Where The Race Stands On Super Tuesday | Morning Joe | MSNBC

And then there were…two? Mika Brzezinski opens the Super Tuesday show assessing where the Democratic field stands before the polls open. Aired on 03/03/20
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Where The Race Stands On Super Tuesday | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. … or, let me guess … YOU WILL TAKE YOUR BALL AND GO HOME?! Good riddance. Start your own party and actually work for something.

  1. Man, the media is so biased. I listened to the entire show this morning and I felt sick with how they are trying to shove Joe Biden down our throats.

    1. @KK W
      Consider Elizabeth Warren? Really?
      Every time Pocahontas talks about free health care, free college, student debt forgiveness, reparations and ridding the Nation of the National debt, I raise my right hand and say……”HOW”

    2. @Tessmage Tessera – Chris Matthews lost his hob, because of his own big mouth. No one to blame but him.

  2. Biden: “We’re the United States of America, and there’s not a single thing we cannot do”!!! — What about healthcare for everyone? Oh no, we can’t do that… What about a minimum living wage? Oh no, we can’t do that… What about expanding public education 4 yrs? Oh no, that’s not possible at all…

    1. At this point Wallstreet, DNC, MSnbc, CNN, PBS, CBS, ABC, and Milwaukee will circumventing the people votes,… meaning they’re not worry about an confident mentally stable president like (dementia) Biden, Biden job is to hand over his supposedly (lost) win back to Trump for another four years.

      They can always go back and blame Bernie, like Hillary did.

      They’re not playing to win they’re playing to keep power until the the wheels fall off.

      We truly now live in a suicide government which is run by crazy folk. 🤬

    2. @may wilson – independents can’t vote in primaries, so you are still voting for one or the other with no real say.

  3. The red-baiting doesn’t work anymore! Sanders would be considered a moderate Democrat in the 1950s and 60s. Back when tax rates were 70% and up on the top tier. And the economy was growing at 6% GDP!
    Bernie 2020

    1. The demographics were different in the 1950’s. You can thank the Immigration Act of 1965 for that.

    2. @AwesomeBlackDude MSNBC is owned by Comcast. The family that started Comcast and still controls it are huge Hillary supporters. Comcast has donated tons of money to Hillary’s super PAC. No surprise that they constantly push corporate flunkey candidates like Biden.

    3. @DIVISIONINCISION I’m sure its was great to start a family when you could get out of school without 10 years of debt, you people that think the world is the same as it was 20 years ago aren’t paying attention. Getting sick will wipe you out one day too, unless your lucky enough to make it til you get on a government program! Everyone should have that reassurance.

      Your all the same didn’t happen to me YET, so its no problem!

  4. Biden: “We’re Americans there is not a single thing we cannot do”!
    Bernie: #MedicareForAll
    Biden: “Sorry Bernie we can’t do that”!
    Just saying!

    1. @Real Talk76 . Nah… I’ve seen posts where people are calling people stupid, and the words are in the wrong place. Spanish has the noun in front of the adjectives… Spanish speaking immigrants, typically learn English from other people. They learn words, then grammar.. People on the other side of the world, learn in school. or tv lol

    2. @Terry Tater I’ve been on these boards for years. These posts are littered with Russians trolling for Trump. Sowing discord and fanning the flames of division is their goal. Let’s not help them

    3. @Real Talk76 . I’m not. Fact is, trump is for sale. You’ve been burying that issue by screaming Russia. The Saudis got busted with 90k fake fb profiles.
      I mean, the gop obstructed obama for 6 years and blocked hundreds of judges.. They say we murder babies….. You got your head in the sand

    4. @Terry Tater no sir, I was woke before it was a hashtag. Trump is definitely prostituting our government. People even bought pardons but his entire agenda is patterned after the Russian oligarchy.

  5. It’s funny how they were saying Sanders is too old to be president, and we have Biden who is only a year younger and most likely has early Alzheimer’s.

  6. “Moderate” Democrats are so status quo oriented they’re now right wing. Their candidates preach niceties and then do nothing about health care costs and other major issues once in office. Progressives will continue to gain support even even if Bernie loses.

    1. The world has always been better with progressives and their thinking. The world is not better for socialism – Socialism is a retrogressive ideology that leads to communism (paraphrasing Lenin)

    2. @Roger Wintle . That was Churchill. Public school is socialism and it did the opposite of your post.
      Where did socialism lead to communism? Soviets was a war. Cuba was a war. China was a war too, right?
      Enough lies..

    3. It’s tough because there’s Joe Rogan moderates and Joe Scarborough moderates. They are Not the same people…

    1. At this point Wallstreet, DNC, MSnbc, CNN, PBS, CBS, ABC and Milwaukee are circumventing the people votes,… meaning they’re not worry about an confident mentally stable president like (dementia) Biden, Biden job is to hand over his supposedly (lost) win back to Trump for another four years.

      They can always go back and blame Bernie, like Hillary did.

      They’re not playing to win they’re playing to keep power until the the wheels fall off.

      We truly now live in a suicide government which is run by crazy folk. 🤬

  7. “it’s officially a race between bernie sanders and joe biden….bloomberg and warren are also there.”

    1. Sanders vs Biden?
      More like, Communism vs Alzheimers…..good luck with that.
      TrumpNation2020…. “There is no other choice.”

  8. Bernie because health care and education does more for everyone than tax cuts for the wealthy.

    1. At this point Wallstreet, DNC, MSnbc, CNN, PBS, CBS, ABC and Milwaukee is planning to circumventing the people votes,… meaning they’re not worry about an confident mentally stable president like Bernie,

      (dementia) Biden only job is to hand over his supposedly illegitimate win back to Trump for another four years.

      They can always go back and blame Bernie, like Hillary did.

      They’re not playing to win they’re playing to keep power until the the wheels fall off.

      We truly now live in a suicide government which is run by crazy folk. 🤬

    2. @Richard L. T. I have universal healthcare. Australia has had it since I was a toddler. Sure you can choose to have private cover as well, and our conservative governments keep pushing it, but only the rich and upper middle class have it as most people can’t afford it and medicare covers most things. If you want to keep paying for something that gets you little more, go for it, but don’t deny basic coverage to everyone else.

    3. Fiona Anderson That is not the plan proposed by Sanders. It would be compulsory and abolish private healthcare in its entirety. That is the issue. It is a violation of the right to choose.

    4. You’re crazy i don’t support Sanders that’s why he will fail only a foolish socialist is so confident of victory

  9. Germany is keeping its fingers crossed for Bernie, so that the US population can finally feel better.

  10. Climate change is real…
    “Bernie Sanders”

    @scoldsore On Twitter
    Current Location : Miami, FL – Earth

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