‘Um, wow’: Trump’s briefing remarks stun John Berman

CNN's John Berman and Kaitlan Collins discuss President Donald Trump repeating the same exact talking points during his coronavirus briefings. #CNN #News


    1. The Democrats are persecuting Christians, Jews, white people, black people, police, the elderly, and anyone who disagrees with them.

    2. @Darlene Smith Hl save your energy to go out and vote if the line is long I’ll have an extra sandwich
      The way the Russians are gassing their opponents might be necessary to wear a really good mask when you go to vote against the trump corrupt machine

  1. When Trump calls a woman a “nasty woman”, what he really means is that she’s a “strong woman.” Strong women scare Trump into his bunker.
    Raise your hand if you can’t wait to see Kamala Harris put little Donny-boy in his bunker. 🖐😂

    1. Very well said,America need more females in politics, because in General they care and not for self interest. New Zealand female prime minister is brilliant in my book 🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐

    2. @The Remixstress really a good point, if you have 3 million votes more than the other candidate that should be a win. Although they was something shifty about Hillary. She was the closest woman in politics to be in line to the male world of it’s about power before real change 🤔

    3. Pritam Chavan p.o.t.u.s. HAS been impeached. The only reason he still sits on his throne is because he has something on McConnell and probably several others in the Senate, and THAT’s why they refused to hold a FAIR TRIAL of the pretender to the throne!!! He SHOULD be IN PRISON, based, not only on the Mueller report, but what he has done since his impeachment, in an attempt to gut the American Democracy.

    1. @[cooler] xVS 1[UNIT]

      Here is the best place to get info on HCQ. It is very, very, very, favorable to take it especially in prophylaxis or early in the disease. Look at the chart of the countries like Greece and Turkey and others that used it early. The death curve doesnt go anywhere basically but up from zero slightly and flat.


      The fraud over covid is coming more and more known>

      Age doesnt kill anymore. How many in the 65+ are covid deaths too if they can get by with these at a much older age?




      More fraud:
      When videos are removed that is an admission of it being true:



      There are 1000 of these fraud videos. Some that I just saw have been pulled down. You know of anything else that is “fake” that gets censored? You could put up an Alien invasion video or any goofy conspiracy you want and if it wont be taken down but these being taken down speaks volumes.

    2. [cooler] xVS 1[UNIT] because President Trump used it and it worked. They’d rather Americans die than listen to Trump.

    1. @Dan Keller Everything I said is factual. And yes, I know exactly what I meant. Only a damn fool would say “a virus happens in Obama’s name” It just sounds stupid. But everything I said about him dealing with the ebola crisis is true. If you prefer to ignore that, and refuse to do basic research that is not my problem. Trump on the other hand dismissed the coronavirus as a hoax. Played golf and held rallies. He said it would disappear. And like I pointed out, he disbanded the pandemic task force. Are those things true or false? If they are false, show me why. Oh, you can’t do that. All you can do is make idiotic comments like “keep doing your google searches” Must be hard to live in an alternate reality where you think only Trump tells the truth. Did you get your disinfectant injection yet?

    2. @Dan Keller I would like to think that every human being is. Is that the argument you want to make now? Excellent rebuttal sir. You earned your place in the pantheon of great debaters.

    3. @Michael S https://thedonald.win/p/Gv1btwN0/donald-trump-just-drove-by-my-ho/c/


      I stumbled upon a disturbing maga-dumb-dumb chest thumping web site – well, I can’t say it’s patriotic nor Christian

      It’s FILLED with proud tronald dump supporters aka maga-dumb-dumbs having a kk…. ok.. I’ll merely call it a rally sending message after “Patriotic/Christian” message by jumping into the fat orange man cess pool conversations by:

      -ballyhooing @ each other

      -talk about & using the “N word

      -about making America White

      -are proud supporters/defenders of rights… you know.. like the important ones – no one can make me wear a mask, as opposed to the bothersome right to vote

