Trump Trails Biden In Six Key Battleground States | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Biden is leading Donald Trump in six key battleground states, according to new polling. The panel discusses. Aired on 7/2/2020.
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Trump Trails Biden In Six Key Battleground States | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Tessmage Tessera lil buddy fuds is an embarrassing Russian beta boi playing internet pretend.

      True story.


    2. @Eli Dicken Yeah I pretty much figured that out about him already. I also believe that he’s an alcoholic… like most Russian men.

  1. Why are his numbers so high still ???? I am absolutely disgusted that so many Americans are still supporting him…What is wrong with Americans ????

    1. @Mike Brockway you are a conspiracy theorist….you do NOT exist in the real world..Stop wasting everyone’s time with these innately stupid comments.

    2. @Mike Brockway” Standing “up to China ??????? ” Sucking “up to China to get him votes….and he’s in bed with Putin you fool….

    3. @imeldo marcos Are you insane or what? Dotard is just not horrible. You can do better, troll

    4. @imeldo marcos that deal with China didn’t better our position with them….it was a choke deal bcz he was backed in a corner ….

    1. @frictionRx9 We know that Putin is helping Donnie to rig the election. But even bots like you are desperately posting nonsensical crap.

    2. @frictionRx9 When it’s so obvious that even reading it you hear a Russian accent in your head.

    3. @frictionRx9
      Just like trump in a televised press conference following his very private bromance with president Putin in Helsinki!!
      Ohhh President Putin was so Strong and Forceful Ohh, Why wouldn’t I believe Him OHHHHH
      Love Sick tRump: Talking like a scatterbrained 17yr old girl telling her friends about her first sexual experience with her BIGLY B/Friend ever????
      tRump in a televised press conference about Covid19:
      There will be like 15 cases then 9 after that it will just disappear (like magic)
      Who Wouldn’t believe that Covid19 will just Disappear like Magic (much like tRump’s Virginity did in Helsinki) in a very Bigly POOOOOOF!

    4. @Sperup AD 😐👉

      🤣👉 Biden for –President– with him in office would be terrible. That man was responsible for the most draconian laws made in the 90s.

    1. @linda incera Why do you type as though everything you write was a movie title? That’s insanely difficult, and just makes you look insane. WHY?

    2. @linda incera Capitalizing every word in a sentence is not how you were taught to write. Why do you do it?

    3. @omi god It Was When I Was In Cambridge Uni. Many Many Years Ago … It’s the Way We Had To Talk , On Even Text…
      I Cannot Even Remember When I Haven’t Wrote This Way…
      But It Was when I Look At Your Political’s Stant , And I So All The Different Politicians, And Is When I Was Looking At All The Different Types, So I Looked At It Clearly. And I Saw All The Politician’s ,
      They Are So So Different Between Republican And Democratic .
      I Did Use To Watch CNN Then I Watch MSNBC, And Found This Is Absolutely Crazy… So I Went And Looked At All Over The World News ,
      Australia First ,Then Sweden, And The Same Things Was People Was All The Same Was Exactly As Fox News … You Will Delete This As Soon As You Looked At Fox.
      All I Can Say Is That They Really Dont Tell You All The Actual About What’s Really Going On.. All Republican States Are Doing Great.
      But Thank You For Reading This.

  2. Seriously, I heard that, in the fall, as the weather gets cooler, Trump will magically disappear.

    1. Don’t underestimate. There is need to educate the brainwashed Americans. Trump is good in creating propaganda & conspiracy theories to scare Americans, and highlight himself as the only savior! Read my report on how he is running the biggest propaganda machinery under the umbrella of socialist Falun Gong’s media channels

  3. I’m a Bernie Bros & I’m surprised how good of an opponent Joe Biden is proving to be against DJtRump & will be voting for Joe Biden cause tRump is criminally corrupt to the core & really has no soul.

    1. @Barry Walls And that’s why I’ll be voting for Biden. But I also expect Biden to be primaried in 2024 and voted out of office. Americans are fed up with corporate-owned politicians.

    2. @Tessmage Tessera : I agree with you Tessmage. tRump has screwed over America so much that no one person will be able to undue all the damage. Besides Joe Biden isn’t really Progressive & when you take in the age factor, he won’t last long just like tRump won’t.

    3. Biden???? You don’t actually still believe MSNBC/CNN do you? How many times are you going to be duped with the propaganda?


