‘Very Wrong’ For Trump To Consider The White House For Convention Speech | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticizes President Trump's suggestion that he will "probably" deliver his speech accepting the GOP nomination from the White House, telling Andrea Mitchell, "Whether it's legally wrong or ethically out of the question, it shouldn't even have been something that was expressed." She also reacts to the breaking news that Joe Biden will not deliver his convention speech in person in Milwaukee, saying that "it's an indication of the seriousness with which he judges the situation." Aired on 08/05/2020.
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'Very Wrong' For Trump To Consider The White House For Convention Speech | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC


    1. @alex Bissing
      5 time draft Dodger KFC Mcbonespurs drumpf is a Putin ck holster pos y’all
      LOCK HIM UP 2K21

  1. I’m glad that Joe Biden is not going to Milwaukee you would have way too many people in one area at least he’s got common sense to not want to spread the Coronavirus America has lost way too many people

    1. @Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Wait… The same Washington Free Beacon that lied about hiring Fusion GPS. The Washington Free beacon that has been caught in many lies? Washington beacon that said the Corona virus started in a military base that has been closed since the ’60s? THAT Washington Free Beacon? Well there’s a reliable source…🙄

    2. @Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500
      Revition notes the busines 2018 in line ,2019 in line, and 2020 expectative becouse is clearning documentation . ….
      2018 compañy japanes and information exist nvestigation and archievement .
      2019 compañy, corporativo,
      1,000 Emporium is International. 2020 go is work in process.

    3. @veganleigh
      Gramps who and what are you responding to?
      It’s definitely nap time for you.

    1. @JSK Yea Trump would definitely have a nasty tweet waiting for them just like he did when Mitt Romney was the only GOP Senator who had the guts to vote for impeachment. To bad the rest of those enablers only value themselves.

    2. samuel gainey they’re starting to jump ship as his numbers sink in the polls. Just like the pathetic rats they are.

  2. We need the unemployment benefits extended , we have over a thousand deaths EVERY SINGLE DAY


    1. @Blayze Is Still My Name dont ya love the broad brush coastal elites paint with? And the condescension and name calling? All while regurgitating debunked talking points.

    2. @Roger Pieronski I personally don’t thank god but I know many that does and was barely making it before covid so fact check my bills paid and its a blessing

    3. @Blayze Is Still My Name yes just a waste of air because it’s bigger than unemployment its kids that have graduated and jobs retracted it is kids waiting to graduate and internships retract life is so real on many different levels its residents that can’t fulfill the hours because of covid and nurses as well so let trolls be trolls life is real at the end of the day

    4. Nobody deserves to make more money on unemployment than they were already making while employed. It’s a virus not a bonus

    1. Jack Boot They don’t want him to have a convention, now they don’t want him to give a speech from the White House. Guess What?? NOTHING makes these people, who are FILLED WITH HATE, happy! Since death is the only way to get these ‘leeches’ out of ‘The Swamp’, their deaths cannot come fast enough!!!

    2. cfvrq They don’t want him to have a convention, now they don’t want him to give a speech from the White House. Guess What?? NOTHING makes these people, who are FILLED WITH HATE, happy! Since death is the only way to get these ‘leeches’ out of ‘The Swamp’, their deaths cannot come fast enough!!!

    3. John Edward They don’t want him to have a convention, now they don’t want him to give a speech from the White House. Guess What?? NOTHING makes these people, who are FILLED WITH HATE, happy! Since death is the only way to get these ‘leeches’ out of ‘The Swamp’, their deaths cannot come fast enough!!!

    4. J Groovy They don’t want him to have a convention, now they don’t want him to give a speech from the White House. Guess What?? NOTHING makes these people, who are FILLED WITH HATE, happy! Since death is the only way to get these ‘leeches’ out of ‘The Swamp’, their deaths cannot come fast enough!!!

    5. Shari Bigay They don’t want him to have a convention, now they don’t want him to give a speech from the White House. Guess What?? NOTHING makes these people, who are FILLED WITH HATE, happy! Since death is the only way to get these ‘leeches’ out of ‘The Swamp’, their deaths cannot come fast enough!!!

  3. Too bad Dr Thomas Leakey passed in 1972. He spent a lifetime looking for the missing link and the whole time, Trump was there, waiting to be discovered….

    1. @Kirk Moore I thought democrats were loving and accepting of people that are different? Thanks for revealing the real and true democrat.

    2. @barrettkeller Actually I could care less which buffune is in the Whitehouse. The president doesn’t do much for the working class people. Makes no difference who is in there because the president is ALWAYS looking out for himself and his rich corrupt politician friends. I’m not in the least bit concerned who is appointed.

