‘Very troubling’: GOP governor on Trump’s meeting with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes

Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AK) joins CNN's Dana Bash to discuss former President Donald Trump hosting White nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes and rapper Kanye West at his Mar-a-Lago estate, demonstrating his continued willingness to associate with figures who have well-publicized antisemitic views as he embarks on another White House run. #CNN #news


  1. So This is “very troubling”. Not when he demonised all of Mexico. Not when he insulted all of Islam. Not when he called The Free Press “enemies of the people”. Not when he bragged about sexual abuse. Nit when he tried to strongarm Ukraine’s leader. Not when he praised Putin, and praised North Korea’s “beautiful” letters. Not when he teargassed peaceful protesters, and even the rector of the church he wanted to hold a Bibke backwards at. Not when he insulted grieving Gold Star parents. Not when he mocked dead veterans, and refused to join world leaders paying respects at a US war cemetery in Northern France because it was raining. Not when he referred to neonazis and white supremacists as “fine people on both sides”. Not when he criticised the January 6 insurrectionists and traitors being tried. Not – actually, there’s a hell of a lot of ‘not’, so let’s move on.

    But This? This was the “very troubling” line? This?!

    If I didn’t know any better as a faraway foreigner looking in – and I don’t – I might scoff at what appears to be the abject cowardice of your Republicans, finally trying to wriggle away from the Mango Mussolini’s orbit now that he’s clearly losing support and relevancy, like cowardly sidekicks trying to tiptoe away from the schoolyard/bar bully they’d been snickering beside for ages until Consequences suddenly burst through the doors. What next? Claims of “never having supported Donald Trump”?

    Their cowardice is only matched by their cynicism. “Very troubling”. My arse. Didn’t trouble them a whit over the previous several years, did it?

    1. @Derrick Burwell you had to edit a 5 word sentence but yeah it’s me that has a problem thinking. Derrrrp 🥴

    2. @WE THE PEOPLE 🇺🇸 Exactly. You have a problem thinking. Admitting that you have a problem is the first step. Atta boy!!! 👍🏾

    3. @Abbey Grantham you mean declare himself dictator for life, suspend Congress, suspend the Constitution and Rule forever while Millions go to the camps because they don’t support him?

  2. I think it’d be good to show clips of Fuentes talking, showcasing all of his violent extremist rhetoric, to really drill in the minds of people not familiar with him why he being able to talk to Trump and get on with him is so bad.

    1. @Luca Jacobson Nick Fuentes said “we should get Trump in the white house and then never hold elections ever again” he also made suggestions for people to double vote and for electorates to vote solet Republican despite what their districts want. I am Democrat and do have bias towards them but even i recognize that politics is getting dirtier and dirtier just look at Washington and Oregon district map the more radical you get the more radical the other side becomes we of course can’t stop politicians from their own corruption when it comes to donors and businesses but we can get rid of youtubers of all people from making the water dirtier.

      Edit: imagine a world where tiktokers are privy to special council meetings.

    2. @Luca Jacobson The thing about their governance is once every enemy is beat, every scapegoat exhausted, every heretic burned the only people left to persecute is themselves

      “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
           Because I was not a socialist.
      Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
           Because I was not a trade unionist.
      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
           Because I was not a Jew.
      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” -Martin Niemöller

    3. @Angel A thanks goodness, I still have *LOTS of ENEMIES* , *LOTS of TIME* and *DEFINITELY NOT EXHAUSTED to continue my PerSe-“CUTE” existence* . – Good to be LUCA JACOBSON. 😉👍

  3. By using the qualifier “historically” he’s admitting that the contemporary Republican party does not hold democratic values and democracy in high esteem.

  4. It is so troubling that the gop nominated him twice. It is troubling that the gop nominated him with no platform which means no plan for the people or the country. It’s troubling that the GOP believes they can lead with no regard for the people. Never Trumper he’ll never GOP ever. They sold out.

  5. He was doing so well there, and he went and fumbled it in the end zone. For future reference, governor, it goes like this…

    “While I DO agree with the statement being made by Mr. Walker, the timing WAS reprehensible, and yes, he should have pulled the ad. There are MANY topics up for debate and any number of them would have done in place of callus controversy, as a matter of tact.”

  6. It’s not just me virtue signaling, but I’ve tried all my life to understand the history of anti-Semitism and how it can lead to hate, war, and genocide.

    It always the same pattern with the tropes and conspiracy theories, but it probably doesn’t make sense because it requires you to abandon critical-thinking skills, reason, and logic to become irrational.

    1. @giganova yes the democrats have gone off the rails all they want to do is destroy the country and every American sad that so many follow them and are being tools of their own and everyone else’s demise.

  7. Perhaps it’s better we encourage Trump’s behavior. That way, even his supporters will come to understand what he really is. Some won’t care. Some will pay attention.

  8. This he finds “troubling“ after all that’s happened? I will never listen to another conservative lecture about morality and doing what’s right. The only reason anyone in the GOP is growing a pair is that Trump seems weak right now. If he manages to reassert himself, they’d all go back to falling in line. Governor, take a good hard look in the mirror and think about what you and your friends let happen before you are “troubled“ again.

  9. He never heard of Fuentes? Didn’t some of his party members get in trouble to co-host a rally led by Fuentes just last year? Also, if he never heard of him, why did he invite him to Mar-A-Lago? That excuse just doesn’t add up.

    1. Trump always claim he dont know nobody .however he invited them.. I’m so glad kim not with him anymore

    2. @Demetrious Dickerson Learn how to construct a proper sentence before trying to act like you know what you’re talking about.

    3. Compassion towards whom though? He wasn’t clear, clearly dodging the question, it seemed he was defending Walker and saying folks aren’t being compassionate towards him.

  10. Got to be honest, Walker’s ad was 100% accurate and based on science. It’s not fair for a biological woman to compete against a biological male.

  11. Even in the face of unprecedented conservative incompetence, God continues to bless our movement with dumber and dumber opponents.

  12. I love the interviewer sitting there with a serious expression on her face being “concerned” that Herschel Walker doesn’t want women like her to be shoved aside by bigger, stronger males on women’s sport teams.
    We really do live in Clown World, thanks to the Democrats.

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