1. ‘Trump 2020’ will now explain WHY many of the companies that profited from the Cold War with Communist Russia sent American Jobs to COMMUNIST China.

    1. @j r weaver that’s what we all are gonna eat if this Comunist is elected. Unlike you I actually like cabage. It’s very healthy. You should try some

    1. @j r weaver what exactly are you making , besides a not too intelligent ” sheeple in a corral”” statement ?

    1. April Dawn Harter, LCSW Uh, no, the DNC bought their nominee. Get ready to pay your own student loans, bish. LMAOOOO

  1. Bernie is a true gentleman who cares about ALL OF US! He will reorganize our government to work fairly for ALL!!! Join Bernie! You know we need change!!!

    1. Bernie really does care!! He will open up tax funded heroin dispensaries in all major cities and let us poop in the street!! He’ll give us free healthcare to cover our sex change operations and not only that, he’ll give us free soy and anime porn!!! Talk about a real humanitarian!! Bernie has been fighting for the working class ever since he was kicked out of a hippie commune for being too lazy. Cucks for Bernie 2020!!!

    2. Kiza D WhiteHorse I guess you’re not voting for Bernie cuz he’s telling you right now aren’t you listening play it over again listen to it again! Vote blue vote Bernie we have your back Bernie down here in Florida😍😍😍😍😍😍😀😀😁😀😀😍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😀😀😀

    3. Bernie is a solid guy , you don’t vote for him you are the one who doesn’t believe in yourself he is speaking for you

    4. Jonathan George the point of tax cuts is to encourage hiring more employees, the government still gets paid taxes through the income tax of addition employees and more people get a job, hence why trump has lowered unemployment across the board.

  2. He is still sending the message. This guy will win no matter how hard you try to stop him, let’s help each other with a healthcare system proven to work in other countries without putting our fellow americans in bankrupt because they can’t afford to pay for medical bills especially when they get cancer, aids, diabetes and have to pay thousands monthly on treatment to stay alive.

    1. asdfkqq Do you realize when you work for the government is Donald Trump none of them will ever pay for medical ever again out of pocket I bet you didn’t know that

    2. You want health Care for all? You don’t know what you are asking for. Government control health Care system that’s what you are getting from Sanders.

  3. Media: How will Bernie beat Joe Biden’s unstoppable momentum?

    Me: Like the old man said, together.
    #Bernie2020 #NotMeUs 🤓🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

  4. I hope that if Bernie does get the nomination, that his fellow candidates look back and realize that he was excited for them and was there for them — when they were all against him.

    1. Yay commie Bernie!! Free soy, free vape juice, free sex changes, and anime porn!! Cucks4Bernie2020!!!

  5. This is the difference between Pete, Biden, Warren and Sanders. Those 3 after a lost want to take shots and throw smears at him. Sanders gave Joe his respect and moving on to Super Tuesday.

  6. A genuine American leader with a golden heart, cares for poor and less privileged, low and middle class Americans.

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