White House Struggling To Assemble Crowd For Trump Send-Off | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reports on the desperation by White House officials to find people to show up on Wednesday morning to fulfill Trump's wish for a send-off crowd as he leaves the White House for the last time. Aired on 01/19/2021.
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White House Struggling To Assemble Crowd For Trump Send-Off | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. And There 191500 Flags for Corrupt China Joe Instaledd POTUS Inauguration!
      No show for 80M Votes of which 10M wire Ghost! Welcome The Newest Banana Republic!
      T Jefferson Said “when Injustice is Law, Rebellion Is Duty” Law and Order; Peaceful Protest are only Matter in a True Democracy! Republicans and Patriots Pray that you get some BALLS!

    1. @Apache Worrier Odd, how none of the Republican Senators that won reelection complained about the voting machines being rigged nor did they complain of a fraudulent election ( Just the Liar in Chief ) Then Trump set up his supporters months ahead of the NOVEMBER election; ” If I lose its because its rigged “; And they gladly fell for it.

    2. @PS not half the people, remember he lost the election and since he stormed the capital with his goons his approval rating is 27 percent and dropping. Visit us when you can, AMERICANS are still lovely folks!

    3. The USA is the Newest Banana Republic!
      T Jefferson Said “when Injustice is Law, Rebellion Is Duty” Law and Order; Peaceful Protest are only Matter in a True Democracy! Republicans and Patriots Pray that you get some BALLS!

    1. @Thomas Bonse Besides all the other garbage and garbage humans you voted for, you voted for the status quo corruption to continue in DC, genius. You must be the smartest person on earth.

    1. I am sure there must be a DC “Hire a Mob” company, right? Or perhaps all high class DC prostitutes could go and weep as their main customer leaves town.

    2. @Karin Reck proof was in the voter boxes…. what more proof do you need… they were counted 3 times in Georgia.. and 2 times in other states….. the ballots where there.

    3. @Ed Carson No he conned them. Made them believe he was something that he’s not. A mind trick. Cult leaders are good at that.

    4. Inauguration of Joe “Alzheimer” Bidet, partner of the Yellow Fatman.

      Be sure to watch Joe Alzheimer’s “inauguration” because it will go down in history
      but I can’t tell
      the details of this operation.

    1. What about 10M Ghost Voters! They are the only ones Corrupt China Joe’s Installed POTUS inauguration!
      Good By USA The Land Of The Free And Welcome the World’s Newest Banana Republic!
      T Jefferson Said “when Injustice is Law, Rebellion Is Duty” Law and Order; Peaceful Protest are only Matter in a True Democracy! Republicans and Patriots Pray that you get some BALLS!

    1. His parents probably forced the maids and butlers to bring their kids to work that day. Then afterward, he probably made them do dishes and mow lawn to pay for the cake they ate.

    1. You must have too much time on your hands….you wont be laughing when Biden takes office…it wont take long for the world to regret him being elected

  1. They could gather up the crowd that stormed the Capitol. That would make it easier for the FBI to find and arrest them.

    1. I seriously wonder if some of those a**holes WILL, in fact, show up?? They would be that stupid, wouldn’t they????

    1. @private bubba – what an appropriate name for you. Surely you cannot imagine that your childish taunt has any effect.

    2. @private bubba so you’re implying you were part of the coup attempt? Go back to thedonald ignorant Confederacy lover.

    3. @private bubba It is the lost souls like yourself to be so full of hatred and misinformation. There are more good people in this world and they are the one’s that didn’t have to break the law, hurt people and cause death and more division. Praying for you bubba.

  2. The Mooch should show up with his hand pick friends and have the last laugh, and bring your own tv cameraman,

    1. The “Mooch” says the ignoramus. You do realize he took no pay for 4 years? The real mooches are coming and they will take everything as satanic communists do.

  3. I really can’t imagine Biden would even want to spend any quality time with Trump. 😁 Just evict him. Good riddance.

    1. OMG…I can only hope. Can you imagine him doing his famous fist-pump and mouthing “thank you” while everyone is booing him and flippin’ him off!! The official “Trump Flip, oh …wait, I mean…Trump Send-Off!” Yeah…send…

  4. Sad, a narcissist will not understand why he’s being ignored. After all, he’s the smartest, most successful etc………bye, bye.

    1. Well he’ll always have Giuliani, Ted Cruz, Hawley, & the my pillow guy that should be a Bigly party! Lol😂😂😂😂

    2. Riker’s Island isn’t good enough. What about the Supermax? Trump needs a contemporary version of the Mecieval oubelette, a sort of place of forgetting. Give him a cell next to the Unibomber.

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