Video shows Ukraine attack on key bridge used by Russia

CNN's Sam Kiley reports on Ukraine's counter-offensive to recapture Kherson in the southern part of the country. #CNN #News


  1. Anyone who is reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the darks thoughts, The overthinking, the doubt Exit your mind right now. May replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill in your life0

    1. Become a MAGA Trump supporter and you will never have to think for yourself again.
      This removes nearly all stress from your life 🤣🤣🤣.

    2. Pray all you want, but if you want things to get better, DO something. Literally anything. Hands that help are always better than hands folded in prayer.

  2. When a government is a kleptocracy is it really surprising that there may be supply shortages. How many shells, tanks, etc that were claimed to have been made/purchased actually finished up as money syphoned off into Swiss bank accounts? Now they are supposed to be buying equipment from another kleptocracy, two questions; one, will the money reach North Korea? two, will what is purchased turn out to be good? after all they say there is no honor amongst thieves.

  3. You’d really want to be on that ferry wouldn’t you 🤣
    Broad daylight attack too ,
    Russia keeps claiming it can shoot down Himars 🤣🤣🤣

  4. I bet there was a S-400 and Pantsir system protecting the bridge too and the western missiles went straight through.

  5. It may be that a lot of the alleged Russian Inventory was hollowed out and sold off on the international arms market. It only exists on paper. How many of their alleged tank reserves have moss growing on the turrets, and rust growing in the engine blocks?

    1. Same in Ukraine military also. saw a interview with a Aussie volunteer in Ukraine and he said his guns were stolen out of the armory by the Ukrainian in charge.
      Makes you wonder how many of Western supplied weapons have gone the same way.

  6. NK’s “stealth planes” are literally made with wooden parts, not kidding … So imagine the rest of the arsenal….

    1. @ch02
      This is called the downer bot.
      More subtle.
      Slowly chips away.
      But still in moscow.
      Hows the weather in moscow anyway?

  7. Keep going Ukraine. Don’t give up. Keep going after their bridges, power grids, military supplies, etc… I am a veteran….keep going and keep fighting.

  8. Keep fighting for the spirit, freedom, sovereignty and democracy for your country Ukraine until the aggressor retreat and defeated. You not only save your country but the other democracy countries. R.I.P to family, children, and soldier who have died in this war.

    1. @Solo Yeah…But as a state of Russian nation.
      Stop fabricating facts and history.
      Ukranian real name is “Russini”

  9. Wiser person than me once said:

    “Whatever you do for yourself, for better or worse, will die with you.
    Whatever you do for others, for better or worse, lives on, and it’s eternal.”

  10. Huge respect to the valiant Ukrainian fighters..
    6 months on & their morale is simply outstanding…
    Fighting bravely & tirelessly to defend the freedom & independence of their beloved country..
    Slava Ukraini..
    Stay strong Ukraine.

  11. OMG. Ha ha ha ha ha. Russia–the second most wonderful military in the world–is buying fireworks from NORTH KOREA. I mean, the mind boggles. Enough said. These “munitions” have–instead of gyroscopes–squirrel cages…with live squirrels. OMG

  12. They’re bombing the pontoons and ferries, as this footage is from a russian ferry/pontoon. This means Russia cant supply heavy weapons nor get them out of Kherson and the supplies that do come across are piecemeal and inefficient. Nor dors Russia have the ability to resupplu by air, especially with fucked the kherson airport is

    1. @John Blackbasel I think General winter will be worse for the Russians than the Europeans, the Europeans will get by, the Russians will get even more beaten on the battleified. Judging by how sucky Russian logistics are, not surprsied Russian troops start freezing to death in Winter.

  13. Ukraine soldiers and the People of the Ukraine are the real heros for all the loss of lives. Protecting your homeland is saving the 🌎 also. Bless the 🇺🇦 people.

    1. And bless Palestinian people resisting genocide as well, even as we give billions for the extreme violence of Israel’s far right government

  14. They’ll probably only use this as training ammo. I’d say he’s getting ready to admit this is a war and institute the draft. His pride won’t allow him to admit defeat, even if that means further escalation

  15. Dear western allies thank you so much for a way to save lives of innocent and defending our motherland from Vladolf Putler’s slavery. For the right to protect freedom and democracy values.
    Glory to the heroes of Azovstal! Glory to Ukraine! Support Ukraine with United24 (YouTube).

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