1. I’m claustrophobic looking in those rooms. Thank you to all front line workers, doctors, nurses, orderlys, all of you.👏❤

    1. El Taco H. TASTY AND SARCASTIC Appreciation is not a laughing matter. Especially for People who put their lives on the line to help others. But then it takes decency and character to recognize those same qualities in others.

    2. @Uncle Ed I don’t recall thanking CNN; But I will now, since you brought it up. Thank you CNN for bringing these true stories to our living rooms!!

  2. Watching this video gives me new respect for all the healthcare workers out there putting their lives at risk everyday to help others in need during this crisis. Thank you and God bless 🙌💯

    1. they dont do this to help they do it for money..stop paying them im prety sure they will find an other job

    1. Problem is that she shouldn’t be this stressed. New York has a long history of issues with public hospitals. Medical staff has always been overworked and underpaid. NY hospitals have always been in the state oif chaos. Cuomo never addressed these issues and things feel thru the crack. Now new york is in a state of panic and the media deflect this onto Trump as opposed to Cuomo accept blame. If you go to a New YOrk public hospital chances are you going to come out a lot worse, specifically, never go to Elmhurst Hospital. It is where you go to die. It said that the public will never be made aware of this.

  3. God bless her! She is our hero..All doctors, nurses, cna’s , lpn’s ANy medical staff in the frontlines are our heroes!!

    1. @Rachel Ash if you don’t want the country to re open that’s fine you can stay inside you don’t work anyway

    2. @52 80 bullshit. we aren’t racist like the jew movies say. americans have been living with blacks for 4 centuries. not you europeans. you had nothing to do with them except for the last 50

    3. @Rigo the kid If you want the country to be turned into more of a 3rd world shithole, with more people killed by an incompetent con man, keep believing his lies.

    1. @Uncle Ed Liberals will believe anything the idiot box tells them. They do not have critical thinking skills or healthy skepticism.

    1. @Uncle Ed
      You’re not playing with the full deck. Are yeah?
      But don’t worry.
      Jesus loves yeah. Even if everyone else hates you.

    2. Ugh… even during a pandemic that came from China and spread worldwide due to the globalization of everything .. people still have a globalist tone. Can’t wait for those that see a rainbow when they should see Red White and Blue… to just disappear.

    1. @Sampson Trent125 Are you the back up troll? You come after the other loser using vulgar attacks out of the blue, are you part of the rescue team?

    2. @Jamtommy1 It is heroic to go to war without weapons because your commnader in chief fails in commanding the necessary resoruces. Not only doctors, nurses and even janitors are heroes risking their lives to same the community.
      Get a grip loser.
      I have enough weapons to arm a platoon. But I would only fight with a commander who showed courage and leadership. Milicias in rural areas are feeling foresaken by the Trump administration, and we have always known it. That’s why so many of us built bunkers and sored food and ammunition.
      The enemy these doctors are fighting is an invisible enemy that infiltrates with your loved ones. I comes with your friends and relatives.
      But doctors are fighting at the front lines, and they don’t even have tests. No masks, and no face shields.
      I have masks in store and even oxygen tanks. How come the federal government failed us? They have much more resources. Why is the lack of coordination? We are on our own.
      Get a mask and don’t believe in Trump.

    3. @Sperup AD
      I’m pretty sure I saw you on Doomsday Preppers. You’re the one that got a 32 out of 100 and 36 hours to live. This was because of your propensity to blame the absolute top of the command instead of your more direct superiors..ie Gov Andrew Cuomo.


    1. @Kathy Abernathy really do your research. Not fox news do research. Dont need to do cnn or msnbc either. Do research. He called it a hoax, 15 to 0 , Jan 22 wasn’t at all concern about it. Didn’t take any steps to prepare for it Feb 10th said it would go magically disappear.in April due to warm weather.. Didnt use the test kits that worked bc trying to make a buck. We were very late on testing. Feb 19th said the numbers would get better. 4 days after that said it was under control. Feb 26 said going down not up with numbers. Feb 27 gonna disappear like a miracle he said. Feb 29th said vaccine be likely and fast. Yet can take up to 18mths. March 4th said it was mild .March 7th said wasnt concern saying it will go away. March 6th anyone who wants a test can get it, i could go on. He also took time really closing off everyone coming into this. country. Everyone coming should had a test done plus quarantine. Lets not forget he demands governors to appreciate him etc. Talks about his ratings with the briefs while PPL are Dying!!

  4. To Dr Malloy and all doctors, nurses and health care staff on the frontlines of this pandemic you are simply the best. 💯💯💯

  5. The doctors and nurses are the present soldiers in the fight against this pandemic. Respect for all of them!!

  6. And she’s a widow with 3 children. And working all day with Covid patients.
    We have nothing to complain about!
    God Bless her!

    1. Hope to God ,not, please guide and protect her Dear Jesus, didn’t know there was A Mount Sanai in Brooklyn too, thought it was in the City and Queens

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