Why Acquittal Vote Could Have Wide-Ranging Implications For GOP In 2020 | All In | MSNBC

Indivisible is targeting vulnerable Republican senators who helped Trump stay in office. Aired on 02/5/20.
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Why Acquittal Vote Could Have Wide-Ranging Implications For GOP In 2020 | All In | MSNBC


    1. @Suresh.M Chanmugam you just proved what people are saying about you tards. Your ignorance is a mental condition.you should seek professional help. Obama care will pay for it. A total waste of money

    2. @brad mcgrath You Just Proved You Have TDS. No need waste any Tax money. Just Finger Your A Hole In and Out X 10 and Take Deep Sniff. That would cure you! LMAO!

  1. The DREAM: Dems win super majority in House and Senate, and the White House aaaaaaand they bring criminal charges to ex-president drumpf, aaaaaaaaand he dies in prision along with his already jailed cronies…

    1. @Too-much-cider This is so very true. They’ll find some new and creative way to screw up or alienate voters.

    2. I think not just the jailed cronies – some serious legwork needs to be done in looking at those whose names have been coming out of the woodwork to be working in cahoots with him – Nunes, Barr, Pence, Pompeo, Senator Graham, Mitch (i.e. the russian money that seems to behind some of the contracts or big business that have been set up in his State) – the corruption goes deep.

    3. bikebudha01
      Bigger dream. Dems win supermajority in the House and the Senate. Trump narrowly wins the presidency. Democrats impeach and convicted him and his poxy vice president( whoever it is)and then as soon as he walks out the White House door he is arrested ,charged and jailed.😂😂😂😂

    1. There won’t be a chance to vote any of them out. USA now has a king & his henchmen as rulers. In the 9 months to election day this ‘mob’ will act fast & furious to stay in power ‘for the greater good’ 🙄🙄🙄

  2. Yes the American people are watching. This will probably solidify opposition but in reality it was probably already solidified accept for a few independents. Those that support Trump only watch fox news and won’t change their positions.

    1. The major factor is how many of her constituents agree and support what she is doing. You can have a vocal minority who dislikes her but if she reflects the morals and values of the folks back home she will stay in office. I don’t like her but live in another state.

  3. Cory Gardner isn’t just toast . . ., he’s burnt toast.
    Party before country doesn’t cut it in Colorado.

  4. “In a word, I was too cowardly to do what I knew to be right, as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong.” 
    ― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

    This pretty much sums up the state of the Republican party today.

  5. As a Mainer, i dont think shell be reelected. Also because she has been in office very very long, and her main competitor hasnt been in fed gov but was in the state government so she knows whats going on.

  6. After today, I can’t even look at them anymore. They went too far. They sacrificed too much. They crossed that line where what they think or even feel has no bearing on my reality anymore. Whatever respect I allowed them, is now gone.

    1. Never forget who made it possible for the defendant to avoid being held accountable for his crimes against the United States.
      Republicans in Congress have been enabling him every step of the way.He would be in prison right now without them.Show up and vote against anyone who supports this tyrant.

  7. Believing Susan Collins will do the right thing is about like Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football! She is always going to snatch it away from you in the last second!

  8. She is much too “perplexed”to serve her constituents wirh an integrity to her oath of office and sbe has a republican group of politicians to accompany her on her journey of becoming acquainted with the Truth

  9. The people demanded accountability. The GOP House refused. Now the House is Blue.

    The people then demanded accountability from the Senate, even more than they did from the House. The GOP Senate refused.

    Come November, the Senate will be Blue.

  10. It’s estimated that 40% of Republikkklans have pledged their loyalty to Russia, so they don’t care what America does.

    1. Loyalty to Russia? Obama sanctioned Russia over the Ukraine incursions. Which of Obama’s sanctions has Trump overturned? Trump overturned none.

      The whole point of the meeting at Trump Tower was to discuss the Magnitsky act. Don Jr. walked out of that meeting almost as soon as it started. The Magnitsky act still stands today.

      Finally, why is Trump still selling weapons to Ukraine? Where is this loyalty to Russia you so claim?

  11. They collectively sunk themselves into a slime pit…History will remember their names by their infamous acts. Ta-Ta!!!!

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