      -folks on the site seem to feel selective right distribution is a privilege

      -folks are so very patriotic & proud of dt hijacking the election & say he saw it coming so dt appointed a major donor as postmaster general

      -accuse the “dems” of using the pandemic on the election- because Pelosi asked for more election funds in March… & why would she do that if that wasn’t the plan? Most likely, because, she knows dt & the dt sheep on the site & her desire was to protect everyone’s right to vote… instead of bragging on such very hard conundrums like dt spotting an elephant & oooh.. junior, I need my crayons back

      -Instead folks on the site love the dt response “if I can’t have the election the way I want it & attempting to prevent my reelection, I’ll destroy the ability of any governmental body seeking to protect the right to vote”

      -how patriotic & proud (in an unpatriotic way) “y’all” are of dt seeking to hijack the USPS & obstructing the right to vote

      -saying how minorities (mainly black folks) need to stop relying on the government (basically as saying black folks are lazy)

      -A disturbing part is how perfectly calm & accepting everyone on the site is.. i don’t recall “don’t use that word” or” that’s not true. In fact, so very proud of every one of them.

      .Unlike the site sheep… no, those things do not crack me up.

    4. @Triangle Automotive, Inc https://thedonald.win/p/Gv1btwN0/donald-trump-just-drove-by-my-ho/c/


      I stumbled upon a disturbing maga-dumb-dumb chest thumping web site – well, I can’t say it’s patriotic nor Christian

      It’s FILLED with proud tronald dump supporters aka maga-dumb-dumbs having a kk…. ok.. I’ll merely call it a rally sending message after “Patriotic/Christian” message by jumping into the fat orange man cess pool conversations by:

      -ballyhooing @ each other

      -talk about & using the “N word

      -about making America White

      -are proud supporters/defenders of rights… you know.. like the important ones – no one can make me wear a mask, as opposed to the bothersome right to vote

      -folks on the site seem to feel selective right distribution is a privilege

      -folks are so very patriotic & proud of dt hijacking the election & say he saw it coming so dt appointed a major donor as postmaster general

      -accuse the “dems” of using the pandemic on the election- because Pelosi asked for more election funds in March… & why would she do that if that wasn’t the plan? Most likely, because, she knows dt & the dt sheep on the site & her desire was to protect everyone’s right to vote… instead of bragging on such very hard conundrums like dt spotting an elephant & oooh.. junior, I need my crayons back

      -Instead folks on the site love the dt response “if I can’t have the election the way I want it & attempting to prevent my reelection, I’ll destroy the ability of any governmental body seeking to protect the right to vote”

      -how patriotic & proud (in an unpatriotic way) “y’all” are of dt seeking to hijack the USPS & obstructing the right to vote

      -saying how minorities (mainly black folks) need to stop relying on the government (basically as saying black folks are lazy)

      -A disturbing part is how perfectly calm & accepting everyone on the site is.. i don’t recall “don’t use that word” or” that’s not true. In fact, so very proud of every one of them.

      .Unlike the site sheep… no, those things do not crack me up.

  2. FLORIDA is ready to hit the Polls…..And drag TRUMP OUT of the White House!!!! We have wised up to your tactics!!! 🙏💖😷🇺🇸🔑

    1. @ErabearM2 Thanks! One reason I almost went the other direction is because my own dad was a troll. Just for example, when AOL first came out, he would go into the gay and lesbian chat rooms just to tell people they were going to hell for being gay, because he thought making them angry was funny. I and the rest of my family were also victims to this all whole growing up. It will do terrible things to a person’s psyche and karma is a real thing. Just try to remember this next time you get the urge or are dared to hurt other people for laughs. We’re not pawns for amusement. Feelings make us human and to use our own humanity against us is an egregious sin. Anyway, thanks for listening and have a good day. 🙂

    2. ErabearM2 hmmm…let me guess…male…somewhere between 17 and 27…h.s. graduate? probably not…gainfully employed? possibly…living on his own? doubtful…owns a red hat? probably…

    3. Oh, Girl, I hope to heaven THIS time your votes inundate the ballot boxes (!!!), so there’s no doubt as to whether your votes should count!!!

