitalized) i couldnt get medicare, and I couldn’t apply for supplimental. It happened in a 2 month lapse in coverage.

      And my gall bladder was the size of a grapefruit.

      So now, I owe 100k in debt for one surgery. Thats fine. You can pay it.

      Ill just let that go.

      And because of that, everyones healthcare will go up 20 cents next year to compensate.

      See how thats a problem?

    2. Why dont you Ignoramus stop believing that the Democrat establishment is against bernie.
      Because, they are not.
      In the end it’s still One party, and the same party..Stick Together.

    3. So your suggest everyone but Bernie Bros are your enemy? You know Stalin and hitler took the same tac.

  1. Weird how the most uneducated are just picking Biden, almost as if they did exactly zero research.

    1. @Be Here Now stop cluttering the issue with facts, they wanna be outraged!

      Literally had a coworker tell me hes not only socialist…hes communist.

      Im. Ow.

    2. @Sam Yeah … You sound hideous and delusional to think that Sanders will have bipartisan support for his ” Socialist” ideology. Ironically, you are antagonizing those within an age range and intelligence for Biden, but cannot denote your own position. Therefore, it is my civil responsibility, along with my educated background ( BS, MS, & PhD) to join the other reasonable, highly educated candidates in supporting our Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, as our next President for the United States of America.

    3. @Sam Yeah …. If Dr. Carson is the definition of stupidly, then that Orange Peel in the White House is the definition of unscrupulous stupidity.

  2. Many folks think Bernie represents an “extreme”. Whether he’s extreme or not, he’s right. Bernie recognizes what’s wrong with our system. It’s called neoliberalism and it serves the corporate elite and the folks who own it.

    1. I’m Scottish- we have everything Bernie is talking about. We have 5m people – if we can do it so can the US. #OnlyBernie

    2. So America is broken? So America is bad? Why don’t you leave the USA and go and live in the imagined paradises you believe in. I’ll help you pack !!!

    3. Bernie was educated by John D. Rockefeller University – the epitome of who made the system wrong. Folks need to park their emotions and open their minds. Simple Math solves it all, but USA is #42 Math. Republicans & Democrats (Voters) are Dumb & Dumber. Your Voter Laws have no Legal Words (Juris Dictions) over Non-Voters. Peace to you folks who are inadequate and incapable of Governing & Policing your own actions and need an ‘Elect’ to tell you how to live.

    4. @Bran Evans Yes, if you have a desired change in America (A DEMOCRACY) you should not use your vote to voice that but rather leave the country. What a joke of an American you are.

    5. ​@Heather your trying to compare a country of 5 million – which can easily be given medicare for all – to a country of 330 million people, where it will cost at the minimum 10 trillion yearly for all citizens to be covered

  3. I love how Bernie never directly answered Anderson’s question because we all know the Dems are going to do whatever they can to keep Bernie from getting the nomination…and as much as it pains me to say this…in that regard Trump is right.

  4. LOVE how he refuses to even ACKNOWLEDGE what Trump says.
    And THATS the antidote I feel for shutting Trump up. Deny him the attention he so deseprately wants and needs.

    1. @Elgin Subwaysurfer Bolling notice that the 1st cases turned up in sanctuary cities? coincidence? hey! why have borders?

    2. @j wallace you’re gonna hang me because I made fun of his orange skin?? He looks ridiculous. I’m surprised he diesnt notice that he looks like a Simpsons character

      making fun of his skin color ain’t the same as insulting some ones race and ethnicity

    3. democrats are pedos as soon as you brought Islam into a conversation that has nothing to do with Islam shows how much of an ignoramus of a person you are. All it proved was you are one of those anti Muslim folks who hate Muslim people just to hate them. Just so you know I am a Muslim U.S armed service member and there are many of us serving and protecting this wonderful countries constitution so that racist Conts like you can freely spread their hate on the internet. God bless America, but only it’s good people.

    1. I’m not sure what a geometric curiosity has to do with the topic at hand, and forgive me I only speak English, Latin and Spanish. That sounds a bit like shame for evil thought? If you as for supressing tec Marx himself wrote where you find an abundance of useful things so too do you find an abudence of useless people. I have two words of my own regarding sanders, paper promiss. His proposals much like communism sound great on paper. Absolute security, however in absolute security there is an absence of freedom. As for bernie calling american healthcare a joke, he’s employed by the government and thus enjoying government health benefits. Without them he would have died of his heart attack. I can’t think of a thing bernie likes about this country or its people except their money. As for that motto as it sounds like one bernie definitely thinks Ill of American and it’s people. He makes that clear every day. I have heard him speak in person and heard what he says when the cameras are not rolling. He is every bit as disparaging as trump is.

    2. Wonderful hero. I just see him as an angry old man who turns off his hearing aid to save batteries. Remember – he’s not a Democrat and cannot even run in the presidential election as the candidate for that party. He has been beaten by the rules which he didn’t bother to read !!! Hopeless !!!

    3. @John Doe Biden and Sanders both dodged the draft (asthma and conscience objector respectively) so your argument is moot.

  5. “he gets nothing done!” …wait… why is he talking for minutes on end about things he’s accomplished!? WHAT IS THIS!? COULD WARREN BE A FIBBER?!

