‘Way inflated’: Rep. Jayapal pushes back on Title 42 projections

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington) tells CNN's Alisyn Camerota she thinks the projected surge of migrants across the southern US border due to Title 42 ending will eventually go down. Rep. Jayapal then responds to critics hesitant about canceling $50,000 of student loans, saying the move would have a negligible impact on inflation. #CNN #News


  1. If u people still believe whatever the news say in 2022 you are one lost soul😂😂🤦‍♂️

    1. @GetEmBees 👈 I come to CNNs YouTube for entertainment purposes only. Libturds never let me down

    2. @Clarkké Peterson that’s the main reason your conscious level won’t elevate , your literally a bot lay off the boosters

  2. How many undocumented immigrants is she willing to have in her house! Hypocrisy at its finest!

  3. So Open the borders and let people that have old visas stay too. What other country in the world would allow this. Democrats have sealed their fate if this happens. We need citizenship for the citizens of America. We will soon be overcome by immigrants from other countries that get here and speak of their country as better than here while living here. We are doomed. IJS. Peace and Blessings.

    1. That’s ok. No one here seems to want to work. We have millions of unfilled jobs. Let them in on work visas. Let’s get these jobs filled that elitist Americans refuse to do.

  4. Why in the world would anybody think that ending Title 42 is a good idea? How in the world could anybody support ending the requirement that those wanting to enter the United States be free of COVID-19 or any other disease.
    Who out there thinksit is a good idea to allow people to enter the United States with Ebola? Who out there thinks it’s such a good idea to allow people to enter the United States with tuberculosis? Who out there are thinks it’s a good idea to allow people to enter the United States with COVID-19 or any of its variances?
    Apparently people within the Biden administration believe this is a good idea.

    1. Completely ignorant of what title 42 means… go read the immigration bills in place now… title 42 was a pandemic rule not a random illness rule, there are already laws in place that protect against that 🤦🏼‍♂️

    2. @Ellen Kemp I did wear a mask in public and I took other health precautions such as washing my hands and using sanitizer. I’m not complaining I’m simply stating a fact. By the way, thanks for asking about my responsibility and taking care of my own health.

    3. @Chelsea Rivers I was wondering where you were. Good evening and thanks for making yourself available. You never fail to disappoint.

  5. If you want to get asylum in the USA call first don’t just show up unexpected and uninvited

  6. Trevor Noah: things are looking up. Gas, groceries,clothing,rent, mortgage ,sundries etc.

    JoeB : Laughs & Laughs

  7. Is Jayapal running for POTUS or VP? I read online that guests on MSNBC get 2-10K$ for guest appearances I didn’t c CNN’s rates

  8. Keep electing peeps according to pigmentation vs qualifications and stand by to be served

  9. Why do we have to lift it? We need to seriously look at our VOTING BEHAVIOUR for DEMOCRATS folks!

  10. What we actually need is STRONGER LAWS, way STRONGER than TITLE 42. If I knew Trump did put that in place I wouldn’t have voted against him!

  11. i love how the democrats keep trying to downplay this. almost the entire party is in an alternate reality

  12. It really depends. (On so many, things!) My 34 year old son told me a few days ago, he wished he hadn’t gone to a four year college. Yup. His loans were payed off with some land money from my own ranching family in the scheme, and …it was his choice. (His lawyer first cousin, has a 120, 000 debt factor for three years of law school.) Not much of a truly beautiful feeling. I have no idea what she says… regardless of this giant debt. Nope. She pays regularly. Yet, her parents weren’t college oriented. That’s the tragic story. I told her… that I would love her …regardlessly. Not exactly a good type of “trouble”, but she loves working for consumer protections. Has a state job in Washington state. Her artsy husband struggled. She’s the legal strong woman of their marriage. You have to honor that.

  13. Let Jayapal pay their expenses, house them, feed them, and clothe them. With funds from the DNC.

  14. This is just a great idea that the Democrats are proposing as an independent who left the republican party they should just keep it on up because we will end up voting Republican just over this.

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