    1. @Kay Luv I disagree. I believe he wants to compared to foreign leaders like kim Jong un or Putin. Negative or positive, as long as he’s talked about. Trump has no shame! He’ll take the negativity because he knows his mindless base will applaud his every move. They’re all going to fail!!!

  4. That’s what I thought, he should not be using the ‘People’s House” for his nasty divisive politics. Let him stand by some nearby swamp!

    1. @Don Williams; What are you looking for weird? Some people don’t live their lives on their sleeves.

    2. @OriginalPiMan Subscriptions. Or in other words FAVORITES. It’s 2020. People put some type of pic and most will be subscribed to a channel of some kind. Over and over, the Leftards praising Biden, Bashing Trump has neither, yet people like you say THAT’S NORMAL, the real trolls or fake accounts has numerous subscriptions and blah blah.

    3. @Don Williams
      You can’t see how many channels an account is subscribed to, you can only see how many are subscribed to them.
      If an account was not subscribing to anyone, that would be suspicious, but we don’t have access to that information to know.
      If an account has no one subscribed to them, it means very little.

    4. It kind of blows my mind that Nancy Pelosi is saying that Trump just can’t do this after all we have witnessed since he took office. He does crazy crap like this all the time and gets away with it! Never any accountability. There are literally only a couple of times that he has backed off from some stupidity that he wanted to poll and that was only because of the extreme backlash and fear of losing votes. This guy knows nothing of the constitution, rules or law… he also doesn’t care because he doesn’t live in that world and never will. The first moment that anyone has any expectation of a normal decision or response from Donald Trump… They have absolutely lost the plot. He is in capable of it

    1. @Dan Chanquin You are not a racist because someone called you a racist. You are a racist because all trump fans are racist.

    2. @Dan Chanquin Being a racist is a waste of your time. Look how much effort you put into making a fool of yourself here because of your racism. Racism is ignorance. Get over it.

  5. Trump can do his acceptance speech from his DC Trump Hotel, Mar-a-Lago, or one of his other shoddy gaudy properties.

    1. Is he scared to go back to trump tower in NYC? Aren’t some RNC activities still taking place in Charlotte, N.C.? He might as well utilize that facility for his acceptance speech. They have to pay for it anyway.

    2. @Lana Kulikova ‘The horror of what people are stupid’ What on EARTH does that mean?? As for ‘growing to his level’ , for the vast majority of people in this country, that would mean them shrinking significantly.

    3. @Lana Kulikova That’s a lot of world leaders to greet any president. Just share this. Trump don’t own every building his name is or was on. In truth facts, there have been at three buildings which his name has been remove since he be came president.

  6. “We need leaders not in
    love with money but in
    love with justice. Not in
    love with publicity but in
    love with humanity.”
    ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

    1. @Brandon Bodwell I think the main problem is the people making the laws give themselves raises while they tax citizens for every activist including death while using the loopholes to avoid paying said tax! Example Gavin Newson Pelosis Nephew got around paying his share on a house gifted around 3 million dollars!

    2. @The Donald Can’t pronounce ‘Yosemite’, death rate ‘lower than the world’? Yeah, Donny is one hellova stable genius…

    1. @Kevin Tewey Trump don’t want you to vote mail or in person. He rig the post office with one of cronies, the other cronies are cutting back voters places. Who is the candidate has the most to loose, which candidate is going to history after losing the election? Donald Trump, from the White House to the jail house.

    2. Isiah Fleming Biden is the same as Trump
      it is just a game
      an illusion
      to make you think they are different
      But I can prove to you they have the same effect

    3. @Kevin Tewey No one, but maybe you have the same effect as Trump. What illusion are you speaking of ?

    4. Carla g. My facts do not come from YouTube, Google or the internet. They come from very high up the military chain. So maybe YOU need to do some research. But then, you don’t have my resources… so you stick with the internet & I’ll listen to real intelligence.

    1. – – lol – …and – master of projection – Master of LIES – master of bad speaking – master of bad reading skills….lol…- just sayin’ for a laugh mate !! – cheers !! – –

    2. @acortina 20 years tax fraud/ 20 years $ laundering……swallow this!🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🇺🇸 🇺🇸

  7. What this tells all Americans is to take the virus seriously!!!
    Protect yourself and protect everyone else.

  8. Biden is doing the right thing = nothing
    Let Donnie Toddler in chief implode himself daily with his Idiocracy

    1. Exactly, all Biden has to do is sit back and watch the train wreck in front of him, no words needed…

  9. Why not hold it at his bed bug ridden Doral resort? At least then he could get people there. Maybe he can serve chocolate cake!

    1. He shouldn’t get used to the chocolate cake he’s getting from the White House. He may not be able to get the same kind when he leaves.

  10. She isnt saying she can stop him, shes daring him to do it and make a fool out of himself yet again.

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