We Are In ‘More Dire Situation Than We Were Back In March’ Says Global Health Policy Expert | MSNBC

Cases are surging in some states including Florida and Texas, as the coronavirus task force holds its first briefing in almost 2 months, warning that some are not taking the threat as seriously as they should be. Aired on 6/26/2020.
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We Are In ‘More Dire Situation Than We Were Back In March’ Says Global Health Policy Expert | MSNBC


  1. Why anyone would choose to listen to Trump instead of medical experts is beyond me. Call me Krazy, but if I want to know how to effectively deal with a pandemic outbreak, I’m calling Dr. Fauci and other medical experts. If I want to know how to bankrupt multiple casinos, or set up a fake university and charity foundation, or lie like it’s my job, or launder money with the Russians, then I’m calling Trump, and nobody but Trump…

    Trump supporters who would rather listen to Trump instead of medical experts, should not be allowed to receive any medical treatment from doctors or nurses of any kind.  If they need a surgical operation, SORRY,  they’ll have to call the White House and request an appointment with Trump to perform it. If they’re about to give birth, SORRY, they have to call the White House and request an appointment with Trump to deliver their child. And If their child gets sick, SORRY, Trump will now be the baby’s new pediatrician. If they need a root canal, SORRY, Trump will perform it in the Oval Office. If they need a new pair of prescription glasses, SORRY, Trump will perform their eye examinations from now on. If they’ve been in an accident,  and are seriously injured, SO SORRY, you can no longer be rushed to the E.R. they have to be rushed to the Oval Office where Trump will attend to their injuries.

    1. Trump was born a hustler, and he literally hustled this country’s hard working tax money. So if someone you know is getting money illegally, don’t get mad at them because that is how our country runs…corrupted. WAKE UP YALL!!

    2. I said what you are saying early on, but I was shot down because of it. I recently retired from a hospital, and I’m so glad I did. I can’t imagine what it is like to work there now with this pandemic going on. But, I often wonder about some of my co-workers, as well as my former boss who is a physician. His work schedule was brutal before, and I’m sure it is insane now.

      Ms. L. Churchill

    3. @J L The democratic Cult you’re talking about? The ones who are destroying property? The ones you want to defund and eliminate the police? The Democratic Party that is trying to divide our country each and every day? The Democratic Party that feeds the fake news?

  2. Thanks to Trump, America is leading the world in ignorance, and coronavirus cases, and all 3 are directly connected.

    1. @Vendicar Kahn yea them dame librals cant fule us cuncervavtives We sapert Tromp cos hees smerter then the dockters

    2. Americans has WILLINGLY gone along & didn’t think for themselves. That’s why Trump says he loves the Uneducated…this is WHY??

    3. Dave keep up with your brainwashing appointments lol What would the fake news do without simple people like you

  3. If you do not want to be a murderer, wear a mask in public.
    If you do not want your children to be murderers, have them wear a mask or keep them home.
    p.s. The president of the United States is not welcome in New Jersey.

    1. @james wheelerpeaceful protests are not “AMERICANS KEEPING THEIR HEADS IN THE SAND”
      Its not easy fighting the many evils coming out of that evil administration. They have convinced 40% of the vulnerable, uneducated
      population that an unfair dictatorship is the coming of the promised land. Trump speaks like a simpleton and they understand!

    2. @Anon Mist No they kind of are. Number 1 rule of pandemic: DO NOT GATHER IN LARGE GROUPS. They have to have their heads pretty far in the sand to not know this.

  4. He doesn’t want to be associated OR bothered by anything having to do with CORONAVIRUS, cause he knows HE’S THE ONE THAT BOTCHED IT ALL UP!!!

    1. How? When he stopped flights from China, all the democrats said he was racist and at the same time telling everyone to go out on the town. Yep your a Debra

    2. Jack Shrader btw 430000 ppl traveled from China since the beginning of the virus so tRumps ban didn’t help! Too little 2 late! LOOK at the FACTS b4 u say something so dumb!
      Also I bet u r one of those ppl who never wears a mask!!

    3. Jack Shrader people were coming in from China after that, but he botched the fact that the virus was coming into the country from Europe. He do any mitigation until it was late. Other countries started their mitigation sooner. The fact is Canada had people coming in from China. BC provided accommodations and supports so people could self isolate for 14 days. The US could have put similar measures into place, but they didn’t.

    1. @Rudy Bruce GOP Governors have been telling their people to ignore the COVID19 hoax. They have committed negligent genocide while they pad their stock portfolios. Trump and Putin are putting hits on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. Treason.


    3. @Rudy Bruce Just to point out the obvious, the states where the most people have died are also the most populous states in the union.

  5. EU is about to ban Americans from entering their countries. This will be devastating to businesses that require traveling there. Thanks alot, Trump!

    1. How IRONIC since tRump was banning travel from every brown/black nation on earth (calling them shitholes/terrorists) and openly wondering out loud about how to increase immigration from more european countries…NOW look at how America is being treated by them due to HIS failures as president!! 😂😂😂Classic n Savage! It doesn’t get any funnier than that kind of KARMA😂😂😂

  6. The admin can easily say they have flattened the curve, because lying is the one thing they are very good at.

    1. I wouldn’t say “good at it.” A good liar is one that keeps you wondering if they are lying or not.

    2. @DynaCatlovesme True that. They are good at gaslighting. They just keep repeating the lie until ppl believe it. Sadly, that actually works on some ppl.

    3. They are flattening the curve….vertically 😂 It’s going up faster than Drumpf’s wall.

  7. What is wrong with Trump and Pence not setting good examples as leaders by putting on mask for Americans to copy. This is mind boggling. All world leaders all over the world put on mask for their citizens to follow. There is no leadership in this country. These 2 stubborn guys in power are just insane.

  8. Someone tell Pence the virus does not care about prayer and does not know about prayer. What it knows about is biology and human physiology. And please do not tell me he stood there and led some kind of prayer session.

  9. Trump denying data is no different than him denying facts. This is not new or unexpected to any rational person with cognitive function. Good luck America, this is your bed…sorry to say.

    1. A terrible human being in a position of leadership leads to catastrophe more often than not…Americans couldn’t be in a worse situation with this buffoon doing everything wrong.

  10. Trump knows he will lose in a landslide come November. He doesn’t care anymore about a virus. Probably figuring out a way to profit off losing.

  11. The last 3 months of laying low and not being a menace to society was just a warmup, a dry run, a practice run for the next 6-8 months or longer. Time to stock up on toilet paper again I guess.

  12. Why anyone would choose to listen to Trump ? Because he’s killing Black , Latino and Poor Americans .

    1. That’s what I’ve been saying for days now. They just don’t care because it’s happening to people they hate. Trump and all of his enablers are horrid people.

  13. According to the vile Pence, who urges ‘MurriKKKans to pray instead of wearing a mask, claimed,
    when asked why their rallies don’t insist on masks claims it’d be against the 1st Amendment, BUT,
    demonstrators AGAINST His Corpulence, operating under the same 1st Amendment, are GASSED!

  14. can’t expect good plans and solutions from a president who doesn’t even know what the 19 means in Covid-19.. and his disinfectant idea.. enough said.

    1. I’ve been drinking Wild Turkey since the start of the pandemic and so far have avoided covid.

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