Watch Kamala Harris make history at DNC

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California Sen. Kamala Harris made history night as the first Black and South Asian woman to accept a major party's vice presidential nomination, promising to be a champion for the voiceless and forgotten Americans who are struggling in the midst of a pandemic and an economic crisis.
She introduced herself as the daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants who would strive to restore the principles of inclusivity after four years of divisiveness under Trump, citing the example of her mother who she said taught her daughters to "be conscious and compassionate about the struggles of all people" and to believe that "the fight for justice is a shared responsibility." Harris noted that was why she became a prosecutor who tried to reform the criminal justice system from within.
Harris said she and former Vice President Joe Biden share "a vision of our nation as a beloved community — where all are welcome, no matter what we look like, where we come from, or who we love."
Though Americans may not "agree on every detail," they are "united by the fundamental belief that every human being is of infinite worth, deserving of compassion, dignity and respect," she said.

#DNC #2020Election #CNN #News


    1. joe biden Stealing A Best Friend Wife . kamala harris mistress mayor brown san francisco how to tell the kid .we are mental.

    2. Why do you hate Trump?
      “I just hate Trump” – All Liberals
      “My friends hate Trump, so I hate Trump” – All Liberals

    3. .

      Skamala KAMELEON-Harris has quite literally
      CHANGED-RACES (for the sole purpose of her
      own personal and political advancement via
      the exploitation of a disenfranchised-group)
      — AND — IS now shamelessly also LAYING
      DOES NOT even remotely APPLY to her

      Everyone knows that NEITHER ONE of her
      (extremely rich-immigrant parents) have
      ANY connection WHATSOEVER to the
      specific-experience or group to which
      Harris is now (suddenly, out-of-nowhere)
      futilely-attempting to lay a spurious-claim
      and that her ‘Jamaican’ dad is NOT ‘Black’.

      (( And … this is all in spite of Harris’s (very
      anti-black and racist) attempt to resurrect
      the long-dead (thanks to the 1967 ruling
      by the U.S. Supreme Court in the ‘Loving
      vs. Virginia’ case) ‘racist One-Drop Rule’.

      The ‘racist One-Drop Rule’ makes the false,
      unscientific and extremely racist claim that
      … “black blood is” nothing more than merely
      “subhuman-filth” and that it is so very “filthy
      and tainted” that ANY amount … including a
      mere-drop … will “contaminate all non-black
      lineage ” .. and will also somehow eventually
      transform anyone with ANY amount of it in
      their lineage … into becoming a “Black” person. ))

      [[[ ^^^^ i.e. KAMELEON … Race-Faker … Harris
      now FALSELY-claims
      (suddenly, out of nowhere)
      … that she is one of _”the descendants of the_
      _Black-survivors of the slavery-system that_
      _once existed on the continental United States”_
      (which is the TRUE DEFINITION of
      the unique
      ETHNIC group called “African-American” …
      a definition that “applies to ‘LESS-THAN
      2-out-of-10’ of the Black people that are
      currently living on the continental U.S.” —
      seeing that the U.S. took-in LESS THAN
      6% of the Black-slaves taken from Africa).

      Harris’s ‘Jamaican’ dad has LESS-THAN
      25% Black racial – lineage … and … that
      means that … Harris has LESS than 12%
      Black racial – lineage … AND … it should be
      remembered that NEITHER Harris NOR her
      ‘Jamaican’ dad’s family were EVER forced to
      survive EITHER ‘the Slavery system’ OR ‘the
      Segregation system’ once used in the U.S.

      In other words … NEITHER Harris … who spent
      MOST of her childhood and teen years being
      raised in CANADA … NOR either one of her
      rich-immigrant parents … have … even the
      SLIGHTEST Experiential-Understanding of
      … of what it is like to have been an actual
      “Black” person in the U.S. — at ANY point
      in it’s history — let alone of what it is like
      to be / have been “a descendant of those
      who survived EITHER the slavery OR the
      segregation systems the U.S once had.