    1. #LyinLiz has lied about the most ridiculous and easily refuted things like telling the world her father was a poor janitor, something the family has gone on record as refuting and they’re POd every time she repeats it. He was a salesman at Montgomery Ward. She got fired for being pregnant ( yanking the gender card) when she left the job even though she was offered another contract term. And of course the renowned ‘minority’ card as an Indigenous American Indian. The list goes on and on, so if she’s lying about stupid things she’ll lie about the important ones as well. #NoWafflingWarren #Bernie2020

  6. Bernie has never changed his policy
    He’s steadfast in his beliefs and really wants what he says he wants
    The establishment hates him for being for the people.
    I voted for him!

    1. Like when he used to support border security?
      Like when he didn’t support identity politics?
      Like when he wasn’t anti 2A?
      Like when he was cheated by the Dems last time and hung his head in support of Clinton?

    2. The loser and ignorant trolls are sad and desperate. All your lies only makes Bernie support stronger. Get a life. #Bernie2020

  7. the democratic is still trying to cling on to what it thinks it should be. They fail to realize that these stunts only make Bernie’s campaign stronger

    1. Kevin K. Look I truly respect everyone’s opinion In the heat of arguement yes I can get pissed but in the end we are ALL On THE SAME SIDE. We are all being required to do what we feel is best. In the end i will vote. 💙🇺🇸

  8. ‘The establishment is getting nervous’
    That’s exactly what I want the ‘establishment’ to do!!

    1. Right. People get so caught up in right or left that they forget about what’s really important. At the end of the day 99% of people aren’t being looked after by the government…as a whole. Democrats and Republicans are just titles. They agree on alot of topics that dont help the average American. That’s why the president alone can’t do a whole lot. That was proven when Obama was fought tooth and nail on issues facing the average American. Anything that potentially disrupts the “establishment” will be pushed back against by both sides.

  9. Bernie finally came out of the closet on his enemies…finally admitting that the DNC and the so-called progressives hate him…. maybe now he will unsheath the knives and start flaying

    1. He should quit lying about being an Independent and run as an Independent. Those that are awake understand the Sham that is U.S. Politics. Trump is the Greatest Political Actor America has ever seen. He deserves an Academy Award.

    2. @George Thompson Left-Wing & Right-Wing Conservatives is no way to run a country. Trump is a Political Actor. Turn off your television. You are being spoon fed.

    3. @George Thompson Yeah.

      I don’t understand why you say Bernie is against the institutions. He isn’t. He loves the idea of centraliced but good governance.

    1. @franklin ford What has he promised that was not same with Venezuela Cuba and Russia, you have not lived where socialism was practised, it only favors the politicians not the people. We should learn from the past. That will destroy America. You don’t know what you are saying. Go and read Animal farm by George Orwell. Bernie is delusional, talk is cheap who pays, he said the rich, they rich will take their assets from America and the devastating effect will put an end to America it will be more than crunching blow you can expect from military defeat of America. Use your brain all the nations that practice what he is saying failed. You sound as enemy of America. Only morons believe in stupidity of Bernie.

    2. @Olayemi Ayoola that what your saying is speculation the rich don’t mind it as much as you think and I’m sure he’s not gonna attack the rich it’s just making things balanced I could tell you don’t have kids or you yourself never been to college or unless you have parents that spoil you give you anything you need but other people that go to college aren’t so lucky do research on that he takes office then you can judge it for what it is but right now it’s just fear or hate

    3. David Rodgers you all so scared of change like Christ, he calls himself a democratic socialist but it really isn’t on that track am just saying

    1. @Ozark Matt
      You are correct it was stolen from Bernie in the last election and he just sat back and took it and didn’t do nothing ,what does that tell you? . They are in it together to cause division and hate . They hope the Bernie or bust people will riot and cause destruction and become violent towards people in the streets if he doesnt get the nomination .You are getting played by satan and his demonic hoards . He sends his minions out to deceive ,steal, kill and destroy.
      It is time to repent and turn from our wicked ways and seek Jesus bc he is at the door . Judgement is coming to all of us including me . We need to pick sides. It is not Democrat vs Republican it is Good vs evil, Heaven or hell. I hope you choose wisley.

    2. There is no Bernie coup. Bernie is being set-up by trump, because he knows he can bet Bernie because trump and Putin have a lot of dirt on Bernie.

    1. Timon better hope that doesnt cross over to the republican patriots,or they will get put in their place very quickly

  10. FYI: Looks like Trump and the Repubs are enacting a “ coup” against Gov Bill Weld by cancelling selected primaries!!!

  11. For once, trump is correct. DNC, CNN, & MSNBC are all in overdrive trying to sink Bernie…..again.

    1. Because Bernie is an independent not a democrat the way he wants ppl to believe. He’s a conman just like trump.

    2. Bernie is such a strong candidate compared to Biden. Even Obama won’t endorse the demented old guy. We are in tough shape if Biden is the best we can put up against trump. Should have saved all the money and just bought everyone weed instead. Oh well….there is always 2024.

    3. @Sherriee Byrse it’s well known that Bernie is an independent. When he ran in the last election, he started he campaign by stating that he’s not a Democrat. We very much live in a two party system so they only way anyone can get elected would be to run under one of the two parties so he has to run as a Democrat.

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