    4. @kk rolf I’m thirty-five,am a highschool grad,am gainfully employed,live on my own and my MAGA hat is black not red

  3. He’s constantly reading off the same things over and over, stand up comics and actors learn their lines, this guy can’t even pretend he knows something!?!
    What a joke!

    1. Lol. Good thing you don’t lead or run anything. Its not about what you know. Its about what your team knows. Drawing on your resources to execute effectively. Which he does and makes left mad as hell.

    2. Chris Huddleston Well thats dumb you depend your leadership on your team to think for you? Haha good luck with that mentality👍🏻

    3. @Divine Intervention You simplify what I said. Repeat after me. No one knows everything, but together we know everything. 14 years of leadership experience. Ran 2 airfields, 3 divisions, one carrier division and assisted in the defeat of ISIS. You know nothing of leadership keyboard warrior.

    4. They don’t need to scratch there head and there brain to come with line everything is there just repeat it straight from the horse mouth

  4. Here’s another way to describe the Dchbag in Chief:

    The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns

    The “genius” who hides his college grades

    The “businessman” who bankrupted three casinos and lost over $1B in 10 yrs

    The “playboy” who pays for sex

    The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church

    The “philanthropist” who defrauds his own charity

    The “patriot” who dodged the draft

    The “innocent man” who refuses to testify

    The “President” who takes no responsibility

    The “tough, strong man“ who wears makeup and hairspray

    The “deal maker” who has yet to close a deal


    1. Who needs he is tax return? We need for our country Mach Moore , take of the criminals from the streets , more police, be safe for our children and not to built socialism’s

  5. Yeah, wow!! And he calls Biden “sleepy”? He can’t read, his pronunciation is 😩 and he sounds like he’s gonna fall off to sleep 💤!! With this repetitive message, you would think he would memorise it already 🤫🤗. Why do reporters even attend these briefings?? Why do they even televise it!! I’ve stopped watching them!

    1. Maletina Clarke And I mentioned elsewhere in this commentary, we SO have to keep up with what havoc he’s creating.

    2. kk rolf You do. But there are other mainstream broadcast to keep up with his many “mayhems”! I find it hard to take him seriously!! And even harder to take his supporters seriously.! Still can’t understand how Americans voted him in!?

    3. MaL: C About 3/5 of Americans did NOT vote him in, but just like the Gore/Bush Jr. election, our antiquated Electoral College DID. I hope it doesn’t go that way this time, or I do believe there will be a H-U-G-E march on Washington.

    4. kk rolf I understand. And I guess if you weren’ covering it, we would be none the wiser here in NZ. 🤗. We do get all the mainstream media coverage.

  6. DT is stuck in 1950’s where women are house wives and minorities are scary and had restricted freedoms and equal rights. DT loves the “good old days” of oppression.

    1. That is exactly what he meant when he said, “make America great again”. Just like the “good old days”. Trouble is, as you point out, they weren’t so good and definitely not great.

    1. Hilma Cortez From your hand to the heavens, but we, in southern AZ, in our primary voting saw a MINISCULE number of votes cast. And it SO perplexes me… Why EVEN bother to REGISTER if you don’t intend to VOTE?!?!?

    2. Mikey Romeiko Never, EVER, cease doing what you know is right! (You may never know when that “one more effort” just might turn the tide to the correct path!!)