      SKAMALA KAMELEON … “Race-Faker” … Harris
      … IS A bigger FRAUD than Elizabeth Warren. ]]]

    4. @AllPeople (AP) Gifts I agree. You got Nasty Harris and Elizabeth Warren – 2 opportunists will do anything for career advancement and power. You should note that Harris slept with Willie Brown when she was in her late 20s and Willie was in his late 60s – he practically advanced her career.

  1. Hoped for Sanders/Warren ticket at the beginning of all of this, hope Biden/Harris can beat orange mess that is making your country a laughing stock around the world.

    1. They are both the same no point. Biden=trump both will do exactly what the corporate elites want them to.

    2. THEY are NOT the laughing stock. DJT is just core America; and they are what they are.
      WE, the rest of the world, are the real laughing stock for clinging on to this American fixation for 70+ years. There is a new horizon called real international plurality and we should walk towards that horizon. Maybe America will join us there too.

    3. I suggest you actually ask people living outside america what they think of the country ! You may be surprised with what you hear ! I`m an american working and living in Germany. Normal people I talk too dont believe the pro.Democrat Party propaganda they are served up about Trump every day by german politicians and those supposedly “in the know” in the various media. HOw many wars did Obama-Biden take the US into ? More or less than when they came into power ? be honest !

    4. @Rodders Fiftynine I am not American but I wish I were. America is the greatest country in the world and anyone who is an American citizen should be proud – or they should leave and America should seek immigrants like me who will actually fight for this great country everyday to keep it great if we were part of it.

  2. “I know a predator when I see one”.
    …… Oh that’s going to get crazy Donald tweeting real quick!

    1. She is saying the same thing about Biden. I know a predator when I see one . She was against him, how could she accept vp nomination. She is so power hungry.

    1. Kamala Harris —> prolonged prison sentences for “cheap labor” for the State of California. (They could make 7–37 cents per hour—- or a whopping $1.45—$2.00 to fight wildfires!!)

    2. Cha Cha Ckeeks, we know where that finger was, you need a new hobby, like go out and meet a real woman and let her educate you on the proper use of your privates and your finger. You are one of those ‘Peckerless Phlegm Wads’ that need real help, try Dr. Duptuu on CNN.

    3. @Mr Jones Not going to work, Jonesy. Russia has been spying on everyone it can, US has been spying on everyone it can, China has been spying on everyone it can, et al. It is not a democratic process, it is a ‘CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC PROCESS’, there is a difference Jonesy.

    1. @COVID2020 ALARM I’ll play. I’m bored. I believe both the 1st and the 2nd amendment is under attack. I think abortion is killing. I think the socialist agenda in the democratic party is going to cause more harm than good. What part of those is not Republican? Trump is not Republican. He’s just a two bit crook who craves money and power. His years of television have taught him how to manipulate the masses. You’re response is proof he knows what he’s doing.

    2. I googled here. He led her voting record. Have you? Not pretty! Come on…Americans, please vote smart for a change. Look at Kamala Harris voting record. She brings zero to the table. Likely won’t even show up to the table!
      Her voting record, especially for 2019, on government tracker is enough to convince voters NOT to vote for her. @t  

      From Jan 2017 to Aug 2020, Harris missed 271 of 1,184 roll call votes, which is 22.9%. This is much worse than the median of 1.7% among the lifetime records of senators currently serving. The chart below reports missed votes over time.

      If that isn’t bad enough—look at 2019! Shocking. She was barely present to vote at all. 
      From April-June Harris missed 56 of 135 votes or 41.5% of them.
      From July-September Harris missed 101 of 124 votes or 81.5% of them.
      From Oct-December Harris missed 107 of 115 votes or 93% of them.

