Video Shows Trump Mob Brutalizing Police; Investigators Make Progress On Arrests | Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow looks at new video of pro-Trump rioters attacking police attempting to protect the U.S. Capitol, and reports on arrests of some of the infamous figures from images of the onslaught by Trump supporters. Aired on 01/12/2021.
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#Trump #BrutalizingPolice #MSNBC

Video Shows Trump Mob Brutalizing Police; Investigators Make Progress On Arrests | Rachel Maddow


    1. @Tracy Rowe I don’t know, seems like language that he and his supporters would understand. He’s a criminal and with what he’s committed against the country he shouldn’t see the light of day again unless he lived to see a thousand. That is, if there is any justice in this world he would.

    1. @Frail Bones Biden do you know what ANTIFA stand for? I am not sure you do, the outlets and platforms you get your news from do not actually tell you, do they? Not condoning their acts of violence neither but they are actually against Trump so why would they be fighting for him? 🤦🏽‍♀️

    2. Thank God I decided not to become a “Patriot”. Beating up police officers and trashing the Capitol based on the lies of a liar sadly is not my thing. I am just a plain old American disgusted by these traitors.

    3. Yeah..Fake News!! Threatening lives, killing people, attacking Federal Buildings… and yeah it’s all fake lol

    1. pisto30 Antifa and BLM were rioting, mobbing, and vandalizing federal buildings in Portland, Oregon many times during the summer, they earned it first, the media just chose to bury it. Again, only when it benefits their narrative. They are manipulating the public. And MOST of the people, millions, at the rally in Washington were not. But these are the only ones the media will focus on. There was many, many peaceful protestors so why don’t they show that too so people can see the whole picture not just one little piece, show all the facts! That’s how people make an informed decision about something.

    2. Greg M Well hopefully those laws would stop the propaganda as well on the liberal networks, you know to keep it fair and all. And hopefully they would also stop the propaganda popping up in my child’s cartoons, that would be nice too since she’s 5 and all.

    3. Bidenforthenext8years Pleasewearamask Man, where were you when they were terrorizing the cops and federal courthouse in Portland. And the governor or mayor didn’t do sh** about it. Where was your outrage then? Or does everybody just pick and choose when they care now.

  1. Trump supporters:
    We are patriots!

    Also Trump supporters
    *beats capitol police with American flag*

    1. @Ash Roskell This country is beyond the turning back point. This country is on the brink of a civil war and they are letting it happen, fanatically stuck with a system not setting any limits to free speech and gun purchase.

    2. Thank God I decided not to become a “Patriot”. Beating up police officers and trashing the Capitol based on the lies of a liar sadly is not my thing. I am just a plain old American disgusted by these traitors.

    1. Thank God I decided not to become a “Patriot”. Beating up police officers and trashing the Capitol based on the lies of a liar sadly is not my thing. I am just a plain old American disgusted by these traitors.

  2. wher is the BLUE LIVES MATTER ?, dear republicans you are making fools out of your self nothing else, everyone is laughing- the whole wolrd is laughing at you

    1. Not that this is anything new it’s just reach an even uglier presence. Like a few roaches that turn into an out of control infestation.

    2. Correct- blue lives matter. And to truly be consistent in that, one can only be an Independent at this point.

  3. Look at his fine people on both sides! He wouldnt be caught dead with any one of them. These are our neighbors! How scary and sad is that.

    1. Pretty sure no terrorists allowed in our neighborhood. I have to see what home owner association says but I’m almost positive it’s gonna be a rule.

    2. Lock them ALL up! “Fine people” don’t march along side of neo-Nazis and white supremacists. They view the violence with horror, and if they cannot do anything to stop it, they leave the scene.

  4. Trump gave his supporters something no one else would; permission to be their worst selves.
    That’s why they will never abandon him. They love this crap!

    1. @V Perfect! “Orange Karen” totally sums up his personality and his appearance in only two words! I love it.. I might borrow this term from time to time.

    2. Thank God I decided not to become a “Patriot”. Beating up police officers and trashing the Capitol based on the lies of a liar sadly is not my thing. I am just a plain old American disgusted by these traitors.

    1. @mokumkat ANTIFA at the capitol was actually reported by the Capitol Police Department. It wasn’t a false claim. It was the official claim, never reported to you though, because you’re not allowed to know what’s really happening. The left has full control over what you see and what you think. There are no independent journalists on the left… or journalists of any type for that matter. Just op-ed readers and writers. It’s so sad that you’re actually living in this time… but you’ll have to read about what happened in a history book to know anything.

    1. @WM Luna there is nothing like twitter. Those so called right wing pundits and GOP want to be seen on main stream

    1. They should all be charged with killing cops they were part of the same violent mob , invoke 25th amendment now , all involved in the mob should get the lethal injection or life in prison for killing capital police

    2. At the very least charge them for menacing. Everyone that was there they had hate in their heart. They should all be arrested for inciting a riot, menacing, threat of bodily harm, attempted kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder.
      One of the cops killed himself Saturday. I think it was for participating in the riot. All the cops that allowed these rioters in should be charged for aiding a riot, allowing it to happen.

  5. You don,t think that is Enough to put trump in jail incitement 5 deaths.

    He should be impeached and go to jail

    1. The Democrats are trying. Let’s see if the Republicans also convict him this time. They need to stop enabling this dangerous maniac.

  6. I really really hope the Senate will reconsider their gun laws after this terrorist attack. But I shan’t hold my breath.

    1. Also, Stun Guns carried in underwear, and fire extinguishers. Only one person out of five died from a gun shot.

  7. Putin never imagined he’d get this much kluck for his buck. donald j trump far exceeded putin’s expectations.

    1. A lot if not most of assets of Putin’s kleptocracy are hidden away in western banks. With Putin’s stooge replaced by a true American patriot he is about to pay very dearly.

    2. @David Rousseau aaand the best proof of this twaddle is ofcourse Trump siding with Putin over his own FBI and Biden quote: there is no bottom to depravity of Putin and Kremlin 😛

    3. @David Rousseau Putin never imagined he’d get this much kluck for his buck. donald j trump far exceeded putin’s expectations.

  8. When I was in the military, they busted a ring of Marines from inventory offices who were selling tactical military gear online. They were fudging the inventory list of armor, helmets, tact vest, etc. They were charged with felonies. Many of the former military guys on these videos have official uniform gear. 🤨 They should run serial identification on the gear from arrested vets in connection with this. I am certain they will find a lot is stolen. The only things you are allowed to take back to civilian life, is your uniforms, and things you purchase, that doesn’t include war gear, they don’t hand out $600 Kevlar helmets to vets, they recycle them.

    1. Good point. Hopefully, good lead, as well. As for the other comment regarding sale of military equipment at auctions, I hope these imbecilian national terrorists kept the appropriate ID #’s on them for law enforcement to track down more expeditiously.

  9. Trump reminds me of Charles Manson. Even though Manson never “directly” ordered his cult followers to commit murder, his ideology highly encourage violence acts.

    1. Thank God I decided not to become a “Patriot”. Beating up police officers and trashing the Capitol based on the lies of a liar sadly is not my thing. I am just a plain old American disgusted by these traitors.

  10. that police officer on the stairs faced off a mob..ON HIS OWN ..he is a very brave man .. my total respect sir

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