WaPo: Trump Call With Foreign Leader Prompted Intel Whistleblower | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Carol Leonnig, investigative reporter for the Washington Post, talks with Rachel Maddow about breaking news from the Washington Post that Donald Trump's communication with a foreign leader by phone is what triggered the intelligence community whistleblower complaint at the center of a standoff between the House Intelligence Committee and the ODNI. Aired on 09/18/19.
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WaPo: Trump Call With Foreign Leader Prompted Intel Whistleblower | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. @Julie Crane Nice kiddy emoji, tweenes love them. You like picking on people you think might be less educated than you. Does that empower you, make you feel secure in your shallow little world? You should be greatful for your good fortune not wearing it like a badge of superiority. Go pay that man that can’t spell $75 per hour to fix your car,plumbing electric,ect. Maybe you can do it your self you are so Intelligent.

    1. @Ant B Nope, it’s just another link in the long chain of the liberal media’s meaningless ejaculations into the mouths of those with a severe case of TDS.

    2. @DaveSchultz–besides, it’s called Derangement Recoil Syndrome on our end of it, ‘cuz we’re always saying “Whaa??” every time Orange Man Bad opens his berderhole

    3. It’s the death penalty for treason, and when the treasonous orange pustule in the White House is drug out; we need to apply the fullest punishment accorded by the law.

    1. @David M : Oh, wow! You have guns! What does that even mean? You’re going to shoot people who disagree with you? Is that a threat?

    1. @Mark Bodder
      Our intelligence community has proven to be a threat to National Security.

      I am simply baffled….what??
      You gotta explain just how…how? What evidence do you possibly have to justify that and have you taken your evidence to Law Enforcement….this is serious stuff.

    1. So an anonymous source makes an accusation and you automatically assume it’s true? No facts?  Don’t even know what leader? Or what the promise was?  See you in 2020.

  1. By law the DNI must pass this claim to the House Intelligence Committee, he has refused, instead talking to the DoJ. He should be arrested.

    1. The Complaint was filed on August 12th. Trump fired is Personal Secretary of many years on August 29th. She was on vacation and was not even allowed to return to clean out her desk or get her personal items. That seemed rather harsh for just talking about his daughter Tiffany (who he doesn’t like standing next to). Is August 29th the day he found out who filed the Whistle Blower Complaint. TRUMP knows the name of the person who filed it right? He ordered it not to be given to Congress within 7 days! Madeleine might have been the one and he used “his family” as the excuse. You can’t fire a Whistle Blower but he could fire her for trash talking Tiffany. What do you think. Look at the Calendar… a week to read and decide on it and then 7 days to give to Congress, they asked Trump first. Madeleine fired.

  2. Trump got on the phone with Vlad,
    He said “Daddy, I’m looking real bad”.
    So Putin put more trolls,
    on the internet roles,
    to make little Donald, less sad.

  3. Trump has…. “Absolutely No Control” between his “Brain and his Mouth”….he’s a “Real and Present Danger” to the U.S. and its Allies!

    1. Do we have any allies left? If Trump takes military action against Iran what will the G7 and UN do? How would action against Iran now be any different than Putin’s action against the Ukraine? Trump has no legitimate basis for involving the US in the SA attack.

    1. Problem is, he’s still there. Despite his actions. The so-called checks and balances built in to protect the system don’t work.

    2. @H A Whyte But it takes time. Doesn’t the election 2018 say something. We the people took away congress from the GOP.

    3. And half of American voters and the majority of US Senators sees nothing wrong with that. Trump is to stupid to do anything on his own though, so Putin dictated a request for probably very important US intelligence, Trump wrote it down, then brought the request to the intelligence community and who to send it to. I was hoping Rachel would do what she does and create some dots and start connecting them, I guess she didn’t have time to line up guests to create the dots.

    1. @Whiskeybuisness The true Trump Derangement Syndrome loose on the land is the delusion suffered by those who still think he’s going to make this country a better place for average people.

    2. @Whiskeybuisness yes 20 for tax fraud. Money laundering. 20 for sexual assault. Campaign finance violations and obstruction of justice.

    3. Too bad you have no shred of evidence to that statement. Guess the liberal mind doesn’t need frivolous things like facts, evidence, or due process.

  4. How in the world did a Russian agent get to be President of the USA? The HUGE question is how does he get to stay president when it is so obvious that Trump is a criminal and a fraud?

    1. Visegrad Ally, Trump is still President because of three main factors: One, the Republicans refuse to do their duty to provide oversight of Trump’s Administration. They fear it will ultimately doom their individual re-election campaigns. Reason number two is related to reason one: the GOP electorate, aka “Trump’s base,” continues to support an inept, corrupt, treasonous POtuS. This is partly because his never ending lies are supported and repeated by Fox “News,” which is little more than state run propaganda that shills for the Liar in Chief. Three: the Democrats are allowing Nancy Pelosi to slow walk Impeachment proceedings. She fears Impeachment will negatively impact Democrats in the 2020 elections. Her reason parallels the GOP’s, both of which are blatant cases of dereliction of duty.

  5. Isn’t it obvious our POTUS is compromised? This Whistleblower informant now being stifled would be a failure of our checks and balances but hopefully the overheard troubling information will come to light…

    1. I highly doubt it was a “Senior Staff Member “.
      As reckless as he is with his mouth, it could be the cleaning crew.
      He is just so careless and not very smart

    2. @Pennie P
      You’re probably right… Could be a waitress or maid but the more I hear the more I suspect Trump offered a deal by our government for which he receives compensation personally… Whatever it is, most certainly greed motivated…

    3. I hope someone in this diminished administration cares enough about our country to leak the information, despite a fear of their ruthless, soulless “leader.”

  6. Trump is the single greatest threat to our national security; he’s reckless and dangerous! He’s a traitor and a disgrace to America and the American people.

    1. How many martyrs and heroes have fallen prey to a sniper’s bullet, while this one, so utterly worthy of leaving this world, remains. It’s nauseating, and so depressing. I’m not a religious person, yet I have to ask God, why??

  7. There is no secret that donald is a traitor by his deliberate and consciously treasonous acts First defending the enemy Russia. Second colluding with Russia to cheat on the 2016 election. Third giving sensitive information’s to Russian. Fourth undermining FBI and CIA counter intelligent. donald, his enablers and GOPs senator are compromise and Russian assets. The whole world known donald is a traitor from the start of his tenure in the White House. Parasite Don The con Bone spurs need to be hang as a traitor.

    1. Yes , but , if he knows that he is a cornered rat, corner rats do not go quietly into that goodnight and they have nothing to loose.

    2. @Rene’ Placek wow, were you born that stupid or did it develope over time? but its ok most demtards are stupid and iliterate commies. so i wouldnt expect anything less from a fool TRUMP 2020 !!

    3. @P McGill really facts are known, really known by who you and your band of crazies? oh and while i am at, you capitalizing your last paragraph does not make it in less nutty, in fact it makes you look like a nut case.

  8. It will take decades to fully understand just how much damage this traitor and his family has caused America and our allies. You can thank the ignorant racist Deplorable.

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