Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: May 21 | MSNBC

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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: May 21 | MSNBC


  1. There should be a massive class action against Trump for wrongful death. Where is Erin Brockovich?

    1. CM Davies bruh how are you that brainwashed I really want to see how you spin those exact evils and turn it on trump like really tell me

    2. Andrew Adricatico This whole mess has been a great reminder to vote all liberals out of government ! They are all crazy 😜

    1. Your math is slightly out, it’s nearly 500 times that.
      Haha I correct myself now, 400 times, unless you mean $ by the end, then it’s 4 times.

    1. Too bad the CCP and WHO lied about human to human transmission for over 6 weeks. By the time they admitted it the virus had circulated to every country in the world doing business with China and lockdowns were essentially too late.

    2. Bill Randleman Sorry, you are spreading misinformation. What do you not understand about the words “preliminary investigations,” and “novel?” Preliminary does not mean conclusive…
      When the WHO tweeted “PRELIMINARY investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities, have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the NOVEL #coronavirus” that was their tweet stating what China had said.
      ON THE SAME DAY the WHO then cautioned that there might be some “human-to-human transmission of the virus among family members in China.” So the WHO concluded, ON THE SAME DAY, based on the limited information they had, that it could possibly be human to human transmissible.
      On 9th January the WHO stated MORE investigations” were also needed to determine “modes of transmission.” On the 20th January, the WHO CONFIRMED person to person transmission, stating, “It is now very clear from the latest information that there is at least some human-to-human transmission of #nCoV2019,” a tweet explained. “Infections among health care workers strengthen the evidence for this.”
      So, Your 6 weeks claim is a LIE since the WHO were informed by China 31st December, and secondly, learn what the words “preliminary” and “novel” means. Scientists are still learning about this virus because it’s NOVEL, so information may change over time regarding it, and “preliminary investigations” simply means initial investigations … other words more investigations will confirm yes or no, this or that etc. Stop regurgitating Trump lies and do some fact checking for yourself.

  2. Sorry, summer has nothing to do with this virus, it was summer here in Australia when it broke out.

    1. i know right?? i live in florida and its nearly as hot here as where you are and our cases are going up, not down.

    2. @Stan Stedanko tbf, that ‘downunder shitbox’ is perenially somewhere in the top 1-10 countries in world indexes of virtually every measurable metric of societal development, wealth, opportunity, happiness, individual freedom and civil rights, democratic processes. It’s often noted it’s basically a better version of America if everything they’re currently fighting for was actually fixed…

    3. @Bill Randleman As Inigo Montoya might say, “You use this word physiological. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Projection – now that’s something the right-wing understands: accuse your enemies of wanting to do everything you want to do, use that as a justification for doing those things, and pretend those things are only done by “the other side.” Pretzels are okay, but pretzel logic is not. I’m not going to look for your 60% statistic because even if bears resemblance to a real study and if you had cited that study and said a lower percentage of rightists self-report mental illness there are several logical fallacies between those alleged results and what you want them to mean. Not the least of which is that the scariest crazy people believe themselves to be quite sane. Seriously, who worries you more: someone being treated and counseled for PTSD, or someone who would NEVER go to a shrink because The Voices told him shrinks can’t be trusted and The Voices never lie? I’ll take the self-aware person who’s engaged in healing. You sit by that heavily armed guy who believes The Voices. Have fun! P.S. His voices just told him you’re a commie, and his right forefinger is twitching LOL

    4. From what I understand more sunlight reduces transmission rates, it does not get rid of them. And you would still have normal transmission rates in indoor environments with poor airflow. Moreover, I have heard several references to heat being able to destroy the virus, but from what I understand it is the ultraviolet rays from the sun that supposedly can have an effect, which prompted the famous “shine light into the body” comment by the occupant of the WH.

    1. i doubt anyone in leadership will actually has the chuzhpa or balls to stand up to #TraitorPlumpTrump and say, NO MORE!! TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE DYING!

    1. Whitmer’s policies on nursing homes, and the Coronavirus killed grandparents; similar to Cuomo’s policies.

      It’s not a Russia conspiracy hoax that maddow pushes.

    1. Online it’s hard to tell the difference between young girls and liberal males 😳🌺 🎶

    2. He’s not even a doctor to make such a claim, for general knowledge you gotta know that the growth is ALWAYS EXPONENTIAL, and it does not go from 15 to zero since it is an outbreak so it’s supposed to grow and grow with so much uncertainty since the virus is not so lethal that kills everybody infected by it and it is so infectious.

    3. @frank hayles #moscowmitch🌈🌺🌊🌸💙💐🦄💋😆🤡💩 🎶

    1. The Zombie Whisperer, don’t torture the rest of us. Haa haaa enjoy. If I could live in the mountains or out in the country or out in the woods shoot I’d be a hermit.

  3. politician: “this is a ONCE in a LIFETIME event”
    climate change in +5 years: *knock knock*

    1. Ooops! The model wasn’t as sensitive to that variable as we thought, again.
      There is only one climate model that has ANY correlation to observed data, INM-CM5.
      The political and money making problem with INM-CM5 is that it only predicts a 1.5 C increase in temperature for the entire 21st century.


    1. The left wanted him dead, now only leftists are dying and right wing states are open and free of the virus 😂 seems like karma

  4. Without widespread testing by the millions we will never control the spread and will lose not just hundreds of thousands of lives but millions.

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