West Point Cadets’ Parents Concerned That Cadets Must Travel Back To N.Y. | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

President Trump recently announced he will be speaking at West Point's graduation ceremony, causing concerns about about the safety of the 1,000 cadets having to travel back to campus. Aired on 4/27/2020.
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West Point Cadets’ Parents Concerned That Cadets Must Travel Back To N.Y. | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC


  1. Another vanity grab for Trump. No regard for the cadets safety. West Point should refuse and protect their cadets.

    1. @Victor Mason Bless your heart. A dude who claimed he had “bone spurs”, who has insulted soldiers both past and present, please!!! Bless your heart!

  2. That’s the difference between the Navy Commander who’s duty to protect his men and someone trying to get elected not caring about his men

    1. I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday. President Abraham Lincoln

  3. Trump is NOT doing this for the cadets… He’s doing this for himself and his presidential campaign. At this point he needs something to turn the attention away from his GLORIOUS moment when he suggested drinking disinfectants as a potential treatment to coronavirus.

    1. @Linda Scott Linda, that was brilliant. I might add that barry sutton might just be the one cadet stupid enough to show up for the cadet graduation, oops, I mean “trumps campaign speech”. But I do think you’re correct.

  4. West Point doesn’t want draft dodging trash speaking there anyways. Focus on getting more testing done you, Neanderthal.

    1. @Matthew Trujillo I think your PIG of a leader is the one who is delusional. Tweet that to him when he starts ranting and raving about someone not being “nice to him”.. why should they be nice.. he does not take anybody else’s safety into consideration. He’s the “president” and will always have protection from whatever is out there but the rest of us are just here to show up for his amusement? Eff him in every orifice that he has.

    2. @Matthew Trujillo clearly YOU are delusional and pathological. Something is seriously wrong with YOU and tRump

    1. Trump could tell the cadets about his love affairs. So inspiring for young men and women !!!

    1. He’s doing it because one other high school requested President Obama deliver their commencement speech. This low life has to out do President Obama. Remember how his thugs wrote Stockholm requesting that the orange meathead be give a “Noble” Peace Prize? The orange fat man is green with envy!

    2. The squatting poser in the White House cares nothing about human life except to the degree it can be used to focus precieved good attention on him. Notice the one video of trump straining to make sure his orange head is seen by the camera between the two graduates? He looks pained, as if the two young graduates were getting in the way! Lying coward reject bone spurs had no right to even be there. It would have been fitting if the entire field of cadets had done a silent about face when it began to speach.

    1. Why can’t we have Bozo the Clown or Ronald McDonald in the White House instead of Bozo Trump? If I was a cadet graduating from West Point, I’d rather have Bozo the Clown speak at my graduation than Trump.

    1. Maybe, daffy don will catch it from them. One can hope and pray…just being sarcastic about being sarcastic


    3. What will happen if they choose not to show up? Have they been commissioned as 2nd L. yet? Can he really force them to show up?

    4. @Karen Byrd what will happen if they show up catch the infection get sick pass it on to their areas or worse Trump does not care as he thinks it will help him with his base.

      Trump does not care about the military, he has sacked and ruined the careers of so many military personnel just because they did their duty, he has even bad named dead war heroes.

      He is just trying to use these cadets for a photo opp, and if people die in the process it’s well worth it in his eyes,

  5. Are these parents willing to risk their children’s lives forTrumps visit? It will turn into a rally.

  6. Nobody should show up. What’s more important…a ceremony or possibly getting the virus and dying? It’s a no brainer unless your name is Donald Trump.

    1. Or possibly infecting and killing your grandma…?!?!

      Stay home.
      It’s your right and choice.
      Choose life!

    1. Susan Jones…I think Melania & Ivanka should tell him how wrong this is. They wouldn’t want their kids to be forced to attend something like this. Trump is a selfish old fool.

  7. Can’t West Point say “hey, we are going to postpone this?” Also, can Governor Cuomo not be like “uh no?”

    1. “The United States service academies, also known as the United States military academies, are federal academies for the undergraduate education and training of commissioned officers for the United States Armed Forces. . . . students are on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States from the day they enter the Academy, with the rank of officer cadet or midshipman, and subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_service_academies

    2. marygoround1292 – I was just going to post the same comment – can’t West Point just say no!?

    3. From what I understand Trump is Commander-in-Chief, and thus any orders he gives out have to be followed by the cadets. If they do not show up, they have to resign.

    4. @sWY Oh, from what you understand? When a situation is a matter of life and death, I think that would call for the protest of a criminal order by a man who is clearly a criminal President – or, put more aptly, a gangster who happens to be President.

  8. This contradicts everything about social distancing just like the protesters in Michigan both encouraged by Trump

    1. And the West Point Honor Code is ‘I will not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those who do’ if that’s the case none need show up.

    1. That’s a lovely soothing thought ,Trump silent with the sound of crickets. I’m going to sleep with that thought nighty nite Crone

    1. Yep what’s a few sacrificial props like our military men and to try and bring credibility to Atgolf Twitler

    2. Yeah most of us do that is y it is especially painful that he is in power. He did not win the popular vote. Most of us r sick but yet, unbelievably, he Still has supporters and defenders. Do they have to die to understand what a danger he is to Americans’ way of life?

    3. @reginaldino enchillada Even then it’ll be someone or something else at fault. Ain’t no fixing stupid

    4. They won’t realize it. Unfortunately, there are hateful stupid people out there. One has to be stupid or blind to not see who 45 is.

    1. They can’t. That’s the sad part. He’s the commander in chief. They either follow their orders or must resign.

    2. @N Hoff …OMG…so he’s using his position to bully again. This is selfish, on his part.

    3. hi Bev i have been calling that clown the orangytan for ages ..Jail to the Chief ..The Commander In Bleach stay safe

  9. This man is in my opinion the most dangerous human being living on earth, worse than his buddy Kim Jong-Un. I am afraid that this president might start a nuclear war with Iran when he feels that his chance to win the elections in autumn become smaller just to present himself as a war hero. So: God bless America. Condolence from Germany.

    1. Dennis Nelson TRumpfft and his knuckle dragging mouth breathing conspiracy theory believing demented religious right wing TRumpftt loving dimwits are the treasonous traitors!!!

    2. @Heather Melissa And yet CONTINUES to get away with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wake up each morning HOPING that “something has “happened” to this entire Rebutlician gang!!! YES I MEAN IT!!!!!!! GOD PLEASE VOTE IN NOVEMBER……OR SOONER (:

    1. You can say that again ! He only wants to be seen and be heard , it’s not for the love of the cadets. I hope he doesn’t get his way on this one.

    2. Like how he has killed almost 70,000 of us because he was thinking of the ECONOMY AND HIS REELECTION?!!!!

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