    3. Kat Lynn Again, musclewoman stiffness and robotic movement is part of the early symptoms frontotemporal dementia. So are incoherent dissociative ramblings, (shower heads and dishwashers and toilets, water pressure) wandering around familiar places as if lost, (the White House lawn) loss of ability to distinguish priorities. Lack of capacity for empathy. Inability to express emotion appropriately. (Inappropriate behaviour at at funerals, inappropriate comments about the deceased.) Gorging on junk food. Difficulty reading and pronouncing words correctly. Incapable of accessing correct vocabulary. (Oranges/origins) Loss if inhibitions. Socially inappropriate behaviour. Mocking people with disabilities. Oh, and the cursed tilt and fear of falling on stairways and ramps. All textbook symptoms of frontotemporal dementia.

    4. Mikey Romeiko “Thank you Dem???” Thank you DT!!!

      The US is the laughingstock of the world because they elected a known bigot and failed businessman as their president, for one reason only: that he is a reality show celebrity…famous for being famous, a fake businessman whose only successes have been ripping off his family and foreign banks to shore up his multiple failed businesses and bail himself out of bankruptcies.

      He’s a LOSER! Now He’s losing his mind. Seems fitting, doesn’t it?

  7. He sees himself like Winston Churchill, if there was ever a mouse thinking it’s a Lion , then that’s Trump

    1. @Robert smee I’m British and we we’re taught about Churchill in school, and believe me that Orange draft dodging clown of a President is a pygmy by comparison 🤣

    2. @Paul Holt Churchill was a terrible person, Indian, Irish, Kenyan people know that, its largely because you’re British that you don’t know the truth. Trump is an idiot but he’s done less abhorrent things than Churchill.

    3. @ALP IRL I’m a ex coal miner and when Churchill was Home Secretary he sent the Army with live ammunition to put down strike. So I agree

    4. @ALP IRL ALP you are completely right in your reply over Churchill, He was guilty of everything you said, and to my shame I knew all of this , but slipped my mind when I commented. But I’m big enough to admit I was wrong 🤔

    5. @Paul Holt Fair play, I probably went overboard saying “you don’t know the truth”, just as an Irish person you get a bit tired of hearing about him as a great man and end up reacting like that sometimes. Hopefully Trump doesn’t see another 4 years in office anyway!

  8. He’s now learning from Modi, who never gave an open Press conference. He just uses radio or mic to telecast his thoughts you can’t question him. These are signs of losers Trumph taking steps in that direction.

    1. Shivdeep Singh I can’t remember what I just said!! Sleep joe!! Trump 2020 and he will be here 4 more years!! Sleep joe will Never be president!!!

    1. trilingual Did you see a recent y.t. video put together by a fellow here wherein he replayed 2 or 3 videos simultaneously which actually showed just that very thing?!? It was SOOOO F-R-E-A-K-Y!!! EVERY WORD, EVERY INFLECTION, EVERY PAUSE…the SAME in each video!!!

    1. They vote against their best interest. They are plain ignorant and uneducated trumphumping brainwashed fools.

    2. Andrew Bushrow WHAT p.o.t.u.s. of WHAT COUNTRY have YOU been tuning into that speaks ANY KIND of LOGIC?!? And just exactly WHAT accounts’ funding, then — if NOT S.S. — would he cut when he has decreased the payroll tax?? Especially since, with SO MANY out of work, the monies coming in from ANY payroll tax is just about NIL as it is?!? LOGIC, my left hind…!!!

    3. The fool never thinks ahead of time. He forgets the Tik Tok incident and that teens are onto him more than adults.

    4. @Virginia Ryno The executive order only defers Social Security payroll taxes til 2021, ..some dumb trumphumping brainwashed fool, were handing out stimulus checks, you are just handing out money increasing to the deficit..further making your dollar purchasing power weaker. Also no way without passing a law to automatically start refunding those programs with a system that is already in place to start the refunding immediately each job added back as our economy recovers and re-opens up.. but please tell all us down ignorant people how it is….

    1. Me too. My biggest fear is that if I do it enough times they’ll stay that way…. Let’s be real; it’s better than being let down by redundant speeches.

  9. Every time he reads that speech he gets a treat and a belly rub.
    The trainers have done well, considering what a mutt they have to work with.

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