1. @mimiThe Russian fascists have been able to experience American HIMARS. Definitely not comfy but up close and personal. 😆

    1. @Suranga Madhawa You forget to add the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, destruction of Chechnya, carpet bombing of Syrian cities, dissident poisonings, etc.. You want your list complete – right?

    2. @Chas but westerners are the people who done many destructions to the outside world apart from their country. And also US and France bluffing but see how they dominate other territories with military precence which are not belongs to them

  1. Never predict what the heaven might do .. help is on the way Ukrainian you all will be protected just keep the faith 🙏🙏🙏 may the heavens be with you all 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    1. One thing you could do is to organize a relief fund to buy and ship generators across to the Ukraine, I bet they would appreciate that greatly.

  2. I think Putin is a despicable human being. I hope he gets everything he deserves coming to him. I pray for the Ukrainian people 🙏 😔

    1. @Garrison It’s going to be nine years soon. I’m glad Putin evacuated most non-combatants. I can’t believe many pipes are in one piece to carry heating gas. Meanwhile neither Europe, Poland, America, or Canada want any more refugees.

    2. All Putin asked for was to keep the pact and promises that NATO made about not inching any closer east. Russia even allowed Ukraine to be its own country as long as they didn’t join nato. All Putin did was tell the west what not do do and the US and NATO did the exact opposite. To the point where they new Putin wasn’t going to do much when Obama and Biden formed a coup in Ukraine by arming and funding terrorists. Putin showed restraint then. Now that this new puppet regime is in charge of Ukraine they decided to join NATO. That was the last straw that broke the camels back. Literally.

    3. @Garrison because of Russia conducting a proxy war to destabilise ukraine, and stop it joining the family of European nations, where it belongs.

    1. @John Champion Nor you or I have the ability to even begin to understand or comprehend God, or as he thinks. If you had read and studied the bible you would know why God sent his Son. Please reflect on what you just commented. I respect your comment and my intention is not to offend you. God bless you.

    2. Yes prayers for Ukraine that someone will take out their actor puppet little leader and bring peace and stability to the world

    3. The President of Ukraine may have stopped this war, his dream is his position in NATO, his family, he does not see people dying or going to other countries as refugees, he is acting as a tyrant, Ukraine does not even have an anti-war, if there is an anti-war, the people will cry for destruction, the world will listen to Zelenskyy and give arms aid and economic sanctions. They say, Ukraine, a country that has separated from Russia, does not need NATO, can act independently, and avoid population destruction.

  3. Stay strong, brave, and heroic people of Ukraine ❤🇺🇦. Only barbaric people will support the pathetic and shameful war of the Psychopathic Russian leader. ☮🌍 ~*~♥ ( Love from 🇱🇰 ) ♥~*~

    1. The best people want Russia to smash Ukraine to bits. None of us care one bit what cucks like you think we are just to tell you that.

    2. ​@John Champion Comment show your knowledge about the world, it is no wonder people like you think the same way that majority of North Korea, Cuba, China and Russia, because you people only know the information that the regime or dictatorship of the respective county would like you let you know. you people have not ever experienced the democratic world or freedom of information. you are nothing more than frog in a well.

  4. A general says: “… if you want to win the war, don’t negotiate…” This is what Ukraine is trying to do. Knowing that Ukrainians are innovative, they can survive the winter. This is a very costly war where a terroristic country is allowed to do every evil acts it wants to a country. Its effects ripple to the rest of the world.

    1. @хорошая жизнь Both Crimea and Donbas belong to Ukraine so Russia should take its toys out of there.

    2. ‘Tis such a brazen act of terrorism. Unfortunately, the haughtiness and foolhardiness inherent in the Russians thwart them to confront the horror they have done. Terrorists always fight against civilians. Today, Ukraine is on fire; tomorrow, the flame of the war may spread towards the West and no one would say ‘unexpectedly’.

    3. @хорошая жизнь We are done with Putin’s paranoia and excuses.Russia is poor pathetic country and cheap gas station which pretends being super power but is anything but.

    4. @Dilan Gunaratne Not really. Although, we do remember the decade long Russian brutal occupation of Afghanistan, destruction of Chechnya, and carpet bombing of Syrian cities. 😆

  5. Would the good US general be prepared to negotiate away Alaska, Hawaii, or other states if they were occupied by an aggressor, I wonder – especially, if the US army was making progress and gaining ground?

    1. @Navam Sinna why would someone fight so hard for a tyrant. You make it sound like people in Iraq want Saddam back.😂

    2. You from the west, just send as many weapons as you can to Ukraine. Water the black, satanic, seeds of evil that were sown in the US 20, 30 years ago between Russian and Ukrainian brothers, yesterday’s compatriots, as they did in the former Yugoslavia and who knows where else. Go ahead, put out the fire with gasoline!

