1. @Nunsuch English and Spanish . how many languages do you understand . And Fascist comes from the roman latin language , the origin of Spanish italian French and other romance languages ,so fascist comes from my language not your germanic language .moron

  1. No, they “booed” sanders because the seats were filled with elites who could pay $1200 to boo. Me thinks they may not be the working class..

    1. @nicolasraage I don’t read either of those publications. The court cases are public knowledge. The federal government concluded that trump and his father instructed their employees to tell potential tenants who are black that they have no available housing and to quote them a price triple what they quoted non black prospective tenants. He also continued to call for the execution of black males years after they had been proven innocent. You are either terribly misinformed or you are purposely lying.

    2. @Jeff E No, that is not what the was concluded. That might of been what they were accused of, but that is not the finding. … Show me where he wanted innocent people, years after they were found innocent, to be put to death.. what an absolute, ludicrous statement.
      Now, explain to me how a racist would be the owner of the first country club in palm beach to refuse to discriminate to minorities, at a time it was legal to do so in a private club. Try to explain that one.

    3. @nicolasraage I am a New Yorker and I will never forget the day Trump bought a NY POST front page to call for capital punishment on the Central Park 5. Horrifying. And he and his father had a long practice of discriminating against blacks in their housing projects.

    4. @Kermit T. Frog It appears Bernie’s base do not often step out of the Bernie bubble to note that not everyone may be as enamored of their hero as they are.

    1. I think the South Carolina voters were speaking honestly about the candidates. that’s what we’re supposed to do now, it’s called the primaries

  2. “Last time i wasn’t optimistic” – black guy
    ME: Exactly where did CNN find these “6 black voters”? WTF?

    1. Wow CNN! This Bloomberg “pushing” with African American voters just before the South Carolina Primary IS “manufactured consent” SHAME ON YOU CNN! And no reporting on the frontrunner Bernie Sanders? And when you asked “does Bloomberg’s wealth create a problem for you?” Then trying to push Biden’s name….when that did not work!
      The issue is not that Bloomberg is wealthy. I have no problem with wealth. The issue is Bloomberg bought his way in to the Primaries, skips debates because he has paid people off…His wealth is a problem when Bloomberg creates a different set of RULES for him than the other candidates during the Primaries. Also…I do not like the fact that in the last race, Bloomberg gave 12 million dollars to Lindsey Grahm (an extreme, racist, against democracy-Republican)

    2. @H Soko The media will be the media….it doesn’t matter. And don’t be so fast to assume that all black voters are easily influenced or stupid like most of the poor and middle class white Trump supporters who voted against they’re own interest, and always have and always will ….due to their upbringing…

    3. @Matt Russillo Your antifa groups are already at fascism , so I fail to see your point , and I fail to see how it bothers you in any way !!

    1. In other words, all but one of them said they are committed to voting for Bernie in the primaries. That one guy is just temporarily confused.

    2. @Ditto Sanders is consistently ahead of all other candidates in every way and all polls show Sanders beating Trump.

    3. @Ditto My point is not required to be relevant to your point. And your response to my point is not required to be relevant to my point. I’m not playing. I’m serious. Only one person in that group was confused about who he should vote for in the primaries in order to beat Trump. He didn’t like Bloomberg’s stop and frisk but was hoping Bloomberg’s weak apology would be enough. This guy is temporarily confused.

    1. @Hairy AssBurgers I’m 52 kid, how old are you, kid? Are you dumb enough to support a communist dictator like Crazy Bernie? At least I don’t vote for the KKK Democrats. What’s your excuse, kid? Thanks.

    2. @fireball1 you poor delusional person, honestly I’m worried about you knowing 100 percent Trump will Destroy whatever sacrificial lamb the dems put up against President Trump
      TDS is a severe mentally debilitating mental illness…

    3. @fireball1 Marla Maples-American
      Ivana Trump Czechoslovakian
      Melainia Trump-Slovanian
      You poor sick delusional person…

    4. @@Dr Morcoch they certainly aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed by any stretch of the imagination

    1. codent oh oh you want the punctuations and capitals. That’s so funny 😹. Am I being graded? Does this come with a raise?

    1. 3LD Bloomberg hasn’t even been on the ballot, he literally paid his way onto the debate staged and is paying for media coverage. Yet they like to say Bernie isn’t electable when he’s 3/3

    2. @Mister Hat Actually Bernie’s crazies are much worse. I haven’t heard a red hat yet talking about killing political opponants.

    3. @Mister Hat They talk about Trump being lynched by the left and putting actual criminals, like clinton, in jail. Much different than talking about beheading opponants.

    1. @Ian P , if it came down to bloomberg v tramp. . . would you vote for p.grabber or not vote and contribute to drumpf’s winning??? . . . Like how Bernie supporters helped Agent Orange by not backing hilhory.
      Think about that. . .
      I’m no fan of bloomberg. He’s a carpetbagger dem. just like tramp is a carpetbagger repugnikkkan. I do know this . . . this country cannot have another 4 yr.s of p.grabber and ANYONE would be better.
      Dem.s need to STOP eating there own. . . or does that go over your head???

    1. I got whiplash he spun that so hard. lol “People don’t care that he is a billionaire” you’re right, people care that he is worth 60 Billion because there is no way in this country someone becomes that rich without making an immoral decision or having those under him make those decisions. I also love that we aren’t talking about any of Bloomberg’s other horrendous policies. Dude is, to me, an even more dangerous Trump. He won’t announce his plans via Twitter and instead will just get away with everything

    2. It was a great video until CNN got involved. That was… As Gordy said, whiplash. I didn’t even see the downs until I went to put mine.

    1. @Shawn R – I hope you will realize that we have had endless propaganda about socialism being bad. Plus – Bernie is a democratic socialist, TOTALLY DIFFERENT. If you are a veteran you have maybe been in some other countries that have the policies Bernie proposes – Germany, France, Denmark, Spain, Canada, Australia, etc. Healthcare, free or very affordable college (like we had when I was young), and other social supports. Totally good things that actually improve lives, the country and the economy!
      I have some links for you – professor of econ from Texas who writes for Forbes, rich guy who inspired the Gordon Gecko character in the movie Wall Street, an econ expert who educates the public about how federal money ACTUALLY works (no, your taxes do NOT have to be raised when we have good things for all), etc.


      Asher Edelman, the Gordon Gecko character inspiration, telling a panel of supposed experts who seem shocked and stupid, about why Bernie has the BEST policies for the economy:

      Econ expert tells us how easily we can have healthcare for all, etc vs the lies we have been told.

    1. @rosalind ganymede At this point I think it’s all about a unity ticket. Assuming Bernie does the same on Super Tues as the first 3 states, They would announce the ticket early: Bernie with Warren as VP, the others show their support (with possible cabinet positions), Bloomberg would commit a billion or so dollars to defeating trump, and Dems get on message that medicare for all and fair taxes for the rich are workable, real and worthy goals, not extremism. That’s my wish! Unity!

    1. So the price of freedom is measured in dollars and cents? I don’t like people like them. If their freedom is so cheap, they won’t care about the freedoms of others at all.

    2. @Mark Ewing Yep….” ” freedom” is up for sale and ONLY those with ENOUGH 💰 MONEY !! Exhibit A is sitting in the WHITE HOUSE !!

  3. 5:42 The “boo’s” don’t come from the ordinary working people, but those who paid $1.500 and way more, for a seat at the debate. +$1.500.

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