  3. She dropped out of primary race before even before 1 vote was cast with less than 1% approval and no money coming in. Just what the voters wanted. 😝

    1. Come on…Americans, please vote smart for a change. Look at Kamala Harris voting record. She brings zero to the table. Likely won’t even show up to the table!
      Her voting record, especially for 2019, on government tracker is enough to convince voters NOT to vote for her. @t  

      From Jan 2017 to Aug 2020, Harris missed 271 of 1,184 roll call votes, which is 22.9%. This is much worse than the median of 1.7% among the lifetime records of senators currently serving. The chart below reports missed votes over time.

      If that isn’t bad enough—look at 2019! Shocking. She was barely present to vote at all. 
      From April-June Harris missed 56 of 135 votes or 41.5% of them.
      From July-September Harris missed 101 of 124 votes or 81.5% of them.
      From Oct-December Harris missed 107 of 115 votes or 93% of them.

  4. She called Biden a racist however she’s been seduced like a lot of Washington by the lure of power
    Funny how standards change

    1. “I don’t believe you’re racist…” that’s what she said; but who cares, facts are old fashioned, especially when driven by the lure of getting others’ approval on a line of misinformation

    2. @San Geet Bernie said “I don’t believe Joe Biden is corrupt.” Of course he does, same as Kamala believes Joe is a racist. At least Trump is unfiltered. Even when he lies or says idiotic things, it’s refreshing to hear a politician say what he/she thinks.

    3. john murph: Wrong Liar. Show me, where Sen. Harris ever called Joe a racists? Frump uses the N-word for Black Americans, confirmed by Marry T’s book. Anus..

  5. The woman who said that the coronavirus is racist in her speech… 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂!

    1. @mike briganti If you haven’t been systematically oppressed by Kamala then you AINT BLACK!!

    2. @mike briganti She’s not “African American”. She’s Indian and Jamaican. Her ancestors were slave owners too.

    3. @mike briganti it doesn’t matter what race a person is, what matters is having the right person for the job who has experience in politics.

  6. Kamala Harris —> prolonged prison sentences for “cheap labor” for the State of California. (They could make 7–37 cents per hour—- or a whopping $1.45—$2.00 to fight wildfires!!)

    1. Someone didn’t payed attention here. Left = all for one and one for all, right = me, myself and I. Trump is a perfect example of right-wing attitude. Most hateful president ever!

    2. Definitely, Clinton paid for a fake fission dossier, and Biden and team are leaning far left to Socialism/ Communism. We were founded on freedom not the lefts agenda. What has freedom come to?

    3. @Catherine A. L. You mean corporate freedom? There is only one person there who wants to legalize weed for example. Or ban corporate prisons. What did Trump do? Place a page big advertisement advocating death penalty for 5 innocent minors. Real classy. I’m gay and unless your American, white, rich, straight and preferably male. Trump doesnt care about you. Biden is central left but (extreme) right wing always think lefties are extreme. We don’t hate, quite the contrary, we want to take care of the country and the world. We want to give you the right of medicare without worryies how your going to pay for your meds. When you have cancer, you have enough to worry about without 5000 per month just for meds. We want that every child has the right to a good education. We want to prosper without nature paying the price for our greed because we know we have only one earth and that happens to be our home/whole survival. And no we don’t think global warming/Corona is a Chinese hoax. Democrats are not perfect but at least they try to do better. We accept diversity and if one thing is the opposite, it’s that leftists are pure hate.

    4. santanisme I’m the proud Mom to 2 LBGTQ kids. Of course, freedom for ALL is important to me. But, unfortunately the media doesn’t tell you the good things Trump does for all American’s. You can continue to hate, so it seems. But, until you open your eyes and see the truth that won’t happen, very clearly. I completely disagree with you about Trump supporting only white males. Here’s an excellent example:

  7. “Family” thats rich coming from a woman who used to sleep with a married politition to get in a political position.

    1. Isn’t that the problem of the married politician? He’s married and spoke a vow. She didn’t. Also he was already divorced in table and bed. It just wasn’t formal yet.

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