    1. @Deplorable *One and a half-million infected and 130 thousand deaths by the coronavirus to date and you say that’s all a hoax … maybe you need a death or two in YOUR family to make you come 2 your senses. Just quit whatever it is you’re sniffing (Ivanka’s ??) and put on yr mask.*

    2. I 💯 agree, let’s vote Trump so creepy, sleepy, basement Joe Biden gets completely humiliated

    3. True. Don’t underestimate. There is need to educate the brainwashed Americans as well. Trump is good in creating propaganda & conspiracy theories to scare Americans, and highlight himself as the only savior! Read my report on how he is running the biggest propaganda machinery under the umbrella of socialist Falun Gong’s media channels

  5. What I Don’t UNDERSTAND IS There Are Unwell People IN America that Are STILL following This TRAITOR… CON-Msn

    1. Yes, they are posers , posing as American Patriots who really are racist, traitors like Trump is.

    2. What I don’t understand is how people can STILL believe anything from MSNBC! Can’t fix stupid I guess…..

    3. Jus as he’s sick …there are alot sick ppl out there tht DNT even have corona virus…..

  6. All Biden has to do is look Presidential and let Trump talk Himself out of office ..

    1. @okir rama
      Biden is his name. He’s about to be your president and you will like it, foggy.

    2. On the morning of November 8th, 2016, Trump actually had WORSE numbers than he does now. He won with a national polling average of 41.8%. VOTE!

    3. @Dexter Jackson well, Hillary also has 98% chance of winning the election….she ended up going to the woods….zinger….mic drop

  7. So far, Trump’s reelection campaign is looking a lot like a Confederate monument- a symbolically racist depiction of a treasonous losing cause.

    1. Don’t underestimate. There is need to educate the brainwashed Americans. Trump is good in creating propaganda & conspiracy theories to scare Americans, and highlight himself as the only savior! Read my report on how he is running the biggest propaganda machinery under the umbrella of socialist Falun Gong’s media channels

    2. @Madmike Wwg1wga That is a good one so shagging a black model means you are not racist…….did he marry her???… have children???.. she was a trophy dickhead

  8. Republicans prove how crooked this administration is!
    So disgusting!😠

    1. @Darth Archer Don’t be surprised if Romney winds up being the Republican candidate in November. Right now, the GOP has to be seriously considering dumping Trump.

    2. Tessmage Tessera Fox has run several articles suggesting the same…watch as they try to wriggle out from under the Trump Train.


    3. @Eli Dicken Yeah it’s definitely in the wind. The GOP has to be seriously concerned about the survival of their party, at this point. So if they don’t do something about Trump… and SOON… they may never win another important election. I’m expecting a major revolt within their party anytime now. Probably sometime around Labor Day.

    4. Trumpy would probably love to drop out.. but he knows he’ll go directly to jail…VOTE BLUE 💙 THEY HAVE TO GO. TY

    1. They were marching in Charlottesville. And they were repeating a chant that is considered antisemetic

  9. Trump retweeted his supporters shouting “White Power” and he’s still this close? This country is insane.

    1. @lesley wall think neo-fascists…I think that’s what they’re called in Europe. I know two former trump voters who can’t wait to vote for Biden.

    2. His white supremacy is WHY he was elected President. Nothing else mattered. That’s the reason he’s popular. That’s it.

    1. You don’t really believe MSNBC do you? The number is much higher than 40%. November will see a Trump landslide. 🇺🇸

  10. Lay it off with all the polls, Joe. Everybody needs to go vote like their lives depend on it because it does. Call for people to go vote and stop with the daily polls. There is nothing to celebrate if still ca 40% support that maniac.

    1. @C4st Gump Then say it again each and every day instead of the daily polling sh*t. What’s Joe trying to achieve. He still seems to be a Republican and wants to help Trump pivot.

    2. @Michael Kahr we are on the same side. Everyone who I have met in the last 2 months has told me to go vote. I plan on voting for Biden, no matter the voter suppression the Republicans are trying to use.

    3. Trump is hoping there is still enough whites that fear a take over making them the new oppressed people and there are a lot of them. Get out and vote or we will all end up with more of this fake president.

    1. What are you guys going to say when Trump wins with a percentage higher
      than anybody in history as ever won the presidential election

  11. The fact those numbers are so close despite EVERYTHING Trump has done says everything the world already knows about American intelligence.

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