UK Variant Will Cause Rise In Cases In The U.S., Says Doctor | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Dr. Michael Osterholm discusses new Covid variants and their appearance in the United States and the effectiveness of vaccines to treat the variants. Aired on 01/29/2021.
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#MichaelOsterholm #Covid #MSNBC

UK Variant Will Cause Rise In Cases In The U.S., Says Doctor | Morning Joe | MSNBC



    1. Hey, thats what happends when Trump is not there anymore.
      You had all those people saying they block travel before him. But well after Trump did it where still shouting it’s a racist move and it wont do anything, later shouting they would have blocked travel well before him…. Now they have a chance to show that, but slow again. And blocking travel should be between states aswell. Not just countrys.

    2. @Devo I think it is pretty obvious that Trump did far more harm than he did good. Be honest with yourself and others, and stop cherry-picking. Trump lost the election for a very good reason.

    3. @Tom Terrific yeah cos anything good he didn’t was never even reported , the left leaning media brainwashed most of society . They don’t even report the face that Biden has already signed executive orders he didn’t even campaign on or that people voted for and he died executive
      Orders were for dictators .

  2. Well time try my luck on youtube career since no luck with normal work at this rate…was hoping be back normal by next year but guess not…

  3. Guess what, right-wing trolls..? Trump is gone and he’s never coming back. You were too small and weak to help him.

    1. When you actually realise that gender neutral bathrooms don’t really actually matter that much to you and your paying more for gas and realise that the corporation tax that your employer has to pay means your job is outsourced to Outer Mongolia then come back to me

    2. @FireMint democrats in my opinion want to keep immigrants and minorities poor so they rely on democrats for handouts . When in reality under trump more minorities became better off , hence more
      Voted for him and basically the main stream media shamed middle white Americans in To believing they were racist bigots for supporting him and it worked

    3. @N WAh yes. The argument of the 1%’rs. Instilling fear. Not only is that not really true, It’s actually been proven that when you help someone better themselves, they end up being a better functioning part of society. A recent study of 100 homeless people that were given $10k with no strings, used it to get out of their situation, find jobs, a place to sleep. Get some vocational training, etc. When they were lifted up they kept going. Wouldn’t it amazing if everyone, including yourself… yes you too, didn’t have to worry about their minimum basic needs? I guess the next fear with that is if they didn’t have to work, they wont. How long does that last though? Have you ever been unemployed yourself for any length of time? How long did you last before you really got bored and wanted to do something… anything? If you haven’t, consider yourself extremely lucky. Of course there will be outliers in every situation, but the majority will do the right thing. As we get closer and closer to more things being automated, especially monotonous jobs like fast food, driving trucks, etc, etc, there are going to be less and less jobs available. There’s no reason anyone should be living on the street when the resources are already there, but are being squandered and wasted.

      We will never get ourselves out of Civilization 0 of the Kardashev scale if we don’t start taking care of our own. We are a human race collectively. We need to start acting like one, collectively.

  4. “We in this country are really, really good about pumping the brakes after we’ve wrapped the car around the tree.” That sums it up here in the USA.

    1. You missed the other dreadful metaphor from Dr. O: We are a house on fire! He is all about Doom and Gloom. You really think he is good for the country being on the Biden/Harris science goon squad? He has been critical of herd immunity and the Great Barrington Declaration. He also refuses to discuss Ivermectin as a cure for COVID. Dr. O is anti-science and anti-cure.

    2. @Lp78Ch leading cause of death in the United States is covid 19. You sound like a fking sociopath and a moron.

    3. Osterholm – Legend. Shame no one listened to him when it would have made a difference.

      Good luck USA, we need you strong again but you keep shooting yourself in the foot.

    We should have, sworn in, alternating, citizen groups to over see Ethics in our GOVERNMENT & these people MUST SUBMIT to deep background checks, at least every 3 yrs, that include investigations into their personal conduct & connections; these backgrounds & investigations should be the same type of extreme deep dives that SHOULD BE REQUIRED of all people who run for governmental federal, state & city offices. FOR THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE!

  6. If we had more testing, and longer and more frequent shutdowns, we would have less cases, less deaths, and fewer mutations. If we had a social program in place for handling pandemics and other types of emergency situations, we would have lost few businesses, and when everything was ready to reopen, the economy and businesses would be fine. What we need is a way to maintain everything, and keep people at home and comfortable, without unfairly paying some people more than others. We should not have to bailout businesses who have to close due to the pandemic. It is bennificial to our economy, and our people, if they have testing, food, health care, nessisary goods and services, and for other businesses to stay closed. Focusing on stopping the spread of the virus, keeps mutations from developing. Testing people on a regular basis, allows for us to know who needs to be Quarantined, and what schools to close and for how long. And we should have adequate infrastructure for children to be homeschooling when necessary. The internet needs to be adequate, and the program on the internet needs to be adequate. Children will need to spend more time outdoors, away from people, and more time socializing with friends online. Parents who need to work, who can’t work from home, will have to send their children to school, while people who can stay home, should keep their children home. Keeping people from contracting the virus will be best for everyone overall. Pretending it will go away at Easter, or when the weather warms up, or Pretending that it is a hoax, or that scientists just want a socialist society, is not going to save lives, jobs, or the economy. It will just cause more loss of life, and allow for the pandemic to stretch on for longer, because more mutations will continue to evolve, ahead of our ability to take back control of our health. Putting systems in place, before emergencies and disaster strikes, will take some of the confusion out of our response. People who think that capitalism is a good thing, need to realize that protecting capitalism may take a social program every now and then. Everyone take a deep breath and look around at what is happening. Be honest. We are doing this to ourselves by not being honest.

  7. This is what happens when the world does not stop everything but essential travel.
    We learned nothing from the beginning when it spread all around the world through travelling the first wave.

  8. “UK Variant Will Cause Rise In (Covid) Cases” thereby motivating us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica (per #LincolnProject). Thus, we’re hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the #UKvariant strain(s) mutations and others like the South African, Brazilian & #Cluster5Mink mutations rendering current vaccines no longer effective.

  9. The one thing that won’t work is a travel ban, it’s already here and over there a travel ban is useless.

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