    3. @хорошая жизнь Nobody needs NATO? You should tell that to Sweden and Finland…and Georgia and Ukraine. I wonder why they think they need NATO?

    4. @Trevor U just explained wat America has been doing since the end of ww2. Overthrowing Foreign Governments and establishing military bases in them. Lol. Alzheimers seem to be getting to you.

  6. But when Yemeni kids Afghan and Iraqi children men and women were dying it was not important right. Let’s not forget that there is almost no electricity and gas in Palestinian homes as well.

  7. Let’s just remember all this when it’s time for Russia to pay for its crimes.
    Just like people in the USA remember what all happened before now that certain people are calling for “amnesty”.

    1. what crimes? Russia and Putin have been saying for decades not to have NATO inch any closer to Russia and to leave Ukraine alone. What did Obama do? Staged a coup in Ukraine by arming and funding terrorists. What did Biden do? Get paid by corrupt Ukrainian firms while Hunter Biden spent the millions they were paid on hookers and coke all while keeping the evidence in a laptop that dems refused to investigate. Then the US built a Naval Port in Ukraine. To sum it all up, this is what the US wants. They Started this conflict. It was not unprovoked.

  8. That lady remembers WW2 she was about seven and it was hell, my girlfriend’s father was born in 37 he remembers all the suffering. Many people don’t realize how easy they got it outside of Ukraine

    1. @Navam Sinna If you don’t want Ukrainians to suffer, tell Putin not to invade Ukraine in the first place and stop blaming a victim for not wanting to surrender. Ukraine’s pact choices are up to Ukrainians, it’s none of Putin’s bussines and Putin is the last one to decide about other independent country’s political path. Ukraine is not russian backyard. USSR is gone and Russia is anything but super power. If your country borders Russia you can become Russia’s victim, Russia’s puppet or a Nato member state. Nato never invaded Russia. It’s Russia which keeps invading neighbors so they are looking to join Nato to be secured.

    2. @Navam Sinna when they bomb and torture your people and steal your land you can surrender and be tortured then. Be patient

  9. Keep fighting ukraine! I can’t imagine how tough things are for the innocent people there. It isnt great in the short term but ukraine now has the oppertunity to invest in being 100% renewable energy and to set building regs for every new building to be self sufficient for energy production. That will help the nation long term but short term I pray Ukraine gets help to prevent people from freezing this winter.

    1. @George Bouwari you do not dispute any facts or arguments… because you can’t. You don’t know who I support. I support survival of the Ukrainians in spite of US involvement. You are a low info voter and the exact thing that fuels corporate control of US government. You are pro war. I am pro peace.

    2. @Jax I don’t need to get educated. My country’s and my family’s own experience over centuries with Russia is more than you can imagine.

    3. @Frida Kahlo you started your comment with ‘ I don’t need to get educated’ I’ll just leave that right there…… ignorance is bliss

    4. @Jax 100K+ Russian dead and wounded in nine months. Putin should leave Ukraine before the rest of his military is sent back to Russia in coffins. 😆

  10. Not gonna be bad as Leningrad.
    Keep protecting your liberty no matter what, and embrace the struggle. 🇺🇦

  11. Stay strong Ukraine 🇺🇦.
    Negotiating with a bully never stops him from invading you . A bully never stops unless he is stopped . It’s time Ukraine gets itself out of Putin’s slavery .

  12. A country is bound to suffer,if its leaders put the interest of other countries above their own.
    Zelensky miscalculated by opting to fight a US led west proxy war against Russia, instead of signing a peace agreement in Turkey.
    Pressure from US and UK for Zelensky to choose war over peace has brought untold sufferings to Ukraine.
    Now that Russia has changed its war strategy by factoring in the fact, that this is going to a prolonged war because of NATO support for Ukraine, they are not in a rush.
    Their changed strategy means a prolonged suffering for Ukraine and the very likelihood of Ukraine losing half its territory with time.
    It would be wise for Zelensky to put Ukraine first and opt for peace now that they have the so called ” momentum “.
    It would be folly to underestimate Russia. We should not rush to misconstrue a changed strategy as retreat.
    Just like the US ,Russia does not retreat. They re-strategise.We need to becareful.
    Enough of testing our weapons in Ukraine with Ukrainian lives.
    Peace and compromise should be encouraged before we reach a point of no return.

    1. Russia illegally invaded Ukraine. None of this would have happened if not for that. 700,000 smart Russians fled Russia. Sadly, so many will suffer, but the boot will remain on Putin’s neck until the end.

  13. “Born into war. I’ll probably die in war.” I hope everyone who has been fortunate enough to have a more peaceful life than this 80+ year old woman takes time to appreciate their life. What ever trials and tribulations you have, war makes them worse.
    Slava Ukraini. Heroyam Slava. 💪🇺🇦🕊😀

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